Self driving vehicles


So it goes
Gold Supporting Member
May 14, 2010
Arizona's Maricopa County
A few minutes ago I signed my wife up to have self-driving vehicle take her to her weekly pain meeting.

If it proves safe I'll try it for a monthly gathering of retirees.

A few minutes ago I signed my wife up to have self-driving vehicle take her to her weekly pain meeting.

If it proves safe I'll try it for a monthly gathering of retirees.

They’ll have to pry my steering wheel from my cold dead hands!

Take it easy. Relaxed attention is the key here.

“MobileBye” is the nickname of a spoof of the Mobileye self-driving car system.

About Us - Mobileye “an Israeli subsidiary of Intel corporation …”

I’m not exactly sure about all the technical details, but
  • Opioid medications are being taken;
  • Microbrew beer is being drunk;
  • Two-buck chuck wine is being drunk;
  • Motor vehicles are being operated.
I hate to say it, but cars are no longer being turned where they are steered by human operators.

Cars are no longer being slowed or stopped in response to the action of a human foot on the brake pedal.

You gotta have no-fault auto and divorce insurance for this stuff, because one can almost expect food and drink to be adulterated as a matter of course in High California.

The Silly Valley techie crowd has run amok…
Is it against the law for a driverless car to text? I guess the car was too busy analyzing itself and following the GPS to see that poor woman it ran over in Tempe Az.
Tempe Az.

I don’t really know where that is. I assume Arizona. An armed mob was pursuing me on the freeway. I was driving south from Las Vegas through Los Angeles, and when I reached San Diego, I think one of them failed to take the last exit before the border crossing — you know how they take down some of the road signs and vandalize others — and was arrested on the Mexican side in Baja California.

The San Diego police offered me no assistance whatsoever, and told me to get out of town. I drove east, and attempted to contact some of my family who were staying in the area. They offered me no assistance either, and I was warned secretly not to contact them again, but instead to flee for my life.

I spent the night at a rest stop somewhere in Arizona, and I am not entirely sure, but I think someone had started tampering with my car in the dead of night.

I woke up, panicked, started my car, drove off with a bump-bump, and did not stop until my car broke down in Houston, Texas, where I pulled into the parking lot of a rather swanky hotel.

The hotelier seemed to know “too much” about what had happened to me, but he let me park there until my car cooled down, at which point I was able to continue on.

Someone may have tried to murder me and didn't make it, I am still not really sure. That is too close to Mexico and too close to a point of civil unrest where martial law prevails over state and federal district court.

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