Senator Graham to Breitbart: "Berniecare is coming. vote for my obamacare repeal bill to avert it"

Why not use a system that works throughout the entire first world? Single payer.

Why double down on private insurance that has shown to be a failure?? Grahams an Idiot.
Why not use a system that works throughout the entire first world? Single payer.

Why double down on private insurance that has shown to be a failure?? Grahams an Idiot.

In America, rights DON'T COME FROM government.

Rights come from our creator. From our very creation.

Government can only TAKE AWAY rights.
Medicare will go bankrupt by 2029. Dem's answer? Medicare for all. We can't afford Medicare as it currently exists, so lets expand it.
New GOP Health Care Bill Worse Than All The Others. Will Destroy All Health Care.
Just sending money to the states will throw all health care into chaos. Insurance companies will have to extremely raise rates even for people NOT on the ACA. Their premiums will go stratospheric. Sick people will flood the ER's and rural hospitals and clinics will end up closing.

This new bill ia an atomic bomb to the whole health care system. It is like torpedoing the Titanic and shooting all the survivors.
look at these thugs protesting Obamacare repeal

Why not use a system that works throughout the entire first world? Single payer.

Why double down on private insurance that has shown to be a failure?? Grahams an Idiot.

Socialism sucks. Why not aim for something better than what the rest of the first world has? Besides, it won't work so well here. We've got a lot of blacks and browns who are very costly.

The best universal healthcare would be using private insurance, just have the government pay for the premiums. Use competition to control costs. I don't think this has ever been tried, but on paper it's easily better than what the rest of the first world has.

But, crap is all most people aim for.
New GOP Health Care Bill Worse Than All The Others. Will Destroy All Health Care.
Just sending money to the states will throw all health care into chaos. Insurance companies will have to extremely raise rates even for people NOT on the ACA. Their premiums will go stratospheric. Sick people will flood the ER's and rural hospitals and clinics will end up closing.

This new bill ia an atomic bomb to the whole health care system. It is like torpedoing the Titanic and shooting all the survivors.

You sound like a faggot. The GOP bill doesn't reduce funding nor require states to change how they use the federal money.
"Rand Paul is a friend of mine but he is such a negative force when it comes to fixing healthcare. Graham-Cassidy Bill is GREAT! Ends Ocare!" - Trump
"Rand Paul is a friend of mine but he is such a negative force when it comes to fixing healthcare. Graham-Cassidy Bill is GREAT! Ends Ocare!" - Trump

Rand Paul says he's voting against the new "repeal" because it's not a repeal. Instead, it'll just stick Republicans for the blame of Obamacare's death spiral. He's right. Although, I think the Republican bill is a slight improvement.

It's behind my comprehension why Republicans refuse to fix Obamcare, especially given that they refuse to repeal it. Republicans are worthless.

F1cking worthless Republicans and their f1cking worthless base, too. At least they're better than Democrats.
"Rand Paul is a friend of mine but he is such a negative force when it comes to fixing healthcare. Graham-Cassidy Bill is GREAT! Ends Ocare!" - Trump

Rand Paul says he's voting against the new "repeal" because it's not a repeal. Instead, it'll just stick Republicans for the blame of Obamacare's death spiral. He's right. Although, I think the Republican bill is a slight improvement.

It's behind my comprehension why Republicans refuse to fix Obamcare, especially given that they refuse to repeal it. Republicans are worthless.

F1cking worthless Republicans and their f1cking worthless base, too. At least they're better than Democrats.
Trump is right; Crazy Rand's not helping with Healthcare. 1 thing to vote no, but don't go on CNN, MSNBC to bash YOUR TEAM!
Why not use a system that works throughout the entire first world? Single payer.

Why double down on private insurance that has shown to be a failure?? Grahams an Idiot.

Socialism is still the worlds largest and most dependable failure
We have a decent system thats skewed by government interference. Our Progressives want us to trade the current system for one with even more government where you either: a) have to wait up to a year to see a doctor like in free stuff Canada, or, b) have true free, single payer like in North Korea ir Venezuela.
We have a decent system thats skewed by government interference. Our Progressives want us to trade the current system for one with even more government where you either: a) have to wait up to a year to see a doctor like in free stuff Canada, or, b) have true free, single payer like in North Korea ir Venezuela.

Instead of using the Canadian Health care (a failure), use the Danish one that is a huge success. It's not socialism that is so bad. It's stupid laws made by stupid people. And the Americas seem to have more than our fair share of stupid people making stupid laws.
It's not socialism that is so bad. It's stupid laws made by stupid people.

Anyone who believes socialism isn't so bad is truly a stupid person.

You can't figure out what's so bad about a system based on punishing productive people and rewarding unproductive people? Truly stupid.
"I would not sign Graham-Cassidy if it did not include coverage of pre-existing conditions. It does! A great Bill. Repeal & Replace." - Trump
"Senator (Doctor) Bill Cassidy is a class act who really cares about people and their Health(care), he doesn't lie-just wants to help people!" - Trump

Senator Doctor Cassidy was a doctor at charity hospitals all his life before becomin a senator

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