Senate Confirms 150th Trump Judicial Nominee


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
While Trump has the Left chasing his laser pointer tweets, he’s reshaped the judiciary for the next two decades.

Senate Confirms 150th Trump Judicial Nominee.

It's gonna take a decade to clean out the judiciary. Those unqualified activist hacks will do untold damage to the country. The USA may never recover.
It's gonna take a decade to clean out the judiciary. Those unqualified activist hacks will do untold damage to the country. The USA may never recover.

Wait until Trump wins in 2020 and then RBG retires and Trump puts Amy Coney Barrett on the USSC.
What will you say to that outcome?
It's gonna take a decade to clean out the judiciary. Those unqualified activist hacks will do untold damage to the country. The USA may never recover.

Wait until Trump wins in 2020 and then RBG retires and Trump puts Amy Coney Barrett on the USSC.
What will you say to that outcome?
Not too worried about it. Pretty remote possibility.
It's gonna take a decade to clean out the judiciary. Those unqualified activist hacks will do untold damage to the country. The USA may never recover.

Wait until Trump wins in 2020 and then RBG retires and Trump puts Amy Coney Barrett on the USSC.
What will you say to that outcome?

Its a great outcome. Barrett is another Constitutional Judge.

We need more on the SC who follow that document not lefty idiots who make up their own laws.
It's gonna take a decade to clean out the judiciary. Those unqualified activist hacks will do untold damage to the country. The USA may never recover.

Yep, and the Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach them, and it add numbers to the courts they preside in.

Both is in their future both near and far. Fortunately Congress is the ultimate authority and can amend or repeal any laws in which they cast decisions. Also, if enough stayed are flipped blue, they can just simply be ignored all together on a number of issues. The sack job rights “victories” doesn’t mean what they think it does.

Many of the decisions made over the next few years will be so horrid to the younger generations, it will have the unintended effect of costing many conservatives at the state and local, as well as national l bel, their legislative seats for a generation to come. Which by then they will never have the numbers to have this kind of effect on elections again anyway.

This is similar to the last desparate measures taken by Germany in the end days of the war, by using young boys, and old men to fill the ranks of all the war dead.
While Trump has the Left chasing his laser pointer tweets, he’s reshaped the judiciary for the next two decades.

Senate Confirms 150th Trump Judicial Nominee.

View attachment 278828

RUSH: "......and we gave kudos to The Turtle, Mitch McConnell. Trump has had overwhelming success implementing and nominating judges and getting them confirmed. I mean, this is not talked about much ’cause it’s a gigantic defeat for the left. Their people, their voters are already at their wits’ end because Russia collusion bombed out. Every other attempt to get Trump has bombed out. So the media doesn’t have the guts to report how successful Trump has been in getting conservative judges and justices appointed. “‘Historic Milestone’: Senate Confirms 150th Trump Judicial Nominee.”
Now have Trump never promised to make the federal bench “conservative.” He promised to appoint judges that would follow the Constitution and the rule of law. The fact that that has become “conservative” is kind of a story unto itself. “Six district court nominees won confirmation Wednesday, bringing the president’s total number of appointed judges to the lower federal courts to 105. Mr. Trump has also appointed 43 circuit court nominees,” that’s the appellate judges, “and two Supreme Court justices since taking office.
“The pace has far outdone President Obama, who only saw 20 circuit court nominees and 74 district court judges confirmed during the same period of time.” So it’s not even a full term yet. You know, we’re just coming up on a little over 2-1/2 years, and already 150 judges confirmed, including 43 on the appellate court and two on the Supreme Court. That is big news, and that is one of the reasons that Trump was elected.

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