Senate Leader McConnell Not Up To Conning Mexico Into Paying For The Wall!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The next nuclear blast we see will more likely come from North Korea, than from Mexico. "Uh No!" is apparently GOP delicate, diplomatic lanaguage for, "Just Say No! To Drugs(?)--and Hispanics(?). . .unless it's not.

'Uh, No': Sen. McConnell Says Mexico Will Not Pay for the Border Wall

Deuteronomy 23:19-20, prohibited civilizing usury in all of Israel forever--blaming the whole thing on a deity with no name, no form. . .and probably no cerebral existence whatsoever. Screwing everyone else blind was encouraged. I was a Commandment, it seems to say.

Many say that Holocaust did have origins. Anyone can read all about them. . .If not in schools, colleges, universities, or real or unreal news media. And not in associations or private or public board meetings. Apparently not at Department of State. . .or anything even top drawer level, much less cabinet(?).

'Uh, No': Sen. McConnell Says Mexico Will Not Pay for the Border Wall

And so if maybe since it didn't exist, shouldn't that be Republican basis for getting Mexico to pay for everything(?)! So far, "everyone else" is supposed to be paying for the U. S. Department of Defense. The federal legislators seem up to robbing the Coast Guard to pay for some new posse along maybe two borders(?).

"Uh, No!" Who no's?!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then it's on to "Repeal and Replace, and. . . Yee. . .Haw!)
Is that good news or bad news to the left? The left has been so incoherent lately that it's hard to tell which side they are on, the U.S. or Mexico.
Americans who pay taxes will pay for the wall

Except those like Trump who are exempt
Americans who pay taxes will pay for the wall

Except those like Trump who are exempt
As we should IMO. We want security and safety from third world trash I am more than happy to see my taxes go to building a wall instead of feeding illegal invaders with food stamps ,educating their bastard children in public schools that have to slow down and get dumbed down to catch them up because they speak no English,Healthcare for them and their bastard offspring since they are illegal means they aren't buying insurance and most don't have medicaid so its just up to the taxpayer to pay for it via higher services prices.
Good luck getting mexico to willingly pay for our wall.
Who said they will do it willingly? Just tax all money going back to Mexico :)

A lot easier said than done. And, when it was first said that Trump was going to use tariffs and taxes on Mexican goods coming here, the economists said that it could spark a trade war, and one of the big losers would be American grain farmers.
Good luck getting mexico to willingly pay for our wall.
Who said they will do it willingly? Just tax all money going back to Mexico :)

A lot easier said than done. And, when it was first said that Trump was going to use tariffs and taxes on Mexican goods coming here, the economists said that it could spark a trade war, and one of the big losers would be American grain farmers.
Why is it hard to do the tax on money? I heard and read last year President Trump already has the authority under the patriot act to do so.

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