Second Amendment Spoofs


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I've never seen so many people upset and fearful on both sides of debate
over the push to ban certain guns!

After I watched Charlton Heston play Moses in the great movie classic,
I came up with this cartoon image:


Please post your favorite images from tweets, posts, videos, etc.
about this whole SAGA with the student March, Hogg, and all the pro/anti gun/Constitution drama.

I need a good laugh, but most people are so angry and fed up, it makes me cry for everyone.
Boo hoo! Why can't we agree to disagree, and set up districts with whatever policies people agree to.
If people don't believe in one national policy, why not give everyone a choice of what solutions they want???
I've never seen so many people upset and fearful on both sides of debate
over the push to ban certain guns!

After I watched Charlton Heston play Moses in the great movie classic,
I came up with this cartoon image:

View attachment 186053

Please post your favorite images from tweets, posts, videos, etc.
about this whole SAGA with the student March, Hogg, and all the pro/anti gun/Constitution drama.

I need a good laugh, but most people are so angry and fed up, it makes me cry for everyone.
Boo hoo! Why can't we agree to disagree, and set up districts with whatever policies people agree to.
If people don't believe in one national policy, why not give everyone a choice of what solutions they want???

Surely it should be "thou shall not touch my metallic penis"
I've never seen so many people upset and fearful on both sides of debate
over the push to ban certain guns!

After I watched Charlton Heston play Moses in the great movie classic,
I came up with this cartoon image:

View attachment 186053

Please post your favorite images from tweets, posts, videos, etc.
about this whole SAGA with the student March, Hogg, and all the pro/anti gun/Constitution drama.

I need a good laugh, but most people are so angry and fed up, it makes me cry for everyone.
Boo hoo! Why can't we agree to disagree, and set up districts with whatever policies people agree to.
If people don't believe in one national policy, why not give everyone a choice of what solutions they want???

Surely it should be "thou shall not touch my metallic penis"

Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's sword? frigidweirdo

Or thy neighbor's power to invoke God given rights and laws
that Atheists and Liberals don't have equal knowledge of?
I've never seen so many people upset and fearful on both sides of debate
over the push to ban certain guns!

After I watched Charlton Heston play Moses in the great movie classic,
I came up with this cartoon image:

View attachment 186053

Please post your favorite images from tweets, posts, videos, etc.
about this whole SAGA with the student March, Hogg, and all the pro/anti gun/Constitution drama.

I need a good laugh, but most people are so angry and fed up, it makes me cry for everyone.
Boo hoo! Why can't we agree to disagree, and set up districts with whatever policies people agree to.
If people don't believe in one national policy, why not give everyone a choice of what solutions they want???

You think gun nuts would go for that?
I've never seen so many people upset and fearful on both sides of debate
over the push to ban certain guns!

After I watched Charlton Heston play Moses in the great movie classic,
I came up with this cartoon image:

View attachment 186053

Please post your favorite images from tweets, posts, videos, etc.
about this whole SAGA with the student March, Hogg, and all the pro/anti gun/Constitution drama.

I need a good laugh, but most people are so angry and fed up, it makes me cry for everyone.
Boo hoo! Why can't we agree to disagree, and set up districts with whatever policies people agree to.
If people don't believe in one national policy, why not give everyone a choice of what solutions they want???

You think gun nuts would go for that?

I've found some people believe the right to bear arms is a natural God given right, while others believe it is a political right that has responsibilities attached,
and others believe it is totally arbitrary and can be changed by democratic process.

Which do you believe?

Since I believe in equal protection of everyone's beliefs regardless of creed,
I believe we need better written policies that allow ALL these beliefs
to be satisfied and not threaten or discriminate against any of them.

What is your belief, and how do you recommend
reconciling that with people who believe differently?
I've never seen so many people upset and fearful on both sides of debate
over the push to ban certain guns!

After I watched Charlton Heston play Moses in the great movie classic,
I came up with this cartoon image:

View attachment 186053

Please post your favorite images from tweets, posts, videos, etc.
about this whole SAGA with the student March, Hogg, and all the pro/anti gun/Constitution drama.

I need a good laugh, but most people are so angry and fed up, it makes me cry for everyone.
Boo hoo! Why can't we agree to disagree, and set up districts with whatever policies people agree to.
If people don't believe in one national policy, why not give everyone a choice of what solutions they want???

You think gun nuts would go for that?

I've found some people believe the right to bear arms is a natural God given right, while others believe it is a political right that has responsibilities attached,
and others believe it is totally arbitrary and can be changed by democratic process.

Which do you believe?

Since I believe in equal protection of everyone's beliefs regardless of creed,
I believe we need better written policies that allow ALL these beliefs
to be satisfied and not threaten or discriminate against any of them.

What is your belief, and how do you recommend
reconciling that with people who believe differently?

I believe that every person is born with certain human rights that might be allowed or denied by the government they live under. If God bestowed rights on people, nothing on this earth could deny them. I'm not saying that all governments are right in their choices of which rights they allow, only that it is in their power to allow them or not. As far as gun rights, there is nothing in the bible that I know of to indicate they even exist. Our gun rights are granted by the government, as determined by the constitution, and nothing else. Unfortunately lots of people have a hard time understanding the difference between religion and government. Hence, your reference to the right to bear arms in the 10 commandments.
(I know this is in satire, but it seems to be more serious so that's the direction I'm going with it)

I believe that the founding fathers decided that certain rights should /not/ be decided by the necessary ebb and flow of the "new" non-dictatorial government they'd set up. They worried that some wanna be king would just attempt to take over and simply write out the "rights" of the people - so they laid out the rights they believed all people had regardless of the opinions of the politicians, government, president, or which way the political winds may blow.

Which is why there is so much animosity between right and left of course; the right sees damn well the authoritarian nature of the left, hell even the left cannot honestly deny it. They know damned well that if these people get in power they will indeed write our "rights" out of existence because these would be kings actually believe that they have the "right" to do it - to take those rights the founders thought were beyond the governments power to dictate. This is why there is a deep and fundamental divide between the right and left - and all the hostility as well. Sure it's nice to think that we can all get along, but even as a centrist I know better than to hold onto such fantasy.

There is simply no reconciliation between those who believe they can dictate away ones right to defend their life, family and property - and those who believe the government does not have that right. Essentially, I belong to no one, and no fuck wad politician has the right to tell me I cannot chose to defend myself, my family, my property, my nation (and the fundamental principles that it has always been based on.) No, I will not "try to work this out" this time around - tried that, gave them all kinds of concessions in the past and now they actively push bills to repeal the 2nd entirely. Personally I'm done trying to work with the disrespectful, dishonest, tricksters on the 2nd, and a number of other issues that we've "compromised" with them on the past; give an inch they shut up for a little while then demand a mile - and the fucking pricks use the fact that you tried to work with them on it, tried to compromise and be fair to both sides, as the basis for their further pushes toward a dictatorship. Fuck em.
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I believe that the founding fathers decided that certain rights should /not/ be decided by the necessary ebb and flow of the "new" non-dictatorial government they'd set up. They worried that some wanna be king would just attempt to take over and simply write out the "rights" of the people - so they laid out the rights they believed all people had regardless of the opinions of the politicians, government, president, or which way the political winds may blow.

Which is why there is so much animosity between right and left of course; the right sees damn well the authoritarian nature of the left, hell even the left cannot honestly deny it. They know damned well that if these people get in power they will indeed write our "rights" out of existence because these would be kings actually believe that they have the "right" to do it - to take those rights the founders thought were beyond the governments power to dictate. This is why there is a deep and fundamental divide between the right and left - and all the hostility as well. Sure it's nice to think that we can all get along, but even as a centrist I know better than to hold onto such fantasy.

There is simply no reconciliation between those who believe they can dictate away ones right to defend their life, family and property - and those who believe the government does not have that right. Essentially, I belong to no one, and no fuck wad politician has the right to tell me I cannot chose to defend myself, my family, my property, my nation (and the fundamental principles that it has always been based on.) No, I will not "try to work this out" this time around - tried that, gave them all kinds of concessions in the past and now they actively push bills to repeal the 2nd entirely. Personally I'm done trying to work with the disrespectful, dishonest, tricksters on the 2nd, and a number of other issues that we've "compromised" with them on the past; give an inch they shut up for a little while then demand a mile - and the fucking pricks use the fact that you tried to work with them on it, tried to compromise and be fair to both sides, as the basis for their further pushes toward a dictatorship. Fuck em.

And you try to call yourself a centrist. That's funny.
I believe that the founding fathers decided that certain rights should /not/ be decided by the necessary ebb and flow of the "new" non-dictatorial government they'd set up. They worried that some wanna be king would just attempt to take over and simply write out the "rights" of the people - so they laid out the rights they believed all people had regardless of the opinions of the politicians, government, president, or which way the political winds may blow.

Which is why there is so much animosity between right and left of course; the right sees damn well the authoritarian nature of the left, hell even the left cannot honestly deny it. They know damned well that if these people get in power they will indeed write our "rights" out of existence because these would be kings actually believe that they have the "right" to do it - to take those rights the founders thought were beyond the governments power to dictate. This is why there is a deep and fundamental divide between the right and left - and all the hostility as well. Sure it's nice to think that we can all get along, but even as a centrist I know better than to hold onto such fantasy.

There is simply no reconciliation between those who believe they can dictate away ones right to defend their life, family and property - and those who believe the government does not have that right. Essentially, I belong to no one, and no fuck wad politician has the right to tell me I cannot chose to defend myself, my family, my property, my nation (and the fundamental principles that it has always been based on.) No, I will not "try to work this out" this time around - tried that, gave them all kinds of concessions in the past and now they actively push bills to repeal the 2nd entirely. Personally I'm done trying to work with the disrespectful, dishonest, tricksters on the 2nd, and a number of other issues that we've "compromised" with them on the past; give an inch they shut up for a little while then demand a mile - and the fucking pricks use the fact that you tried to work with them on it, tried to compromise and be fair to both sides, as the basis for their further pushes toward a dictatorship. Fuck em.

And you try to call yourself a centrist. That's funny.

Yeah, because I happen to believe in some "right wing" ideas I'm clearly a nazi. That kind of partisan fuckery is bullshit.

I'm a right wing nazi, a female, bisexual, pro-choice, right wing nazi....
I believe that the founding fathers decided that certain rights should /not/ be decided by the necessary ebb and flow of the "new" non-dictatorial government they'd set up. They worried that some wanna be king would just attempt to take over and simply write out the "rights" of the people - so they laid out the rights they believed all people had regardless of the opinions of the politicians, government, president, or which way the political winds may blow.

Which is why there is so much animosity between right and left of course; the right sees damn well the authoritarian nature of the left, hell even the left cannot honestly deny it. They know damned well that if these people get in power they will indeed write our "rights" out of existence because these would be kings actually believe that they have the "right" to do it - to take those rights the founders thought were beyond the governments power to dictate. This is why there is a deep and fundamental divide between the right and left - and all the hostility as well. Sure it's nice to think that we can all get along, but even as a centrist I know better than to hold onto such fantasy.

There is simply no reconciliation between those who believe they can dictate away ones right to defend their life, family and property - and those who believe the government does not have that right. Essentially, I belong to no one, and no fuck wad politician has the right to tell me I cannot chose to defend myself, my family, my property, my nation (and the fundamental principles that it has always been based on.) No, I will not "try to work this out" this time around - tried that, gave them all kinds of concessions in the past and now they actively push bills to repeal the 2nd entirely. Personally I'm done trying to work with the disrespectful, dishonest, tricksters on the 2nd, and a number of other issues that we've "compromised" with them on the past; give an inch they shut up for a little while then demand a mile - and the fucking pricks use the fact that you tried to work with them on it, tried to compromise and be fair to both sides, as the basis for their further pushes toward a dictatorship. Fuck em.

And you try to call yourself a centrist. That's funny.

Yeah, because I happen to believe in some "right wing" ideas I'm clearly a nazi. That kind of partisan fuckery is bullshit.

I'm a right wing nazi, a female, bisexual, pro-choice, right wing nazi....

So technically, you called yourself a Nazi, right?
I believe that the founding fathers decided that certain rights should /not/ be decided by the necessary ebb and flow of the "new" non-dictatorial government they'd set up. They worried that some wanna be king would just attempt to take over and simply write out the "rights" of the people - so they laid out the rights they believed all people had regardless of the opinions of the politicians, government, president, or which way the political winds may blow.

Which is why there is so much animosity between right and left of course; the right sees damn well the authoritarian nature of the left, hell even the left cannot honestly deny it. They know damned well that if these people get in power they will indeed write our "rights" out of existence because these would be kings actually believe that they have the "right" to do it - to take those rights the founders thought were beyond the governments power to dictate. This is why there is a deep and fundamental divide between the right and left - and all the hostility as well. Sure it's nice to think that we can all get along, but even as a centrist I know better than to hold onto such fantasy.

There is simply no reconciliation between those who believe they can dictate away ones right to defend their life, family and property - and those who believe the government does not have that right. Essentially, I belong to no one, and no fuck wad politician has the right to tell me I cannot chose to defend myself, my family, my property, my nation (and the fundamental principles that it has always been based on.) No, I will not "try to work this out" this time around - tried that, gave them all kinds of concessions in the past and now they actively push bills to repeal the 2nd entirely. Personally I'm done trying to work with the disrespectful, dishonest, tricksters on the 2nd, and a number of other issues that we've "compromised" with them on the past; give an inch they shut up for a little while then demand a mile - and the fucking pricks use the fact that you tried to work with them on it, tried to compromise and be fair to both sides, as the basis for their further pushes toward a dictatorship. Fuck em.

And you try to call yourself a centrist. That's funny.

Yeah, because I happen to believe in some "right wing" ideas I'm clearly a nazi. That kind of partisan fuckery is bullshit.

I'm a right wing nazi, a female, bisexual, pro-choice, right wing nazi....

So technically, you called yourself a Nazi, right?

That's called sarcasm, but I'm sure a partisan troll like you truly thinks I'm a Nazi. The funny part is I don't give two fucks what you think of me.
I believe that the founding fathers decided that certain rights should /not/ be decided by the necessary ebb and flow of the "new" non-dictatorial government they'd set up. They worried that some wanna be king would just attempt to take over and simply write out the "rights" of the people - so they laid out the rights they believed all people had regardless of the opinions of the politicians, government, president, or which way the political winds may blow.

Which is why there is so much animosity between right and left of course; the right sees damn well the authoritarian nature of the left, hell even the left cannot honestly deny it. They know damned well that if these people get in power they will indeed write our "rights" out of existence because these would be kings actually believe that they have the "right" to do it - to take those rights the founders thought were beyond the governments power to dictate. This is why there is a deep and fundamental divide between the right and left - and all the hostility as well. Sure it's nice to think that we can all get along, but even as a centrist I know better than to hold onto such fantasy.

There is simply no reconciliation between those who believe they can dictate away ones right to defend their life, family and property - and those who believe the government does not have that right. Essentially, I belong to no one, and no fuck wad politician has the right to tell me I cannot chose to defend myself, my family, my property, my nation (and the fundamental principles that it has always been based on.) No, I will not "try to work this out" this time around - tried that, gave them all kinds of concessions in the past and now they actively push bills to repeal the 2nd entirely. Personally I'm done trying to work with the disrespectful, dishonest, tricksters on the 2nd, and a number of other issues that we've "compromised" with them on the past; give an inch they shut up for a little while then demand a mile - and the fucking pricks use the fact that you tried to work with them on it, tried to compromise and be fair to both sides, as the basis for their further pushes toward a dictatorship. Fuck em.

And you try to call yourself a centrist. That's funny.

Yeah, because I happen to believe in some "right wing" ideas I'm clearly a nazi. That kind of partisan fuckery is bullshit.

I'm a right wing nazi, a female, bisexual, pro-choice, right wing nazi....

So technically, you called yourself a Nazi, right?

That's called sarcasm, but I'm sure a partisan troll like you truly thinks I'm a Nazi. The funny part is I don't give two fucks what you think of me.

I'm not judging you. If you want to call yourself a Nazi, then call yourself a Nazi. You be you.

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