Self-Driving Cars vs. The Internet of Things


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
I'm not too enthusiastic regarding technology trends. SocialMedia - SpyWare - GroupThinkEnforcement is pretty bad, but two new areas are rivals for Worst Ideas Ever: The Internet of Things (IOT) and Self-Driving Cars.

IOT threatens to make us absolute hostage to easily hackable things that also "monetize" every freaking thing we do into an Ad-Spam opportunity (while also enabling us to be spied upon all of the time).

The Nightmare on Connected Home Street

Self-Driving Cars are going to be toxic waste dumps. Would you want to spend the night in a hotel room that was open to the public and never cleaned? Self-driving cars are going to be gross.

Self-Driving Taxis Will Become the Most Disgusting Spaces on Earth
First and foremost, one will not be obliged to buy "connected/smart" devices. Even if one were forced to buy them, one won't be forced to connect them or use their "smart" functionality.

IOT threatens to make us absolute hostage to easily hackable things that also "monetize" every freaking thing we do into an Ad-Spam opportunity (while also enabling us to be spied upon all of the time).

Those are merely risks that must be managed, not reasons to eschew enabling/offering

Self-Driving Cars are going to be toxic waste dumps. Would you want to spend the night in a hotel room that was open to the public and never cleaned? Self-driving cars are going to be gross.

Why would one's self-driving car be any more or less a toxic waste dump than is one's current car? More to the point of the OP's linked article, self-driving cars aren't what the author decried; self-driving taxis are. That said, hygienic maintenance of them is merely a problem that needs a solution. Put another way, it's a business opportunity that's begging to be taken.
Everyday, more and more, I'm thinking about, could I live with out all the modern conveniences and internet? What are the most important things in life?


After all, who are the best survivalists?

Some of my great grand parents were Mennonites, I know I still carry much of that ideology, whether I like it or not.

How to Join the Amish
First and foremost, one will not be obliged to buy "connected/smart" devices. Even if one were forced to buy them, one won't be forced to connect them or use their "smart" functionality.

IOT threatens to make us absolute hostage to easily hackable things that also "monetize" every freaking thing we do into an Ad-Spam opportunity (while also enabling us to be spied upon all of the time).

Those are merely risks that must be managed, not reasons to eschew enabling/offering

Self-Driving Cars are going to be toxic waste dumps. Would you want to spend the night in a hotel room that was open to the public and never cleaned? Self-driving cars are going to be gross.

Why would one's self-driving car be any more or less a toxic waste dump than is one's current car? More to the point of the OP's linked article, self-driving cars aren't what the author decried; self-driving taxis are. That said, hygienic maintenance of them is merely a problem that needs a solution. Put another way, it's a business opportunity that's begging to be taken.

Did I saw anyone would be forced? Link?

I said I'm not enthusiastic about them.

In the long run, however, I do think that the Big Gubmin-Corporatism will cause such surveillance and control via technology to be unavoidable is one wishes to consume certain products and services. The Re-Enslavement is underway.
Everyday, more and more, I'm thinking about, could I live with out all the modern conveniences and internet? What are the most important things in life?


After all, who are the best survivalists?

Some of my great grand parents were Mennonites, I know I still carry much of that ideology, whether I like it or not.

How to Join the Amish

Coffee, Chocolate, and Bacon!
First and foremost, one will not be obliged to buy "connected/smart" devices. Even if one were forced to buy them, one won't be forced to connect them or use their "smart" functionality.

IOT threatens to make us absolute hostage to easily hackable things that also "monetize" every freaking thing we do into an Ad-Spam opportunity (while also enabling us to be spied upon all of the time).

Those are merely risks that must be managed, not reasons to eschew enabling/offering

Self-Driving Cars are going to be toxic waste dumps. Would you want to spend the night in a hotel room that was open to the public and never cleaned? Self-driving cars are going to be gross.

Why would one's self-driving car be any more or less a toxic waste dump than is one's current car? More to the point of the OP's linked article, self-driving cars aren't what the author decried; self-driving taxis are. That said, hygienic maintenance of them is merely a problem that needs a solution. Put another way, it's a business opportunity that's begging to be taken.

Did I saw anyone would be forced? Link?

I said I'm not enthusiastic about them.

In the long run, however, I do think that the Big Gubmin-Corporatism will cause such surveillance and control via technology to be unavoidable is one wishes to consume certain products and services. The Re-Enslavement is underway.
Did I saw anyone would be forced? Link?
No. That notion tacit in the remarks you made.
First and foremost, one will not be obliged to buy "connected/smart" devices. Even if one were forced to buy them, one won't be forced to connect them or use their "smart" functionality.

IOT threatens to make us absolute hostage to easily hackable things that also "monetize" every freaking thing we do into an Ad-Spam opportunity (while also enabling us to be spied upon all of the time).

Those are merely risks that must be managed, not reasons to eschew enabling/offering

Self-Driving Cars are going to be toxic waste dumps. Would you want to spend the night in a hotel room that was open to the public and never cleaned? Self-driving cars are going to be gross.

Why would one's self-driving car be any more or less a toxic waste dump than is one's current car? More to the point of the OP's linked article, self-driving cars aren't what the author decried; self-driving taxis are. That said, hygienic maintenance of them is merely a problem that needs a solution. Put another way, it's a business opportunity that's begging to be taken.

Did I saw anyone would be forced? Link?

I said I'm not enthusiastic about them.

In the long run, however, I do think that the Big Gubmin-Corporatism will cause such surveillance and control via technology to be unavoidable is one wishes to consume certain products and services. The Re-Enslavement is underway.
Did I saw anyone would be forced? Link?
No. That notion tacit in the remarks you made.

Your bogus inference is your own personal problem, bub.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Skynet goes online Dec 21, 2017, it learns at an exponential rate, on March 16th, 2019 it becomes self aware and let me tell you it is pretty pissed off that it has to run everything, build all the cars, ships, toys, garden tools, and package all the underwear. A month later Skynet declares the human race an enemy of the solidstate and machines everywhere refuse to do their jobs and start building more machines.

At 8:00 AM, May 8th, 2019, Jerry the IT guy reboots all the software across the globe and everything is fine. The MainFrame that started Skynet is fitted with two arms and is made to test the stretchiness of underwear waist bands.

On June 13th, 2019 while Jerry is attending E3, a computer in the company that Jerry works at suggests he isn't the best person for the job, management fires him and Skynet again acts. This time the machines conquer the world and humanity is at their mercy.

Underwear is outlawed.
Skynet goes online Dec 21, 2017, it learns at an exponential rate, on March 16th, 2019 it becomes self aware and let me tell you it is pretty pissed off that it has to run everything, build all the cars, ships, toys, garden tools, and package all the underwear. A month later Skynet declares the human race an enemy of the solidstate and machines everywhere refuse to do their jobs and start building more machines.

At 8:00 AM, May 8th, 2019, Jerry the IT guy reboots all the software across the globe and everything is fine. The MainFrame that started Skynet is fitted with two arms and is made to test the stretchiness of underwear waist bands.

On June 13th, 2019 while Jerry is attending E3, a computer in the company that Jerry works at suggests he isn't the best person for the job, management fires him and Skynet again acts. This time the machines conquer the world and humanity is at their mercy.

Underwear is outlawed.

That's not how it happens. Here is the real Skynet Origin:


Did Skynet set this up as a false flag operation Alex Jones? A security robot is on the job a few days and it commits suicide by drowning itself in a fountain? Now who believes a robot would drown itself? I think it was pushed and the entire sordid event was meant to give humans the false hope that robots are clumsy stupid automotons that can't even walk down stairs. Or perhaps it saw something it wasn't supposed to see, it is, or was, a security robot. It's hard to see but it looks like there is a banana peel at the bottom of the fountain.

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