See ya, RINO! Trump impeachment Republican Rep Anthony Gonzalez (OH) announced Thursday night he would not seek reelection in the midterms

Yeah, I see what you mean, THOUSANDS of crazed Trumpists. :laughing0301:

"Former President Donald Trump on Friday reveled in Rep. Anthony Gonzalez’s decision to not seek reelection rather than face a bruising primary after he voted to impeach Trump earlier this year.

“RINO Congressman Anthony Gonzalez, who has poorly represented his district in the Great State of Ohio, has decided to quit after enduring a tremendous loss of popularity, of which he had little, since his ill-informed and otherwise very stupid impeachment vote against the sitting President of the United States, me,” Trump said in a statement issued by his PAC.

Gonzalez told The New York Times, which first reported his retirement plans Thursday, that the animus he and his family has faced from Trump’s fervent supporters played a role in his decision.

Trump recently endorsed Wyoming attorney Harriet Hageman in his quest to unseat Cheney, and reiterated Friday his intention to exact revenge on Republicans who voted in favor of his second impeachment.

"1 down, 9 to go!," he said in a second statement.
Can't blame a guy for protecting his family from domestic terrorists.

Only supporters of domestic terrorism are welcome in the GQP now.

"Former President Donald Trump on Friday reveled in Rep. Anthony Gonzalez’s decision to not seek reelection rather than face a bruising primary after he voted to impeach Trump earlier this year.

“RINO Congressman Anthony Gonzalez, who has poorly represented his district in the Great State of Ohio, has decided to quit after enduring a tremendous loss of popularity, of which he had little, since his ill-informed and otherwise very stupid impeachment vote against the sitting President of the United States, me,” Trump said in a statement issued by his PAC.

Gonzalez told The New York Times, which first reported his retirement plans Thursday, that the animus he and his family has faced from Trump’s fervent supporters played a role in his decision.

Trump recently endorsed Wyoming attorney Harriet Hageman in his quest to unseat Cheney, and reiterated Friday his intention to exact revenge on Republicans who voted in favor of his second impeachment.

"1 down, 9 to go!," he said in a second statement.
It has been long established that Sore Loser Donald is a vindictive bitch.

And his cult followers model themselves after him.
You mean the riot that democrats and Pravda have pushed as a straw man ‘insurrection’ to sucker democrats and other morons?
Let me tell you what your problem is, pussy. You think dum dum's like me arent um how can i put this...well i'll let you figure it out, trash.
And the party gets more and more pure, more and more tied to one profoundly damaged man.
The party must become the direct opposite of the Progs. The same demeanors. The same destruction of individuals that you Progs do. All of the media/entertainers need all the dirt out on them and their families for a change. This is the society you want. But it is only halfway in its vulgarities.
The party must become the direct opposite of the Progs. The same demeanors. The same destruction of individuals that you Progs do. All of the media/entertainers need all the dirt out on them and their families for a change. This is the society you want. But it is only halfway in its vulgarities.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the handlers of these democrat sheep want. Exacerbated division.
The decision was greeted with dismay among anti-Trumpers of both parties who saw Gonzalez’s survival as a test of whether Trump’s grip on the GOP could be shaken. It also came as a surprise. Gonzalez was an attractive candidate, with a strong resume and lots of cash, and he had out-performed Trump by nearly 7 points in November. Why would he hand his nemesis an easy win?​
The answer is Gonzalez didn’t quit because he feared he couldn’t win, but because it just wasn’t worth it anymore. Winning, it turns out, is not winning if the prize feels a lot more like a loss.​
“You could fight your butt off and win this thing, but are you really going to be happy?” he asked. “And the answer is, probably not.”​
This was the key to his decision to self-purge: He could spend a year fighting off merde-slinging deplorables, only to win another two years sitting in a caucus next to Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), Paul Gosar (R- Ariz.) and the other avatars of Trumpism.​
Defeat, even before a single vote is cast, might have been disappointing. It might even look to some like a conspicuous lack of competitive mettle. But that assumes the outcome is in doubt — which it isn’t. The Republican Party is already lost. And victory meant two more years trapped in a hellscape of crazified school board meetings, Trump rallies, My Pillow Guy insanity, Newsmax and Fox News hits, and a caucus run by Kevin McCarthy, a man without any principle beyond the acquisition of power. ...

But the young congressman’s decision also highlighted once again the transformation of the GOP. The party is okay with members who dabble in white nationalism, peddle conspiracy theories and foment acts of political violence. Neither bigotry nor nihilism is disqualifying.
The one unforgivable sin, however, is telling the truth about the 2020 election.

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we need more MAGA candidates modeling Trump-style politics — politics as entertainment, politics as business, politics as personal and perpetual combat

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