See ya, RINO! Trump impeachment Republican Rep Anthony Gonzalez (OH) announced Thursday night he would not seek reelection in the midterms

And the party gets more and more pure, more and more tied to one profoundly damaged man.
I looked up the district. It's historically republican. So I'm guessing this opens the door for another marjorie taylor green type to win a seat.

Conversely, it does open the door for a moderate (read actually a republican) democrat to win a seat if the repub candidate is an off the charts lunatic.
they're dropping like flies!

From the link: Gonzalez, a father of two, said the resignation was about living a “fuller family life.” But it wasn’t hard to read between the lines. He told the New York Times that he no longer wishes to live a life where he has to “have my wife and kids escorted through the airport” by security and where he receives ominous messages from people saying “we’re coming to your house.”

That's what it has come to. Threatening acts of violence by the Trump tard herd toward those who don't toe the batshit conspiracy wackjob party line.

Par for the course.
How many minority Congressmen can the Republicans afford to lose. They don't have many to begin with.
I looked up the district. It's historically republican. So I'm guessing this opens the door for another marjorie taylor green type to win a seat.

Conversely, it does open the door for a moderate (read actually a republican) democrat to win a seat if the repub candidate is an off the charts lunatic.
Yeah, this is really gonna be a freak show.
From the link: Gonzalez, a father of two, said the resignation was about living a “fuller family life.” But it wasn’t hard to read between the lines. He told the New York Times that he no longer wishes to live a life where he has to “have my wife and kids escorted through the airport” by security and where he receives ominous messages from people saying “we’re coming to your house.”

That's what it has come to. Threatening acts of violence by the Trump tard herd toward those who don't toe the batshit conspiracy wackjob party line.

Par for the course.

How many Trump voters have attacked anyone? We had Bernie Bros try and murder GOP members on a baseball field and MSM didn't even make a political association with the attempt.

If he dropped out, it's because he knows he won't be re-elected. That's on him. Do your job better.
How many Trump voters have attacked anyone? We had Bernie Bros try and murder GOP members on a baseball field and MSM didn't even make a political association with the attempt.

If he dropped out, it's because he knows he won't be re-elected. That's on him. Do your job better.
It's as if Jan 6th never happened......
The litmus test for being a Republican these days is that you must support a man who was the biggest spender in American history; committed adultery on all three wives; paid off a porn star to keep his affair with her secret; stole the retirement nest eggs of the elderly at his fake university; exploited every human weakness at his gambling dens, contests of the flesh, and a game show; and bears false witness against others on a nearly daily basis.

If you oppose that, you are a RINO.

This is bizarre in the extreme. The world has been turned inside out.
It's as if Jan 6th never happened.....

You understand Gonzalez is a member of the House, right? And you are so profoundly stupid as to ask about Trumpist violence toward a member of Congress in this context?


I am suggesting that he knows he isn't going to be re-elected.

Rand Paul, for one, has been attacked multiple times by crazed loonies from the alt-left. He's faced constant threats. Is he resigning?

I saw on live TV him and his wife being circled before the police protected him. He was shot at on a baseball field and nearly killed, he was attacked by his neighbour and hospitalized.

Scalise nearly died and had a visible limp. probably still evident to this day. Did he resign?
I am suggesting that he knows he isn't going to be re-elected.

Rand Paul, for one, has been attacked multiple times by crazed loonies from the alt-left. He's faced constant threats. Is he resigning?

I saw on live TV him and his wife being circled before the police protected him. He was shot at on a baseball field and nearly killed, he was attacked by his neighbour and hospitalized.

Scalise nearly died and had a visible limp. probably still evident to this day. Did he resign?
A single shooter versus THOUSANDS of crazed Trumpists attempting to overthrow a branch of the US Government. Yeah, okay. That doesn't sound like a false equivalency at all. :rolleyes:
A single shooter versus THOUSANDS of crazed Trumpists attempting to overthrow a branch of the US Government. Yeah, okay. That doesn't sound like a false equivalency at all. :rolleyes:
Crazed Trumpists? :rolleyes-41:
Rand Paul, for one, has been attacked multiple times by crazed loonies from the alt-left. He's faced constant threats. Is he resigning?

I saw on live TV him and his wife being circled before the police protected him. He was shot at on a baseball field and nearly killed, he was attacked by his neighbour and hospitalized.

Scalise nearly died and had a visible limp. probably still evident to this day. Did he resign?
I actually take Gonzalez at face value in the fact he doesnt want his family threatened by right wing terrorists. The guy was a pro football player and never has to work a day again in his life. Why does he need to put up with this?

With that being said, yes Gonzalez being outspoken against trump certainly plays a factor and yes he would have a difficult time getting out of the primary.

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