Sen. Wyden wants Keystone XL to simply abide by American law

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Sen Wyden wants to make sure all the imported steel used for KXL has the proper import duties paid, oil spills are cleaned up by the responsible parties, and the U.S. taxpayer is compensated for oil drilled on public (federal) lands. Thank you senator :salute: for looking out for the people of this great nation.

Sen Wyden KXL Video
^ thats the best you people could come up with after 19 views? :eusa_doh: tarsands almost make fracking look environmentally friendly lol ALMOST
^ thats the best you people could come up with after 19 views? :eusa_doh: tarsands almost make fracking look environmentally friendly lol ALMOST
After 37 years in this industry, I know for a fact that the Senator's comments are moot and simply reflect the status quo.

And it's not at all surprising to me that you would be impressed by such senseless, worthless grandstanding.

You're an intelligent cracker, Brotch Dot. But in certain realms you obviously don't know jack fucking shit.
And let me ask you this, Dot Con... would this Senator object if that imported steel were dumped in the U.S. at below cost?
It's happened before.
^ thats the best you people could come up with after 19 views? :eusa_doh: tarsands almost make fracking look environmentally friendly lol ALMOST
After 37 years in this industry, I know for a fact that the Senator's comments are moot and simply reflect the status quo.

And it's not at all surprising to me that you would be impressed by such senseless, worthless grandstanding.

You're an intelligent cracker, Brotch Dot. But in certain realms you obviously don't know jack fucking shit.
you just proved you didn't watch the 5-minute & 20 second vid. Thanks for playing


If you want to know his rational recommendations, start watching at the 2:30 mark onwards. 4:25 onwards is what you glossed over.
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^ thats the best you people could come up with after 19 views? :eusa_doh: tarsands almost make fracking look environmentally friendly lol ALMOST
After 37 years in this industry, I know for a fact that the Senator's comments are moot and simply reflect the status quo.

And it's not at all surprising to me that you would be impressed by such senseless, worthless grandstanding.

You're an intelligent cracker, Brotch Dot. But in certain realms you obviously don't know jack fucking shit.
you just proved you didn't watch the 5-minute & 20 second vid. Thanks for playing


If you want to know his rational recommendations, start watching at the 2:30 mark onwards. 4:25 onwards is what you glossed over.
I watched the video. Keystone is not about "prices at the pump".

Prices now at the pump do not represent any semblance of a "tax cut".

He is correct in his assessment of the contrast between arguments that Keystone will result in lower gas prices VS higher gas prices.

There is no risk to the "better days" that consumers could see at the gas pump than we see today.

Al Franken napping.

I'm surprised that this bitch questions the transparency of his own administration.

With respect to anti-dumping... would this Senator object to foreign oil being "dumped" on our markets?

He quotes "unfairly traded goods". Does this include crude oil?

Does "abiding by our nation's trade laws" include crude oil?

He mentions fair competition with American manufacturers. Does this include American oil producers?

Oil spills are, and should continue to be, under the jurisdiction of individual states.

The public has always, and will always, receive full value of resources produced on federal lands.

The waste of natural gas on public lands is no different than the waste of natural gas on private lands. That issue is being addressed by industry and with resounding success.

There you have it, Brotch. :slap:

Blow by fucking blow.

Now fuck off, you know-nothing piece of shit.
not one solitary source for all your rebuttals? 'twas ever thus. Are you claiming that KXL will be 100% liable for any leaks as it stands right now?
^ thats the best you people could come up with after 19 views? :eusa_doh: tarsands almost make fracking look environmentally friendly lol ALMOST
Fracking is environmentally friendly. It's far more environmentally friendly than most kinds of so-called "green energy." Just take wind power for instance. How many birds does fracking kill?
I've lobbied the likes of Wyden. Jesse Jackson, Jr. Dick Durbin. The myriad of Democratic Congressmen with posters of Malcom X hanging on their walls. Republicans, Tea Partiers like Joe Walsh. Moderates, Independents, etc. etc. etc.

To whom in the flying FUCK do you think you are preaching?

The first few minutes of that video were spent bantering about the merits of the Oregon Ducks, for fucks sake.

You really are a trivial little shit.
not one solitary source for all your rebuttals? 'twas ever thus. Are you claiming that KXL will be 100% liable for any leaks as it stands right now?

What pipeline company in this country isn't 100% liable for any leaks in it's equipment?

Fuck your shit Dot Cum in the Ass.
Agriculture is the true raper of all of earth's environments, yet no one seems to give a flying fuck.

'Sup with that, brotch?
I'll give you this much oil fluffer boi- you watched the video BUT Its obvious that you know absolutely zilch about the subject. Sadly, tarsands risk polluting the water table almost as badly as fracking & thats saying A LOT!!! :mad-61:
So, to recap- Repub House has to demand Transcanada provide frequent reports on where the steel is coming from (India), have to be 100% liable for any spills, and the U.S. taxpayer must be made whole (paid at the going rate) if for-profit companies drill on public lands.

anyone disagree w/ those points?
Gee. Didn't they abide by Keystone I and Keystone II and oh my oh my Cushing to the gulf from Keystone III?

This gets funnier by the day.

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