Senator Coburn: Civil War and Violence if Obama absorbs Congress's powers.

Yup. And here's the stupid part: the public wants immigration reform. Hell, a bare majority even wants Obama to enact it by EO if congress won't do anything. And republicans are going to shut the government down over *this*?

Um, GOP...has this ever worked out for you. Ever?
Republican leaders who had hoped to focus on corporate tax reform, fast-track trade pacts, repealing the president's healthcare law and loosening environmental restrictions on coal are instead being dragged into an immigration skirmish that they've tried studiously to avoid for most of the last year. Immigration reform is a looser for Republicans because they are more divided than Democrats on the issue. No matter what they might pass it will cost them votes. They are really pissed at Obama because he's upsetting their agenda. They could care less about constitutional powers. This is about possible loss of 2016 votes.

Dah ... bullshit. Impeaching his ass will now come as the first order of business in mid January 2015.

Anyone who is considering this to be something worthy of consideration is part of the problem, be they Republican, Democrat or Anarchist... there is no room for compromise on ANYTHING with ANYONE who is even REMOTELY advocating for ANY sense of ANY Leftist notion... obamacare, global warming, amnesty, marriage perversion.

It is ON!
Which of course is impossible since Republicans don't have enough votes. However, it would allow them to start their 2016 campaigning in Congress at tax payer expense.

Republicans have plenty of votes... If you think that the evidence of this crap will not shake lose enough democrats to vote for removal, you're out of your mind. Now of the Senators presently sitting, which ones do you think would be most likely to vote in such a way to ensure their political viability for the next election?
To gain enough support in Congress for impeachment, the Supreme Court would have determined Obama's immigration executive order is unconstitutional and that has little chance of success. Even then few Democrats if any would support such a bill.

Since Republicans have a good majority in the House, they could probably pass a bill of impeachment for being black.

Well obama is guilty of numerous high-crimes, from his complicity in Fast and Furious, which was an attempt to defraud the public and sway public opinion through that fraud that innocent people broke federal law, as a means to regulate their industry. This is an abuse of power...

There's his complicity in the illicit use of the IRS to usurp the right of individuals to assemble and form an effective political opposition. Another egregious abuse of power.

There's the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

And so on...

So while you want to imply that the Republican majority can impeach him based upon that majority, thus the impeachment would be illegitimate, in truth, obama richly deserves to be removed from office... as he has chronically broke from his oath of office, thus violated the public trust on which his power rests.

To NOT remove him would be a violation of the trust the public has invested in the Republican majority.

And of course, such is the same for the Senate. What you're speaking of in terms of the Democrat's refusal to do so, is a demonstration of your recognition that the Democrats are unworthy of the the trust, thus in your mind they have already broken with the trust on which their power rests, so THEY should be removed from office and therefore; THE WILL BE SO REMOVED.

Now what's more interesting is that obama will not only be the first US Chief Executive to be removed from office, he will likely be the first of such to be imprisoned for his crimes, after he is removed from office.

And spare me the isolation that such individuals enjoy... when the US is racked from the results of his crimes, the legal indemnity will evaporate in an instant and we will have gone from Seal Team Sex chasing Osama, to Seal Team Six chasing Obama.
Republican leaders who had hoped to focus on corporate tax reform, fast-track trade pacts, repealing the president's healthcare law and loosening environmental restrictions on coal are instead being dragged into an immigration skirmish that they've tried studiously to avoid for most of the last year. Immigration reform is a looser for Republicans because they are more divided than Democrats on the issue. No matter what they might pass it will cost them votes. They are really pissed at Obama because he's upsetting their agenda. They could care less about constitutional powers. This is about possible loss of 2016 votes.

Dah ... bullshit. Impeaching his ass will now come as the first order of business in mid January 2015.

Anyone who is considering this to be something worthy of consideration is part of the problem, be they Republican, Democrat or Anarchist... there is no room for compromise on ANYTHING with ANYONE who is even REMOTELY advocating for ANY sense of ANY Leftist notion... obamacare, global warming, amnesty, marriage perversion.

It is ON!
Which of course is impossible since Republicans don't have enough votes. However, it would allow them to start their 2016 campaigning in Congress at tax payer expense.

Republicans have plenty of votes... If you think that the evidence of this crap will not shake lose enough democrats to vote for removal, you're out of your mind. Now of the Senators presently sitting, which ones do you think would be most likely to vote in such a way to ensure their political viability for the next election?
To gain enough support in Congress for impeachment, the Supreme Court would have determined Obama's immigration executive order is unconstitutional and that has little chance of success. Even then few Democrats if any would support such a bill.

Since Republicans have a good majority in the House, they could probably pass a bill of impeachment for being black.

Well obama is guilty of numerous high-crimes, from his complicity in Fast and Furious, which was an attempt to defraud the public and sway public opinion through that fraud that innocent people broke federal law, as a means to regulate their industry. This is an abuse of power...

There's his complicity in the illicit use of the IRS to usurp the right of individuals to assemble and form an effective political opposition. Another egregious abuse of power.

There's the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

And so on...

So while you want to imply that the Republican majority can impeach him based upon that majority, thus the impeachment would be illegitimate, in truth, obama richly deserves to be removed from office... as he has chronically broke from his oath of office, thus violated the public trust on which his power rests.

To NOT remove him would be a violation of the trust the public has invested in the Republican majority.

And of course, such is the same for the Senate. What you're speaking of in terms of the Democrat's refusal to do so, is a demonstration of your recognition that the Democrats are unworthy of the the trust, thus in your mind they have already broken with the trust on which their power rests, so THEY should be removed from office and therefore; THE WILL BE SO REMOVED.

Now what's more interesting is that obama will not only be the first US Chief Executive to be removed from office, he will likely be the first of such to be imprisoned for his crimes, after he is removed from office.

And spare me the isolation that such individuals enjoy... when the US is racked from the results of his crimes, the legal indemnity will evaporate in an instant and we will have gone from Seal Team Sex chasing Osama, to Seal Team Six chasing Obama.
If Republicans thought they had a snowballs chance in hell of impeachment it would be on the agenda. Hating a president because he's black, arrogant, and has made republicans in congress look like idiots is not grounds for impeachment.
It will be n the agenda when the new Congress is sworn in. If they don't do it, then the Rule of Law will be Restored, and the new Congress will be considered as accomplices to the Usurper and punished the same.
Dah ... bullshit. Impeaching his ass will now come as the first order of business in mid January 2015.

Anyone who is considering this to be something worthy of consideration is part of the problem, be they Republican, Democrat or Anarchist... there is no room for compromise on ANYTHING with ANYONE who is even REMOTELY advocating for ANY sense of ANY Leftist notion... obamacare, global warming, amnesty, marriage perversion.

It is ON!
Which of course is impossible since Republicans don't have enough votes. However, it would allow them to start their 2016 campaigning in Congress at tax payer expense.

Republicans have plenty of votes... If you think that the evidence of this crap will not shake lose enough democrats to vote for removal, you're out of your mind. Now of the Senators presently sitting, which ones do you think would be most likely to vote in such a way to ensure their political viability for the next election?
To gain enough support in Congress for impeachment, the Supreme Court would have determined Obama's immigration executive order is unconstitutional and that has little chance of success. Even then few Democrats if any would support such a bill.

Since Republicans have a good majority in the House, they could probably pass a bill of impeachment for being black.

Well obama is guilty of numerous high-crimes, from his complicity in Fast and Furious, which was an attempt to defraud the public and sway public opinion through that fraud that innocent people broke federal law, as a means to regulate their industry. This is an abuse of power...

There's his complicity in the illicit use of the IRS to usurp the right of individuals to assemble and form an effective political opposition. Another egregious abuse of power.

There's the treason intrinsic to Benghazi.

And so on...

So while you want to imply that the Republican majority can impeach him based upon that majority, thus the impeachment would be illegitimate, in truth, obama richly deserves to be removed from office... as he has chronically broke from his oath of office, thus violated the public trust on which his power rests.

To NOT remove him would be a violation of the trust the public has invested in the Republican majority.

And of course, such is the same for the Senate. What you're speaking of in terms of the Democrat's refusal to do so, is a demonstration of your recognition that the Democrats are unworthy of the the trust, thus in your mind they have already broken with the trust on which their power rests, so THEY should be removed from office and therefore; THE WILL BE SO REMOVED.

Now what's more interesting is that obama will not only be the first US Chief Executive to be removed from office, he will likely be the first of such to be imprisoned for his crimes, after he is removed from office.

And spare me the isolation that such individuals enjoy... when the US is racked from the results of his crimes, the legal indemnity will evaporate in an instant and we will have gone from Seal Team Sex chasing Osama, to Seal Team Six chasing Obama.
If Republicans thought they had a snowballs chance in hell of impeachment it would be on the agenda. Hating a president because he's black, arrogant, and has made republicans in congress look like idiots is not grounds for impeachment.

LOL~ SO that is obama making the Republicans look foolish?


So increasing GOP majorities in everything from the US Federal Legislature through State Governors and State Legislatures... 'is making the GOP look foolish'.

LOL! I'll take it! (Folks... the Left apparently wants to revise the meaning of "foolish" to now represent: Essential to the survival of the Nation. Pass it on! Tell the others to file it next to "Gay", "Liberal" and "Progressive".)
Obama is willing to act....Congress isn't

Who has a problem?
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

People who post stuff like this do so in their mommy's basement are the same ones who said the were going down to Texas to defend the boarder, they get off on the fantasy of a civil war posting pictures of people shooting, yet they won't join the military because the may be involved in actual war
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

He is doing something about it, He's bringing it to the peoples attention, without a cause, people will not act (Unless your a paid Ferguson looter!) We certainly wouldn't think you were a patriot!
He's raising awareness. What are the rest of the libs doing?
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

He is doing something about it, He's bringing it to the peoples attention, without a cause, people will not act (Unless your a paid Ferguson looter!) We certainly wouldn't think you were a patriot!
He's raising awareness. What are the rest of the libs doing?

Awareness.......yes he performs an invaluable public service. He makes everyone aware of the constituency of pompous retards who inhabit the nether regions of reality.
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

He is doing something about it, He's bringing it to the peoples attention, without a cause, people will not act (Unless your a paid Ferguson looter!) We certainly wouldn't think you were a patriot!
He's raising awareness. What are the rest of the libs doing?

Awareness.......yes he performs an invaluable public service. He makes everyone aware of the constituency of pompous retards who inhabit the nether regions of reality.

Mighty harsh on the PROGS that post here, Dipsy!
If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

He is doing something about it, He's bringing it to the peoples attention, without a cause, people will not act (Unless your a paid Ferguson looter!) We certainly wouldn't think you were a patriot!
He's raising awareness. What are the rest of the libs doing?

Awareness.......yes he performs an invaluable public service. He makes everyone aware of the constituency of pompous retards who inhabit the nether regions of reality.

Mighty harsh on the PROGS that post here, Dipsy!

As if on cue......another pompous retard reports for duty.
I think they've almost got enough people on this thread to start their own movement of pompous could be a revolution.
Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

He is doing something about it, He's bringing it to the peoples attention, without a cause, people will not act (Unless your a paid Ferguson looter!) We certainly wouldn't think you were a patriot!
He's raising awareness. What are the rest of the libs doing?

Awareness.......yes he performs an invaluable public service. He makes everyone aware of the constituency of pompous retards who inhabit the nether regions of reality.

Mighty harsh on the PROGS that post here, Dipsy!

As if on cue......another pompous retard reports for duty.

Yes, you just posted... try an Ex-Lax!
He is doing something about it, He's bringing it to the peoples attention, without a cause, people will not act (Unless your a paid Ferguson looter!) We certainly wouldn't think you were a patriot!
He's raising awareness. What are the rest of the libs doing?

Awareness.......yes he performs an invaluable public service. He makes everyone aware of the constituency of pompous retards who inhabit the nether regions of reality.

Mighty harsh on the PROGS that post here, Dipsy!

As if on cue......another pompous retard reports for duty.

Yes, you just posted... try an Ex-Lax!

I think it's nice that mommy lets you play with her computer.
He's raising awareness. What are the rest of the libs doing?

Awareness.......yes he performs an invaluable public service. He makes everyone aware of the constituency of pompous retards who inhabit the nether regions of reality.

Mighty harsh on the PROGS that post here, Dipsy!

As if on cue......another pompous retard reports for duty.

Yes, you just posted... try an Ex-Lax!

I think it's nice that mommy lets you play with her computer.

I see we are entering that zone of bringing family members into threads... But that's OK, you're the one that looks like the child in this thread!
There's more than one way to have a civil war. There's more than one way to have a war.
Awareness.......yes he performs an invaluable public service. He makes everyone aware of the constituency of pompous retards who inhabit the nether regions of reality.

Mighty harsh on the PROGS that post here, Dipsy!

As if on cue......another pompous retard reports for duty.

Yes, you just posted... try an Ex-Lax!

I think it's nice that mommy lets you play with her computer.

I see we are entering that zone of bringing family members into threads... But that's OK, you're the one that looks like the child in this thread!
As evidenced by your witty repartee.
Mighty harsh on the PROGS that post here, Dipsy!

As if on cue......another pompous retard reports for duty.

Yes, you just posted... try an Ex-Lax!

I think it's nice that mommy lets you play with her computer.

I see we are entering that zone of bringing family members into threads... But that's OK, you're the one that looks like the child in this thread!
As evidenced by your witty repartee.

Whatever you say...child! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
As if on cue......another pompous retard reports for duty.

Yes, you just posted... try an Ex-Lax!

I think it's nice that mommy lets you play with her computer.

I see we are entering that zone of bringing family members into threads... But that's OK, you're the one that looks like the child in this thread!
As evidenced by your witty repartee.

Whatever you say...child! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

As a matter of fact your retorts are so clever and so fucking funny I would put your brand of humor right up there with comedy greats like Carrot Top and Andrew Dice Clay.

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