Senator Coburn: Civil War and Violence if Obama absorbs Congress's powers.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
WASHINGTON — Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama's executive order on immigration Thursday.

"The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."



GOP senator warns of violence after immigration order

If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.
For realz! This internet hand wringing is going to start a friction fire.

Get off of your pansy ass and do something!!!!
What really happens when the government becomes this lawless is not revolution. It's that people stop caring. They don't follow the laws either. The level of civility drops. We stop being a nation of laws. That's what happens.
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

He is doing something about it, He's bringing it to the peoples attention, without a cause, people will not act (Unless your a paid Ferguson looter!) We certainly wouldn't think you were a patriot!
The post left out the words "could see" and "hopefully not" but that's what you can expect from the liberal media these days.
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.
What is wrong with you?






If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

Seriously, shit or get off the pot. You guys can't even manage an impeachment. Yet you're going to start a revolution?

If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

He is doing something about it, He's bringing it to the peoples attention, without a cause, people will not act (Unless your a paid Ferguson looter!) We certainly wouldn't think you were a patriot!

Like you he's a talking patriot.....the kind we never have to worry about because talking is all you'll ever do.
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

Seriously, shit or get off the pot. You guys can't even manage an impeachment. Yet you're going to start a revolution?

Seriously is right. Most of these nutters probably have to get mommy to tie their shoes in the morning, right after she boots up the computer in the basement.
I enjoy seeing people shit their pants when nothing has yet to happen...
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

You'd make a great cartoon character.
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

You'd make a great cartoon character.
Like Homer Simpson's dumber brother or something.
For realz! This internet hand wringing is going to start a friction fire.

Get off of your pansy ass and do something!!!!

Well, doing something isn't just going into the streets.

I expect that when it happens, it will be pretty well orchestrated and will come as a surprise to the unaware.

The unfortunate thing is that by then, it will have a semi-mob mentality and those in opposition are going to feel it.

I hope it never comes to that. But I know many people who (much to my dismay) feel it can't go any other way.
"Senator Coburn: Civil War and Violence if Obama absorbs Congress's powers."

Hyperbolic ignorance and demagoguery.

Otherwise there will be neither 'civil war' nor 'violence,' as the president isn't 'absorbing' any power; indeed, the president's actions are in accordance with the law, as enacted by Congress.

If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

He is doing something about it, He's bringing it to the peoples attention, without a cause, people will not act (Unless your a paid Ferguson looter!) We certainly wouldn't think you were a patriot!

Actually, it is the people who are not posting we need to be concerned about.

They know that keeping off the radar is important......

When they come on the radar....well, it could be very interesting.
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

What if Tim McVei were on this board ? Do you really want to push that.

What happens when the next Tim McVei gets his hands on something more than fertilizer and diesel fuel and decides to erase Washington D.C. ?

You really want to goad that out ?
"Senator Coburn: Civil War and Violence if Obama absorbs Congress's powers."

Hyperbolic ignorance and demagoguery.

Otherwise there will be neither 'civil war' nor 'violence,' as the president isn't 'absorbing' any power; indeed, the president's actions are in accordance with the law, as enacted by Congress.

Can you be any more stupid ?

When I think the answer is manage to outdo yourself.

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