Although it was commendable that you were able to jam so many of the left's talking points into one short rant, I'd like to concentrate on the Stimulus Bill, which you have, via some tortuous logic, connected to change.
I did not vote for President Obama, but I hope that this bill does what is promised. In fact, I hope that he is so successful that I am compelled to vote for him in four years.
But I must question why the promise to put the bill on the net before it was voted on, was broken.
Why couldn't another week, with full disclosure and debate be invested in fulfilling the "transparency" promise?
Why couldn't your side simply list those aspects which will create jobs, and total how many jobs?
It seems to me that the discussion must have been along the lines of " we can pay back our alllies, grow government, push the direction way to the left, and the dummies will never remember in four years."
It seems that the rush was to race before the economy began the inevitable turnaround, as the usual recession lasts 11 months, and then claim success.
Your response?