Senate Dems Put Comey On Notice: Answers No Later Than Monday

If the populace is still brain dead enough to elect her. Three things that need to happen.

1. Impeach immediately after inauguration
2. Gridlock govt
3. Deny supreme court justices
You better hope the Dems do not have 50 or more seats. And probably they can buy three to four GOP senators if they need them.

Thats a possibility but they'll be bought at their own peril. However, I prefaced my statement with if. I still think there are enough retards and brain dead people who will vote her in.
If the populace is still brain dead enough to elect her. Three things that need to happen.

1. Impeach immediately after inauguration
2. Gridlock govt
3. Deny supreme court justices
You better hope the Dems do not have 50 or more seats. And probably they can buy three to four GOP senators if they need them.

Thats a possibility but they'll be bought at their own peril.
No, they won't. You guys are not the power at all that you believe.
The FBI is doing it's job. Why are these Democrats trying to interfere with an ongoing investigation?
If the populace is still brain dead enough to elect her. Three things that need to happen.

1. Impeach immediately after inauguration
2. Gridlock govt
3. Deny supreme court justices
You better hope the Dems do not have 50 or more seats. And probably they can buy three to four GOP senators if they need them.

Thats a possibility but they'll be bought at their own peril.
No, they won't. You guys are not the power at all that you believe.

Eric kantor ring a bell?
If the populace is still brain dead enough to elect her. Three things that need to happen.

1. Impeach immediately after inauguration
2. Gridlock govt
3. Deny supreme court justices


The people will elect her because they want to live within a first world country with a government that invest. Your ideas aren't the majority...That is why your party cheats and gridlocks everything...People are getting sick of it.

No it is you people that is not the majority. You just have the big bucks and entitlements on your side. Money from the government to attract voters and money for the agenda they have no idea of because if they did know that rights will be curtailed by progressives in government they might vote differently,

You promise them the freedom to do what they want while all the time scheming to take it away from them and every other citizen. Progressive policies will destroy our republic.
The FBI is doing it's job. Why are these Democrats trying to interfere with an ongoing investigation?

Because they are afraid........very afraid.
You guys (and slaps knee). You are, yet again, playing into the Dems' play book. You make HRC look like she is being persecuted unfairly by the FBI at the end of an election. This will give her even more votes.
You guys (and slaps knee). You are, yet again, playing into the Dems' play book. You make HRC look like she is being persecuted unfairly by the FBI at the end of an election. This will give her even more votes.

Hey Jake, I have a bridge for sale.....are you interested????

She doesn't have to be prosecuted for this to work, all you need to do is give fence sitters a direction in which to vote. Comey gave them that direction.
They have questions. He *may* have answers.

A quartet of Senate Democrats wrote a letter to FBI Director James Comey on Saturday formally requesting an expedited update on his recently announced investigation into new emails relating to Hillary Clinton.

Stressing their concern that Comey’s investigation was already being misused for political purposes, Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.), as well as the top two Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee ― Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) ― asked both Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch to provide “more detailed information about the investigative steps that are being taken, the number of emails involved, and what is being done to determine who many of the emails are duplicative of those already reviewed by the FBI.”

The Senators requested that they provide updated information “no later than Monday, October 31, 2016.”

“Unfortunately, Director Comey’s letter has been misunderstood,” the letter reads. “It is already being used for political purposes, creating a misleading impression regarding the FBI’s intent and actions. We strongly believe that it is incumbent on the FBI and Department of Justice to act without delay to dispel any misleading impressions about the emails that have been newly identified, as well as their importance ― or lack thereof ― to the previous investigation involving Secretary Clinton.”

Read the full letter here.

More: Senate Dems Put Comey On Notice: Answers No Later Than Monday

Good for Senate Democrats! Comey deserves to be put on the hot seat.
From today.
Joe Biden says FBI Director James Comey is ‘a straight guy’
Jake is SO lost on this one that you'll be seeing his 12-year old photo on milk cartons by Monday morning.
The "or what" regarding Comey's refusal to answer Dems may boil down to the DOJ taking over the review of those emails and providing a preliminary finding as to any Clinton culpability........and, of course, Comey being relieved of his post to go write a book.
You guys (and slaps knee). You are, yet again, playing into the Dems' play book. You make HRC look like she is being persecuted unfairly by the FBI at the end of an election. This will give her even more votes.

Hey Jake, I have a bridge for sale.....are you interested????

She doesn't have to be prosecuted for this to work, all you need to do is give fence sitters a direction in which to vote. Comey gave them that direction.
Faye Ray, there is no "direction" really. There are almost no fence sitters, and they will go to Clinton because of this failed ploy.
The "or what" regarding Comey's refusal to answer Dems may boil down to the DOJ taking over the review of those emails and providing a preliminary finding as to any Clinton culpability........and, of course, Comey being relieved of his post to go write a book.

Oh would we (and Trump) love that. Please say it will happen......please!!!!!
The "or what" regarding Comey's refusal to answer Dems may boil down to the DOJ taking over the review of those emails and providing a preliminary finding as to any Clinton culpability........and, of course, Comey being relieved of his post to go write a book.
He should have resigned in July when he was given the order not to recommend prosecution.
Faye Ray, there is no "direction" really. There are almost no fence sitters, and they will go to Clinton because of this failed ploy.

Plenty of them left. In fact I just came home from moms house. She too was confused as to how she should vote. My sister and I gave her the whole story. Mom can now send in her ballot. She's been sitting on it for two weeks now.
They have questions. He *may* have answers.

A quartet of Senate Democrats wrote a letter to FBI Director James Comey on Saturday formally requesting an expedited update on his recently announced investigation into new emails relating to Hillary Clinton.

Stressing their concern that Comey’s investigation was already being misused for political purposes, Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.), as well as the top two Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee ― Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) ― asked both Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch to provide “more detailed information about the investigative steps that are being taken, the number of emails involved, and what is being done to determine who many of the emails are duplicative of those already reviewed by the FBI.”

The Senators requested that they provide updated information “no later than Monday, October 31, 2016.”

“Unfortunately, Director Comey’s letter has been misunderstood,” the letter reads. “It is already being used for political purposes, creating a misleading impression regarding the FBI’s intent and actions. We strongly believe that it is incumbent on the FBI and Department of Justice to act without delay to dispel any misleading impressions about the emails that have been newly identified, as well as their importance ― or lack thereof ― to the previous investigation involving Secretary Clinton.”

Read the full letter here.

More: Senate Dems Put Comey On Notice: Answers No Later Than Monday

Good for Senate Democrats! Comey deserves to be put on the hot seat.

Comey stepped in a St Bernard pile of dogshit and now he'll have to work frenetically to try to extricate himself from the fiasco. It also have sullied the name of the FBI.

It's going to be a real bad week for Comey, the FBI, and Escroto Trump.
The "or what" regarding Comey's refusal to answer Dems may boil down to the DOJ taking over the review of those emails and providing a preliminary finding as to any Clinton culpability........and, of course, Comey being relieved of his post to go write a book.

Which will make it look even worse for the administration and Hillary

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