SEEEEEEERRRIIOUS SMOKING GUN-link to obamas real birth certificate...

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012

I do not care if little helicopters and little men in shades come barreling down my door.
This nation has been scammed.
Sheriff Joe and all the birthers have been vindicated.
our WH is occupied by a communist kenyan citizen,and heres proof.
i sent to drudge,brietbart,and WND.

This explains-
*fake fraud WH released that had vector layers.
*this one does not.its genuine.
*explains stolen SSN#being used
*he was shipped to indonesia where he was given the muslim name BARRY SOTERO.

I sent to Sheriff Joe as well.
it is being just now released by th e african press.

it is ILLEGAL to be foreignborn and POTUS.
I,as an AMERICAN CITIZEN,demand all those involved in perpetuating this fraud be prosecuted.
Im sure there are those on all sides involved.
that also explains the rigging why McCain couldnt attach obamas record,etc.
tinfoil hat or not,this bullshit was planned.
Nice.someones nuking it offsite.
anyone wants it,if you have trouble,pm me,ill email it.
I have it,dont know if there are server errors,but link is still valid.
this shit was just released.
So, I found the link on my own, and the "scanned birth certificate" lists the father as "Barack Hussein Obama" and the child as "Barack Hussein Obama II".

Shouldn't that be "Jr." rather than "II", by convention?


vampiric68: You truly are nucking futs or fucking nuts, take your pick. :cuckoo:

LOL... and I love it! :lol:
Actually si modo,kenya was a territory of the british commonwealth,and thats how they listed him. General cause for the british at the time for making anomalies.

Si modo,do me a favor
since i work off smartphone,could you repost the link you have?
If you scroll down on the page that says error, you will see a top 12 stories list...its the first one on there
Actually,that is british verbiage. They used either,the"II"or junior,abbreviated.
remember,not american style english.

I dont support foreign leaders in America,nor do I,have to lawfully acknowledge him.

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