Senate Democrats Struggle to Defend Health Insurance Promises

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
I read a study once that said approximately 10% of politicians are clinical sociopaths. I dispute that study. The number has to be much higher given how many of them can flat out lie straight to your face and not care.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire expressed shock that so many Americans are losing their current plans. "We knew that they would need to sign up again, but obviously I don’t think anybody thought people would be kicked off their health insurance plan,” said Shaheen, who refused to say if Americans should be able to keep the plans they had in 2013.

"He didn't say anything wrong," Senate majority leader Harry Reid said when asked about Obama's promise. "That was true."

According to Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Democrats had only promised that Americans could keep their insurance if it was "good insurance."

"We said when we passed that, 'If you had insurance that was good insurance that you wanted to keep it, you could keep it,'" Landrieu said.

She declined to say if she would support a measure to let Americans keep the plans they had in 2013. "I haven't looked at it specifically," Landrieu said.

"We can look at that," said Bob Casey of Pennsylvania. "That's something we can look at."

When asked if Americans should be able to keep their current plans, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin would only say, "What I'm understanding is that people, like in Florida, are getting advice on transitioning and hopefully they'll have a higher quality, lower-cost plan."

Many Senate Democrats tried to avoid answering questions about the president's broken health insurance promise. Senators Kay Hagan of North Carolina and Mary Pryor of Arkansas (both of whom are up for reelection next year) held their cell phones against their ears when approached for questions. Mark Warner of Virginia simply scoffed and walked away when asked if Americans should be allowed to keep their current health plans. Oregon senator Ron Wyden asked if we could talk later.

Others blamed the insurance companies.

"Insurance companies cancel insurance policies. That's what they do," said Reid.

"You should talk to the insurance companies if they’re dropping people," said Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota. "The idea here is to have affordable insurance to people that don’t have it."

"I think whenever possible, they should be able to keep their plan," Klobuchar finally admitted.

"I don't think there's any surprises yet," said Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland of reports of insurance cancellations.

"The free market did not change," Cardin added. "The ability of an insurance carrier or employer to maintain their plans was there, and some are taking other actions."

Senate Democrats Struggle to Defend Health Insurance Promises | The Weekly Standard

Just classic
George Will said the dems are "pioneering new dimensions of sophistry"...​....along with dredging the depths of idiocy and arguments in mitigation taken to lengths rarely seen.

and this-

Valerie Jarrett ✔ @vj44

FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans. No change is required unless insurance companies change existing plans.
5:07 PM - 28 Oct 2013

Look, everyone , even the holy of the holies, the NY Times et al acknowledge Valerie is his closest confidant and advisor, for her to make a statement like this is, from the deepest pit of the WH, well, its insulting and pathologically revealing. Scary....
You stupid teabagger fascist terrorist racist hater dupes are stuppid! Everybody knows that it's the greedy insurance companies that are dropping people because they aint as good as Obamacare because they're too sexist to give prenatal care insurance to the elderly. Plus everybody knows that Bush is a war criminal! You repubs should go back to Nazi Texas and stop trying to kill children with asthma!
You stupid teabagger fascist terrorist racist hater dupes are stuppid! Everybody knows that it's the greedy insurance companies that are dropping people because they aint as good as Obamacare because they're too sexist to give prenatal care insurance to the elderly. Plus everybody knows that Bush is a war criminal! You repubs should go back to Nazi Texas and stop trying to kill children with asthma!

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