Senator Coburn: Civil War and Violence if Obama absorbs Congress's powers.

Immigration lawyers just hit a HUGE PAYDAY...and you fucking liberals will have to pay their bills along with us patriots!
Obama is bringing immigration reform to center stage. Republicans are going to have to pass some form of immigration reform which they don't want to do, cut off funds to run the government which they promised not to do, or just do nothing and make threats of civil war and violence. The last option seems the most probably.

Yup. And here's the stupid part: the public wants immigration reform. Hell, a bare majority even wants Obama to enact it by EO if congress won't do anything. And republicans are going to shut the government down over *this*?

Um, GOP...has this ever worked out for you. Ever?
Republican leaders who had hoped to focus on corporate tax reform, fast-track trade pacts, repealing the president's healthcare law and loosening environmental restrictions on coal are instead being dragged into an immigration skirmish that they've tried studiously to avoid for most of the last year. Immigration reform is a looser for Republicans because they are more divided than Democrats on the issue. No matter what they might pass it will cost them votes. They are really pissed at Obama because he's upsetting their agenda. They could care less about constitutional powers. This is about possible loss of 2016 votes.

Dah ... bullshit. Impeaching his ass will now come as the first order of business in mid January 2015.

Anyone who is considering this to be something worthy of consideration is part of the problem, be they Republican, Democrat or Anarchist... there is no room for compromise on ANYTHING with ANYONE who is even REMOTELY advocating for ANY sense of ANY Leftist notion... obamacare, global warming, amnesty, marriage perversion.

It is ON!
Which of course is impossible since Republicans don't have enough votes. However, it would allow them to start their 2016 campaigning in Congress at tax payer expense.

Republicans have plenty of votes... If you think that the evidence of this crap will not shake lose enough democrats to vote for removal, you're out of your mind. Now of the Senators presently sitting, which ones do you think would be most likely to vote in such a way to ensure their political viability for the next election?
WASHINGTON — Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama's executive order on immigration Thursday.

"The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."



GOP senator warns of violence after immigration order

What a fucking drama queen
WASHINGTON — Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns there could be not only a political firestorm but acts of civil disobedience and even violence in reaction to President Obama's executive order on immigration Thursday.

"The country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it's going to be a very serious situation," Coburn said on Capital Download. "You're going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. ... You could see violence."

What a fucking drama queen

ROFLMNAO! I just adore the sweeter ironies.
More whites favor no deportation than not

More blacks and Hispanics favor no deportation by 3 to 1

Any acts of violence will be resolved by the neighbors who will take the fools into the back yard and put the rebels against wall. LEO will not be needed.

Don't talk stupidly, folks
Sorry about your math Jake, but 48% don't support the president on this and 14% are undecided, that leaves a rather slim minority.
NBC says, "Sorry, saveliberty, check our numbers": 52 to 48, 76 to 24, 79 to 21. Tis what is.
saveliberty, talk to NBC, not me.

The House has had a year to pass a bill.

The President has called this House out, and now the American people are watching if the House will do the right thing or play politics. If it does the latter as it did when it kept bowing to the TP, it will earn the disdain of the American people.

No one is being deported in the millions.

Simply is what is.

That you don't like means nothing to me.
For realz! This internet hand wringing is going to start a friction fire.

Get off of your pansy ass and do something!!!!

Well, doing something isn't just going into the streets.

I expect that when it happens, it will be pretty well orchestrated and will come as a surprise to the unaware.

The unfortunate thing is that by then, it will have a semi-mob mentality and those in opposition are going to feel it.

I hope it never comes to that. But I know many people who (much to my dismay) feel it can't go any other way.

If, and I say IF your ilk are ever stupid enough to start killing cops, fire fighters and soldiers in the 'name of your revolution', we'd end you. And by 'we', I mean the very well armed and organized general public. Do you honestly think we would *ever* put up with your shit? That seeing you gun down a firefighter screaming 'freedom!', that we'd grab our guns and *join* you?

Are you fucking kidding me?

These are our neighbors you'd be trying to kill. These are our family members. We'd fucking kill your ilk, and feel no worse than if we had to put down a rabid animal. If you were ever stupid enough to try this shit you'd be shooting at cops and soldiers as the day broke....and hysterically begging cops and soldiers for their protection from the rest of us before the sun set. And you know what, they'd probably protect you, even after you spent half the day trying to kill them.

Never, ever forget that there are way more of us than there are of you. And we're better armed and organized.

You know, it isn't good to post when you've been drinking.

Because if you were sober, you'd be able to understand my post.

Which was to say, I hope it never comes to that. Because what you describe could happen...but now without a lot of ugliness.

Killing cops ? Just where did you get that....?

If Congress does not honor their Oath to the Constitution of the United States, and impeach the Usurper who admits in his words to be violating and effectively NULLIFYING the Constitution of the United States, then it is time to use the Founding Fathers last gift to the American People, the Second Amendment.

Start a revolution then, quit talking about it, do something.

What if Tim McVei were on this board ? Do you really want to push that.

What happens when the next Tim McVei gets his hands on something more than fertilizer and diesel fuel and decides to erase Washington D.C. ?

You really want to goad that out ?

We should flush them out so we can put them out of their misery.

Best of luck.

It scares me.
You know, it isn't good to post when you've been drinking.

Because if you were sober, you'd be able to understand my post.

And if you had bothered to read what you tried to respond to, you'd understand my post: your ilk doesn't have the numbers. If they attempted their 'revolution' through any form of violence, the people themselves would end you. Most 'revolutionary' fantasies are based on some profound, hapless idiocy.....where bubba and zeke unfurl their confederate flag, start shooting at law enforcement officers and the nearby homes just empty with those eager to join them in killing cops and soldiers!

The reality of the situation would involve the 'revolutionaries' tasting much more asphalt, where zeke would be looking into bubba's dead eyes as bub's blood stained the street......for about the two seconds it took to zeke to feel the still warm barrel against his own temple before a loud noise ended all his worries.

Put their by his fellow citizens. Not the cops. Not the soldiers.

And likely the deluded idiot would 'never see it coming', confident in his faith in his right wing, echo chamber fantasy. My post is an attempt to disabuse him of such a potentially fatal misconception.

Killing cops ? Just where did you get that....?

What are you going to use in your little 'revolution'? Harsh language? Apparently the 'war' in 'civil war' was a tad too subtle to be grasped.

And if it is to be a 'revolution' of violence, then who do you think are going to be the first people to stop you? Kindergarten teachers? Perhaps Baristas from Starbucks? Or those who enforce our laws....whom you will be violating. Trust me, Cletus.....the cops won't be using harsh language.

Our poor, hapless 'revolutionaries' never quite think it through, do they?
You know, it isn't good to post when you've been drinking.

Because if you were sober, you'd be able to understand my post.

And if you had bothered to read what you tried to respond to, you'd understand my post: your ilk doesn't have the numbers. If they attempted their 'revolution' through any form of violence, the people themselves would end you. Most 'revolutionary' fantasies are based on some profound, hapless idiocy.....where bubba and zeke unfurl their confederate flag, start shooting at law enforcement officers and the nearby homes just empty with those eager to join them in killing cops and soldiers!

The reality of the situation would involve the 'revolutionaries' tasting much more asphalt, where zeke would be looking into bubba's dead eyes as bub's blood stained the street......for about the two seconds it took to zeke to feel the still warm barrel against his own temple before a loud noise ended all his worries.

Put their by his fellow citizens. Not the cops. Not the soldiers.

And likely the deluded idiot would 'never see it coming', confident in his faith in his right wing, echo chamber fantasy. My post is an attempt to disabuse him of such a potentially fatal misconception.

Killing cops ? Just where did you get that....?

What are you going to use in your little 'revolution'? Harsh language? Apparently the 'war' in 'civil war' was a tad too subtle to be grasped.

And if it is to be a 'revolution' of violence, then who do you think are going to be the first people to stop you? Kindergarten teachers? Perhaps Baristas from Starbucks? Or those who enforce our laws....whom you will be violating. Trust me, Cletus.....the cops won't be using harsh language.

Our poor, hapless 'revolutionaries' never quite think it through, do they?

Come back when you are sober and not making stuff up to argue against.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

...she always knowed the South gonna rise again...

... dat's why she been savin' her Confederate money.
Obama is bringing immigration reform to center stage. Republicans are going to have to pass some form of immigration reform which they don't want to do, cut off funds to run the government which they promised not to do, or just do nothing and make threats of civil war and violence. The last option seems the most probably.

Yup. And here's the stupid part: the public wants immigration reform. Hell, a bare majority even wants Obama to enact it by EO if congress won't do anything. And republicans are going to shut the government down over *this*?

Um, GOP...has this ever worked out for you. Ever?
Republican leaders who had hoped to focus on corporate tax reform, fast-track trade pacts, repealing the president's healthcare law and loosening environmental restrictions on coal are instead being dragged into an immigration skirmish that they've tried studiously to avoid for most of the last year. Immigration reform is a looser for Republicans because they are more divided than Democrats on the issue. No matter what they might pass it will cost them votes. They are really pissed at Obama because he's upsetting their agenda. They could care less about constitutional powers. This is about possible loss of 2016 votes.

Dah ... bullshit. Impeaching his ass will now come as the first order of business in mid January 2015.

Anyone who is considering this to be something worthy of consideration is part of the problem, be they Republican, Democrat or Anarchist... there is no room for compromise on ANYTHING with ANYONE who is even REMOTELY advocating for ANY sense of ANY Leftist notion... obamacare, global warming, amnesty, marriage perversion.

It is ON!
Which of course is impossible since Republicans don't have enough votes. However, it would allow them to start their 2016 campaigning in Congress at tax payer expense.

Republicans have plenty of votes... If you think that the evidence of this crap will not shake lose enough democrats to vote for removal, you're out of your mind. Now of the Senators presently sitting, which ones do you think would be most likely to vote in such a way to ensure their political viability for the next election?
To gain enough support in Congress for impeachment, the Supreme Court would have determined Obama's immigration executive order is unconstitutional and that has little chance of success. Even then few Democrats if any would support such a bill.

Since Republicans have a good majority in the House, they could probably pass a bill of impeachment for being black.

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