Sen. Rubio (R)- "I'm not a denier"

His point, as if you left wing hacks didnt already know, is that he sees no evidence that man is causing it. He doesn't deny that it's changing. As usual, he's right and you're wrong.
I think he's try to walk a tight rope in between his denier base & those who think for themselves and can cite sources
If the poles melt during his Presidency there will be TOO MUCH water!!! And we all remember how he handles water :eek:

His point, as if you left wing hacks didnt already know, is that he sees no evidence that man is causing it. He doesn't deny that it's changing. As usual, he's right and you're wrong.

As usual he is a political hack seeking donations from big energy corps while trying not to paint himself into a corner.

But he is the typical Republican denying science as long as the money from the corperations states that is the thing to do.
His point, as if you left wing hacks didnt already know, is that he sees no evidence that man is causing it. He doesn't deny that it's changing. As usual, he's right and you're wrong.

As usual he is a political hack seeking donations from big energy corps while trying not to paint himself into a corner.

But he is the typical Republican denying science as long as the money from the corperations states that is the thing to do.

Now that Robert's SCOTUS has put the gov't for sale to the highest bidder, they don't have to hide it any more.
What does it say for the public perception of global warming deniers when one of our most conservative legislators forcibly separates himself from them? Whack jobs? Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

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