Senate passes stimulus bill

I am so glad they passed this bill.

500,000 Americans are losing their jobs each month.
where is your proof to back that up?

btw, i wont hold my breath waiting for it

The wobbly U.S. economy shed 598,000 jobs in January, extending a downward spiral of 500,000-plus monthly losses that began in November, according to federal data released Friday.

The loss was the largest monthly decline since 1974, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate jumped to 7.6 percent in January, a 16-year high. That compares with 7.2 percent for December and 4.9 percent a year ago.

Economy sheds half million more jobs --

Imagine the absurdity of an argumenet that claimed the following: The passage of the Stimulus Bill will result in more deliciious tuna salad. I'm sure you'd ask what the connection was.

Please document the connection between the jobs lost and the Stimulus Bill.
Already the republican party has thrown up millions of dollars for someone to run against Spector, one of only 3 Republicans in the entire house & senate to vote for this bill. I imagine those 3 Republicans are not only going to be sleeping well, but the nightmares will be torture.

Specter up again 2010
Snowe ............. 2012
Collins .............. 2014
where is your proof to back that up?

btw, i wont hold my breath waiting for it

The wobbly U.S. economy shed 598,000 jobs in January, extending a downward spiral of 500,000-plus monthly losses that began in November, according to federal data released Friday.

The loss was the largest monthly decline since 1974, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate jumped to 7.6 percent in January, a 16-year high. That compares with 7.2 percent for December and 4.9 percent a year ago.

Economy sheds half million more jobs --

Imagine the absurdity of an argumenet that claimed the following: The passage of the Stimulus Bill will result in more deliciious tuna salad. I'm sure you'd ask what the connection was.

Please document the connection between the jobs lost and the Stimulus Bill.

CBO Sees Stimulus Boosting U.S. Growth, Jobs : NPR
The wobbly U.S. economy shed 598,000 jobs in January, extending a downward spiral of 500,000-plus monthly losses that began in November, according to federal data released Friday.

The loss was the largest monthly decline since 1974, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate jumped to 7.6 percent in January, a 16-year high. That compares with 7.2 percent for December and 4.9 percent a year ago.

Economy sheds half million more jobs --

CBO Sees Stimulus Boosting U.S. Growth, Jobs : NPR

CBO: Bill will actually shrink economy within a decade:
Washington Times - CBO: Obama stimulus harmful over long haul
Bush spent money giving tax breaks to folks that had no need of them. He spent money on wars based on lies. He spent money on over 31,000 earmarks, now that is real pork. Even when caught in the economic debacle created by Republican free market ideology, Bush's emergency package put no rules on the people that created this debacle.

Obama promised change, and he is delivering it. We know what happens when a market situation like this is let run it's course. The working poor starve, the middle class loses all that they have worked for, and the wealthy see a few less zeros in their portfolios, then buy up everything for pennys on the dollar at the depth of the depression.

As Editec pointed out, not this time, fellows. The very instrument that we are using to communicate with gives all the facts of the situation. One way or another, this will not run the ussual course.

That's interesting. From 2000 to 2008 I made 24-26K and with the implimentation of the Bush tax cuts, rec'd and extra $1000.00 tax credit for each of my kids ...Please explain to me how someone in my income bracket "had no need of them" again...
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I have a question; how is it called a tax cut for those who receive additional credits when they don't pay any taxes to begin with? I'm not saying that giving these people is necessarily a bad thing, but how is it that we call them tax cuts, when in fact it is outright welfare that comes through direct redistribution of wealth?

Over the next several days, we are going to learn more about it. Especially the pork in it.

Obama stated there were no earmarks? WRONG: Apparently--we will be paying billions spent on some kind of train or rail from Las Vegas, Nevada that goes to Orange county, California--to (Disneyland). For those of you who do not know--by car--that is a 4 to 5 hour drive. Our great senate leader Democrat Harry Reid of course, is the senator out of Nevada--whose district is Las Vegas, Nevada. (Now this is not for people who live in inner cities for mass transportation.) People who work in Las Vegas live in Las Vegas & visa-versa. This is nothing more than a tourist attraction--for people living in our around Orange county, CA to make a choice to take a train or make a 4-5 hour drive to get to Las Vegas to put some coins in those Senator Rieds slots.

The democrats on this one are on a very slippery slope. I doubt too many who voted for this bill, against the will of their constituents--which were rivaling more than 100 to 1 against this bill--are going to be sleeping well over the next coming months. If this doesn't work, their odds of winning re-election are zero to none.

Already the republican party has thrown up millions of dollars for someone to run against Spector, one of only 3 Republicans in the entire house & senate to vote for this bill. I imagine those 3 Republicans are not only going to be sleeping well, but the nightmares will be torture.
and if i am correct Oreo.....the people in California REJECTED this railway in one of our last elections......we dont need or want it....most of us anyway....
Bush spent money giving tax breaks to folks that had no need of them. He spent money on wars based on lies. He spent money on over 31,000 earmarks, now that is real pork. Even when caught in the economic debacle created by Republican free market ideology, Bush's emergency package put no rules on the people that created this debacle.

Obama promised change, and he is delivering it. We know what happens when a market situation like this is let run it's course. The working poor starve, the middle class loses all that they have worked for, and the wealthy see a few less zeros in their portfolios, then buy up everything for pennys on the dollar at the depth of the depression.

As Editec pointed out, not this time, fellows. The very instrument that we are using to communicate with gives all the facts of the situation. One way or another, this will not run the ussual course.

That's interesting. From 2000 to 2008 I made 24-26K and with the implimentation of the Bush tax cuts, rec'd and extra $1000.00 tax credit for each of my kids ...Please explain to me how someone in my income bracket "had no need of them" again...

In 2000 we made $15,000 a year. We now make $45,000 a year. We make too much for much in EIC. That's where the Bush tax cuts have help a LOT.
Someone plese tell me how raising taxes on the Job creators and increasing the size of the government will create more private sector jobs?
Someone plese tell me how raising taxes on the Job creators and increasing the size of the government will create more private sector jobs?

Job creators?!!!

How many jobs are being created now?????
Someone plese tell me how raising taxes on the Job creators and increasing the size of the government will create more private sector jobs?

Job creators?!!!

How many jobs are being created now?????

probably not many because youve already announced you are going to increase taxes on them and are already making plans to preserve their profits.
Someone plese tell me how raising taxes on the Job creators and increasing the size of the government will create more private sector jobs?

Job creators?!!!

How many jobs are being created now?????

probably not many because youve already announced you are going to increase taxes on them and are already making plans to preserve their profits.

I hope they do.

The richest 400 Americans DOUBLED their income during the Bush years, while ordinary Americans lost.
The economy is in the tank largely through government Meddling at various levels and the party currently sterring the ship of state thinks they can solve the problem of too much government meddling buy you guessed it even more government meddling. Why do you think anyone is going to make any future plans when they aren't how this is going to play or whether they've any reason to stay on board the freaking ship.
I am so glad they passed this bill.

500,000 Americans are losing their jobs each month.

And this bill will do nothing to save those jobs.

Every congressman who has been interviewed has admitted to not having read the stimulus, and yet they passed it. The fact you support this tells me how fucking stupid you are.

Obama seems to think it will ... even though he is told NO
Mr. Obama told Caterpillar employees that the companyÂ’s chief executive, Jim Owens, had told him aboard the plane en route to Peoria that he would rehire laid-off employees.

But Mr. Owens, who introduced Mr. Obama, did not make such a pledge during the afternoon event, and he told reporters later that he thought the company might even have to lay off more employees before the economy began to turn around later this year or next.
The economy is in the tank largely through government Meddling at various levels and the party currently sterring the ship of state thinks they can solve the problem of too much government meddling buy you guessed it even more government meddling. Why do you think anyone is going to make any future plans when they aren't how this is going to play or whether they've any reason to stay on board the freaking ship.

Too funny.

The economy collapsed because Phil Gramm snuck a deregulation amendment into a spending bill on the day before Christmas recess in 1999. That allowed the creation of the derivatives that destroyed the world economy. Warren Buffett called the derivatives "instruments of financial mass destruction."
Bush spent money giving tax breaks to folks that had no need of them. He spent money on wars based on lies. He spent money on over 31,000 earmarks, now that is real pork. Even when caught in the economic debacle created by Republican free market ideology, Bush's emergency package put no rules on the people that created this debacle.

Obama promised change, and he is delivering it. We know what happens when a market situation like this is let run it's course. The working poor starve, the middle class loses all that they have worked for, and the wealthy see a few less zeros in their portfolios, then buy up everything for pennys on the dollar at the depth of the depression.

As Editec pointed out, not this time, fellows. The very instrument that we are using to communicate with gives all the facts of the situation. One way or another, this will not run the ussual course.

That's interesting. From 2000 to 2008 I made 24-26K and with the implimentation of the Bush tax cuts, rec'd and extra $1000.00 tax credit for each of my kids ...Please explain to me how someone in my income bracket "had no need of them" again...

In 2000 we made $15,000 a year. We now make $45,000 a year. We make too much for much in EIC. That's where the Bush tax cuts have help a LOT.


When the tax cuts expire in 2010,I will lose $1000.00 a year while Obama is in office. Thankfully in my case I rec'd a promotion at work that will cover that. Most people didn't though. Next ,Oblah blah will raise my taxes...and I will be screwed just like everyone else.

I already pay aprox $500.00 a month in taxes. That's more than my car payment plus insurance every month,heck that's more than I pay for rent.

The government already gets far too much of my money. The lazy a-holes who won't work and want Oblah blah to give them new cars and homes at my expense can go to hell.
Job creators?!!!

How many jobs are being created now?????

probably not many because youve already announced you are going to increase taxes on them and are already making plans to preserve their profits.

I hope they do.

The richest 400 Americans DOUBLED their income during the Bush years, while ordinary Americans lost.

I realize you want to bash Bush, but think about it??
The only people who ever make money are the people with money. Then there are the other that work for it get there and then have the money to make money as the saying goes.
Again ... if the plan works and the economy turns around (which it will do anyway) the people with money are going to make a bunch more because they have it!!! I guess this will have a reverse effect and everyone will be bowing to Obama ... BS!!!

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