Senate Rats Caught in Hussein's Undertow...


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
The muliple "phony" scandals, the ACA debacle, Benghazi, Nixonesque threats to networks and newspapers who dare tell the truth about's all going to land on his dupes in the Senate....once believers, now terrified they were. Two hours in the White House did little to calm them fact, Obama told them in no uncertain terms they were on their own; he isn't running again. And now he's about to amnesty 12M illegal executive order. Heir Hussein...the DICKtator:

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The muliple "phony" scandals, the ACA debacle, Benghazi, Nixonesque threats to networks and newspapers who dare tell the truth about's all going to land on his dupes in the Senate....once believers, now terrified they were. Two hours in the White House did little to calm them fact, Obama told them in no uncertain terms they were on their own; he isn't running again. And now he's about to amnesty 12M illegal executive order. Heir Hussein...the DICKtator:


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The above 14 Dem Senators ARE fighting for their JOBS because they voted for a plan that bogusly and falsely claimed 46 million uninsured WHEN..
10 million of the 46 are NOT CITIZENS!!
14 million don't know they can register with MEDICAID and remember this was BEFORE ACA... so why did CMS the people that bring the ACA
not know this???
Finally 18 million people of the 46 million NEVER WANT or NEED health insurance as they are under 34! The make over $50k and spend less
the their payments for employers' health plan... YET THEY are included in that 46 million bogus number!

NOW people are learning that for less then 4 million truly uninsured... MILLIONS are now LOSING THEIR insurance!
Sure looks like a complete cleaning of the slate of idiots that can't even subtract 42 million from 46 million including the chief Idiot OBAMA!!!
And I'm going to continue to repeat the biggest lie being there never have been 46 million uninsured which was the premise for ACA passing by 7 votes!
This gigantic fraud which I think is such a huge stupid fact is so stupendous people can't believe it!!!

This is like the little kid telling the adults..." the emperor is naked!"!!!

Why is it so impossible to comprehend that when 10 million are not citizens... 14 million only need register and 18 million that didn't want or need... where
then did 46 million come from!!!
6 seats are up for grabs. I'd be sweating bricks if I were those D's left out to hang by the golfer in chief.

Rat Senators attack the Regime!

This is how it begins for those interested in keeping their Senate seat....attack the website to expose the corruption of the contract and Sebelius' competence...then go for Barry's tiny nuts.

The lawmaker leading the charge for the new probe is North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan, one of several Democrats up for re-election next year who has been sharply critical of the launch. Hagan is circulating a draft letter, obtained by Fox News, that urges the Government Accountability Office and the inspector general for the Department of Health and Human Services to dig deep into what went wrong.

Senators press for independent probe of bungle | Fox News
One thing you should not do, think that politics is like your buddy.

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