Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans

Newsflash: Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans : Ms Magazine Blog

Senate conservatives blocked the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act on Tuesday, following an objection from Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK, left), who spoke out in opposition to the bill. The $3.4 billion bill, introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), would have provided special benefits to homeless women veterans (as well as to homeless male veterans with dependent children). The defeat comes at a time when homelessness among women veterans has dramatically increased. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the number of homeless women veterans has nearly doubled over the past ten years. The trend is even more apparent among homeless veterans under 45; one in ten is a woman. What’s more, the increase in the number of homeless women veterans has coincided with a drop in homelessness among their male counterparts, according to Peter Dougherty, director of homeless veterans programs at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

YouTube - ‪Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill‬‏

Why don't these alleged homeless women vets go back to where they lived before they joined the service? There are people who will do anything and say anything to partake of the slop at the taxpayer trough, even lie about their living conditions to obtain their imagined "slice of the pie." Those women who volunteered to serve their country are no more entitled to rob the public coffers than anyone else is, and these alleged "residentially challenged" females are no more honorable than the general public, which has a bad record of cheating and swindling the taxpayers for all they can.
Newsflash: Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans : Ms Magazine Blog

Senate conservatives blocked the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act on Tuesday, following an objection from Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK, left), who spoke out in opposition to the bill. The $3.4 billion bill, introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), would have provided special benefits to homeless women veterans (as well as to homeless male veterans with dependent children). The defeat comes at a time when homelessness among women veterans has dramatically increased. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the number of homeless women veterans has nearly doubled over the past ten years. The trend is even more apparent among homeless veterans under 45; one in ten is a woman. What’s more, the increase in the number of homeless women veterans has coincided with a drop in homelessness among their male counterparts, according to Peter Dougherty, director of homeless veterans programs at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

YouTube - ‪Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill‬‏

Why don't these alleged homeless women vets go back to where they lived before they joined the service? There are people who will do anything and say anything to partake of the slop at the taxpayer trough, even lie about their living conditions to obtain their imagined "slice of the pie." Those women who volunteered to serve their country are no more entitled to rob the public coffers than anyone else is, and these alleged "residentially challenged" females are no more honorable than the general public, which has a bad record of cheating and swindling the taxpayers for all they can.

You are a stupid fuck, what good will "going back to where they lived before they joined the service" do moron?:cuckoo:
The middle class exists only as "cannon fodder" for the rich. I thought that was understood.

That's a pretty rash statement, old bean, how do you arrive at such a demagogic conclusion? Could you expand a little on that sophomoric statement? Inquisitive minds want to know.
Newsflash: Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans : Ms Magazine Blog

Senate conservatives blocked the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act on Tuesday, following an objection from Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK, left), who spoke out in opposition to the bill. The $3.4 billion bill, introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), would have provided special benefits to homeless women veterans (as well as to homeless male veterans with dependent children). The defeat comes at a time when homelessness among women veterans has dramatically increased. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the number of homeless women veterans has nearly doubled over the past ten years. The trend is even more apparent among homeless veterans under 45; one in ten is a woman. What’s more, the increase in the number of homeless women veterans has coincided with a drop in homelessness among their male counterparts, according to Peter Dougherty, director of homeless veterans programs at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

YouTube - ‪Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill‬‏

Why don't these alleged homeless women vets go back to where they lived before they joined the service? There are people who will do anything and say anything to partake of the slop at the taxpayer trough, even lie about their living conditions to obtain their imagined "slice of the pie." Those women who volunteered to serve their country are no more entitled to rob the public coffers than anyone else is, and these alleged "residentially challenged" females are no more honorable than the general public, which has a bad record of cheating and swindling the taxpayers for all they can.

You are a stupid fuck, what good will "going back to where they lived before they joined the service" do moron?:cuckoo:

It isn't nice to call people such names simply because you disagree with them. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of grasping the truth that these females had a home before they joined up, then it must follow that those homes would still be available. Do you have some reason why they wouldn't, in fact, still be there?
Lasher is a terrible demogogue. He uses the undersell soft soap approach, but he is virulent. The female veterans stood up for him, but he is unwilling to stand up for them. Plus the antisemitism in his signature reeks.

We know all we need to know about Lasher; he is here only for grins and chuckles.
Why don't these alleged homeless women vets go back to where they lived before they joined the service? There are people who will do anything and say anything to partake of the slop at the taxpayer trough, even lie about their living conditions to obtain their imagined "slice of the pie." Those women who volunteered to serve their country are no more entitled to rob the public coffers than anyone else is, and these alleged "residentially challenged" females are no more honorable than the general public, which has a bad record of cheating and swindling the taxpayers for all they can.

You are a stupid ****, what good will "going back to where they lived before they joined the service" do moron?:cuckoo:

It isn't nice to call people such names simply because you disagree with them. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of grasping the truth that these females had a home before they joined up, then it must follow that those homes would still be available. Do you have some reason why they wouldn't, in fact, still be there?

What you are saying makes no sense, just because they had a home before they enlisted it does not mean that place will still be available.:cuckoo:
Lasher is a terrible demogogue. He uses the undersell soft soap approach, but he is virulent. The female veterans stood up for him, but he is unwilling to stand up for them. Plus the antisemitism in his signature reeks.

We know all we need to know about Lasher; he is here only for grins and chuckles.

The female veterans knew when they joined up that they might be going to places that were dangerous, just like anyone who applies for a dangerous job like lumberjacking, roughnecking, etc. They accepted the jobs and were paid for doing them, which is what they agreed to when enlisting, so why should we taxpayers be responsible for their housing after they have quit their jobs?
Being a veteran means our citizenry agree to take care of them if they come home damaged.

They have an excuse. Your lack of gratitude is inexcusable. I hope the VFW and DAV folks know who you are in the neighborhood, and treat you accordingly.
You are a stupid ****, what good will "going back to where they lived before they joined the service" do moron?:cuckoo:

It isn't nice to call people such names simply because you disagree with them. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of grasping the truth that these females had a home before they joined up, then it must follow that those homes would still be available. Do you have some reason why they wouldn't, in fact, still be there?

What you are saying makes no sense, just because they had a home before they enlisted it does not mean that place will still be available.:cuckoo:

No, it is what you are saying that makes no sense. Why in the world should their homes they left before enlisting not still be available? Does it make sense to you that while they were away from their homes for a short period of time, those homes would disappear in the interim?
It isn't nice to call people such names simply because you disagree with them. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of grasping the truth that these females had a home before they joined up, then it must follow that those homes would still be available. Do you have some reason why they wouldn't, in fact, still be there?

What you are saying makes no sense, just because they had a home before they enlisted it does not mean that place will still be available.:cuckoo:

No, it is what you are saying that makes no sense. Why in the world should their homes they left before enlisting not still be available? Does it make sense to you that while they were away from their homes for a short period of time, those homes would disappear in the interim?

Short period of time? these enlistments are between 4 to 6 years jack ass, and some of them probably have stayed longer, how are they going to keep a place open in their home of record for that long when they are not even living there retard?:cuckoo:
What you are saying makes no sense, just because they had a home before they enlisted it does not mean that place will still be available.:cuckoo:

No, it is what you are saying that makes no sense. Why in the world should their homes they left before enlisting not still be available? Does it make sense to you that while they were away from their homes for a short period of time, those homes would disappear in the interim?

Short period of time? these enlistments are between 4 to 6 years jack ass, and some of them probably have stayed longer, how are they going to keep a place open in their home of record for that long when they are not even living there retard?:cuckoo:

Are they all orphans with no families? They are mighty young to be without anyone to take them in, such as parents, spouses, friends with privileges, etc. Why do you assume they will have nowhere to turn? Oh, calling me jackass, retard and cuckoo doesn't reinforce your ideas at all, old sport.
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Lasher is clearly mentally ill. He can't reason at all.

Lasher feels that it is you who can't reason at all, but he won't degrade Himself by using epithets against you. People who get so angry they have to call others names just show they know they are wrong.
No, it is what you are saying that makes no sense. Why in the world should their homes they left before enlisting not still be available? Does it make sense to you that while they were away from their homes for a short period of time, those homes would disappear in the interim?

Short period of time? these enlistments are between 4 to 6 years jack ass, and some of them probably have stayed longer, how are they going to keep a place open in their home of record for that long when they are not even living there retard?:cuckoo:

Are they all orphans with no families? They are mighty young to be without anyone to take them in, such as parents, spouses, friends with privileges, etc. Why do you assume they will have nowhere to turn? Oh, calling me jackass, retard and cuckoo doesn't reinforce your ideas at all, old sport.

Not everyone has a family willing to take them in retard.
Welcome to the freak show. Get used to it, you will see a dozen "republicans want to kill or starve or deprive" (pick a victim) every month until the election in 2012. It's an old cheap hate-filled political trick courtesy of the ignorant left.

As usual you're wrong. The neo-Republican Party wants to cut the deficit this year, if and only if taxes are not raised and welfare is not eliminated from the 'job creators'. They believe in these truths:

The Homeless, vets or not, do not create jobs, do not create wealth and hurt commerce when they die in front of store entrances. Wealth is good, great wealth is gooder and poverty should not be seen or heard from.

Those who do not create wealth are not entitled to anything, they must exercise personal responsibility in their life, if they do they will be fine.

Those who create jobs are entitled to benefits including tax cuts, the end of the burden of a government overseer, and free and unregulated markets because they so greatly contribute to society. Even if they dirty a little water or air in the process, the end - job creation - justifies a tiny bit of pollution. A little mercury or other heavy metal in the diet won't hurt anyone.

Only radical Democrats and libtards believe otherwise, and of course these leftists are all Marxists commies who hope to redistribute the wealth of the nation, the wealth 'earned' by the Kock Brothers and Mitt Romneys who by their blood, sweat and tears (taxes always make them cry) have 'created' jobs, or so they would have us believe.

How did Romney earn his wealth, btw? Anyone ever seek to understand how he created failing business into profitable business? Hint, what is the greatest cost to business? Might want to take a look at the Romney record of labor relations.

Hell man - look at that elitist John Kerry. How does he get his millions? He's got millions of Chinese packing Heintz ketchup in off-shore factories, working for 4 cents an hour.

But that's OK, huh?
Since when did Liberals ever give a shit about veterans?

Some liberals are vets; and some liberal vets think those vets who wear their service on their sleaves are assholes. Millions of us served, most quietly and with honor, and I suspect I'm not alone in finding your effort to speak for all of us despicable.

I'm suspect you loved Ronald Reagan, the guy who first required vets to prove their disability was service connected. I worked with a number of vets who couldn't prove PTST was real and the only peace they could get came out of a bottle or needle.

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