Sen Murray (D) calls McConnell and his handler's (Grover) bluff

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
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She said her side will let the Bush II tax increases take place if McConnell & co try their hostage taking ploy (tax-cuts for the super-wealthy or tax cuts for no one) again. I thought the GObP was for fiscal responsibility? No wonder Waxman (D) called them terrorists.
Patty Murray: We’ll Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire, If Republicans Won’t Deal | FDL News Desk

well you all should be so proud, you don't give a shit they are NOW threatening the American people to raise TAXES on us if they don't get what they want
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And this came from a website called, Firedoglake

that is one nasty ass website folks, go there at your own risk

I believe they were the one who posted this of palin's baby

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She said her side will let the Bush II tax increases take place if McConnell & co try their hostage taking ploy (tax-cuts for the super-wealthy or tax cuts for no one) again. I thought the GObP was for fiscal responsibility? No wonder Waxman (D) called them terrorists.
Patty Murray: We’ll Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire, If Republicans Won’t Deal | FDL News Desk

Bravo! :clap2::clap2: The democrats and Obama need to give the GOP trash hell and put them in their place. No more handouts to the rich, no more tanking the economy to pay for it, enough is enough. It's time for the GOP scum to grow up, act like adults, and let's get the economy back on track.
She said her side will let the Bush II tax increases take place if McConnell & co try their hostage taking ploy (tax-cuts for the super-wealthy or tax cuts for no one) again. I thought the GObP was for fiscal responsibility? No wonder Waxman (D) called them terrorists.
Patty Murray: We’ll Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire, If Republicans Won’t Deal | FDL News Desk

Didn't your Hero Zero already campaign on letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire in 2008?

Another failed campaign promise?
She said her side will let the Bush II tax increases take place if McConnell & co try their hostage taking ploy (tax-cuts for the super-wealthy or tax cuts for no one) again. I thought the GObP was for fiscal responsibility? No wonder Waxman (D) called them terrorists.
Patty Murray: We’ll Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire, If Republicans Won’t Deal | FDL News Desk

well you all should be so proud, you don't give a shit they are NOW threatening the American people to raise TAXES on us if they don't get what they want

This is about the Republicans, yes steph :rolleyes: Remember them taking hostages last time @? Well, the Dem's are saying they aren't going to negotiate w/ hostage-takers. The Dem's are saying, give the tax-cuts to the lower 97-98% then we'll have an election regarding the coddling of the rich.

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She said her side will let the Bush II tax increases take place if McConnell & co try their hostage taking ploy (tax-cuts for the super-wealthy or tax cuts for no one) again. I thought the GObP was for fiscal responsibility? No wonder Waxman (D) called them terrorists.
Patty Murray: We’ll Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire, If Republicans Won’t Deal | FDL News Desk

well you all should be so proud, you don't give a shit they are NOW threatening the American people to raise TAXES on us if they don't get what they want

This is about the Republicans, yes steph :rolleyes: Remember them taking hostages last time @? Well, the Dem's are saying they aren't going to negotiate w/ hostage-takers. The Dem's are saying, give the tax-cuts to the lower 97-98% then we'll have an election regarding the coddling of the rich.


dots, please try thinking for yourself instead of just spouting DNC talking points.
I don't give a shit what the dems are SAYING..they are THREATENING US if we don't GIVE THEM raising taxes on some people they will LET THEM raise on all the people and you stand buy and applaud it..

you are no better a person, just another Liberal sheep partisan hack...but I should of guessed when you posted from that DISGUSTING website
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She said her side will let the Bush II tax increases take place if McConnell & co try their hostage taking ploy (tax-cuts for the super-wealthy or tax cuts for no one) again. I thought the GObP was for fiscal responsibility? No wonder Waxman (D) called them terrorists.
Patty Murray: We’ll Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire, If Republicans Won’t Deal | FDL News Desk

well you all should be so proud, you don't give a shit they are NOW threatening the American people to raise TAXES on us if they don't get what they want

This is about the Republicans, yes steph :rolleyes: Remember them taking hostages last time @? Well, the Dem's are saying they aren't going to negotiate w/ hostage-takers. The Dem's are saying, give the tax-cuts to the lower 97-98% then we'll have an election regarding the coddling of the rich.


So transparent.
Yes just like Democrats to threaten to slide this country into economic oblivion for their own political benefit. When they do it it's principle. When the GOP does it it's politics.
Democrats are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
She said her side will let the Bush II tax increases take place if McConnell & co try their hostage taking ploy (tax-cuts for the super-wealthy or tax cuts for no one) again. I thought the GObP was for fiscal responsibility? No wonder Waxman (D) called them terrorists.
Patty Murray: We’ll Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire, If Republicans Won’t Deal | FDL News Desk

Bravo! :clap2::clap2: The democrats and Obama need to give the GOP trash hell and put them in their place. No more handouts to the rich, no more tanking the economy to pay for it, enough is enough. It's time for the GOP scum to grow up, act like adults, and let's get the economy back on track.

They will never grow up and act like responsible or even reasonable adults. Even if they did "claim" or "act" like it I would have a hard time believing it. Most talk out of both sides of there mouths and in some cases there arse.
She said her side will let the Bush II tax increases take place if McConnell & co try their hostage taking ploy (tax-cuts for the super-wealthy or tax cuts for no one) again. I thought the GObP was for fiscal responsibility? No wonder Waxman (D) called them terrorists.
Patty Murray: We’ll Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire, If Republicans Won’t Deal | FDL News Desk

well you all should be so proud, you don't give a shit they are NOW threatening the American people to raise TAXES on us if they don't get what they want

This is about the Republicans, yes steph :rolleyes: Remember them taking hostages last time @? Well, the Dem's are saying they aren't going to negotiate w/ hostage-takers. The Dem's are saying, give the tax-cuts to the lower 97-98% then we'll have an election regarding the coddling of the rich.


They (dem's) are not going to allow the con's to once again create problems to the point of the US credit rating to be downgraded - again.
Yes just like Democrats to threaten to slide this country into economic oblivion for their own political benefit. When they do it it's principle. When the GOP does it it's politics.
Democrats are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.

LOL. Well, yes, we could use some economic oblivion like the kind we experianced under Clinton when these tax codes were in effect.
Yes just like Democrats to threaten to slide this country into economic oblivion for their own political benefit. When they do it it's principle. When the GOP does it it's politics.
Democrats are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.

LOL. Well, yes, we could use some economic oblivion like the kind we experianced under Clinton when these tax codes were in effect.

not the same economy...
Those poor rich have plenty to throw at this election on the con side of the aisle, yet they aren't hiring.
So the dems tell the republicans no holding amwerica hostage thissummer while the republicans try to destroy us all because they don't like Obama? Sounds like a good plan to me. I wonder what orange boner is going to do?
well yeah, threatening to raise OUR TAXES in this economy with 8.2% unemployment if they DON'T get what they want sounds like a HELL of plan..

You go Democrats, you be looking out for THE PEOPLE
well yeah, threatening to raise OUR TAXES in this economy with 8.2% unemployment if they DON'T get what they want sounds like a HELL of plan..

You go Democrats, you be looking out for THE PEOPLE

So, you make over $250k/yr? Those are the only folks who he is proposing to raise. If so, you deserve to have them raised.
let us not forget who authored this impending tax-increase, the repubs. :2up: They call themselves deficit hawks YET keep wanting to kick the can down the road :clap2:
let us not forget who authored this impending tax-increase, the repubs. :2up: They call themselves deficit hawks YET keep wanting to kick the can down the road :clap2:

Which part of your ass did you pull that out of? The Democrats passed the extension of the tax cuts and the expiration date and Obama signed the legislation. They could have done that with zero GOP votes.

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