'Hit Iran now. Hit them hard,' U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham calls on Biden to strike Iran

You almost get the feeling that some people have a poster of a missile being fired, or an image of Hiroshima from the sky well positioned as they flag their bishop.

Iran is going to need to be confronted. Attacking them could very well set off WWIII thanks to CHina and Russia. Does Graham understand this potential?

The West needs to fund proxies in the region to create problems for Iran.

Bad idea.

Israel wants war on. Iran. Give them our blessing. No one else should get involved.
We had the best economy,

No, we had an economy similar to Obama's.
cheap gas,

Because the Covid lockdown killed the demand for gas. Plus there was a Russia-Saudi Arabia oil price war that Trump had nothing to do with.
historic low unemployment,

Historic, hardly. There were lower rates in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Furthermore the labor force participation rate (a better measure than unemployment) was higher in the 90's.

low interest rates,

Interest rates increased during Trump's Presidency compared to Obama's. However, artificially low rates isn't a good thing. But in any case the President doesn't control interest rates.
low inflation,

Inflation was on par with that during Obama's reign. And the reckless Covid spending by Congress that Trump didn't veto lead directly to the inflation under Biden (not that Biden did anything to slow it down).
no new wars,

But plenty of old ones.
brought back half a million manufacturing jobs,
Manufacturing jobs had been on the increase since 2009. At best you could say that Trump didn't screw up the manufacturing job growth.
secured the border despite he RINOs/Dems obstructing him,
No he didn't.

got Roe v Wade overturned.

Get bent.
Great. Now blacks and Hispanics are going to breed at even higher rates.
Bad idea.

Israel wants war on. Iran. Give them our blessing. No one else should get involved.
Only the rabid want a full blown war. Those responsible for murdering three patriotic Americans must pay a price though. An eye for an eye is acceptable under these circumstances, in fact, it is required.
Post yours, twat rash. So far, as always, you have come up empty.
I did! You replied to it.
He wiped it off the map. All by defunding them after Obama was funding them for years.

Obama never funded ISIS. ISIS was born in camp Brucca prison in Iraq in 2004. They were bootlegging gas from makeshift backyard refineries in Syria, smuggling drugs, kidnapping for hire etc.
Only the rabid want a full blown war. Those responsible for murdering three patriotic Americans must pay a price though. An eye for an eye is acceptable under these circumstances, in fact, it is required.
It would be cool if we could get Israel to do the "eye for an eye" thing for us, but they won't.
Obama never funded ISIS. ISIS was born in camp Brucca prison in Iraq in 2004. They were bootlegging gas from makeshift backyard refineries in Syria, smuggling drugs, kidnapping for hire etc.
Obama very much did fund radical Sunni Muslim extremists that wanted to overthrow Assad.

Don’t be a moron. The US fully backed their goal of overthrowing Assad.
Obama very much did fund radical Sunni Muslim extremists that wanted to overthrow Assad.

Don’t be a moron. The US fully backed their goal of overthrowing Assad.

Nope. The Syrians who reacted to the arrests and torture of the schoolboys were not ISIS. ISIS came in after the fact. There were three distinct groups fighting in Syria. Syria has failed in 2005. Bashar Assad wasn't running Syria. He was just taking Valium.
Only the rabid want a full blown war. Those responsible for murdering three patriotic Americans must pay a price though. An eye for an eye is acceptable under these circumstances, in fact, it is required.
Stop believing propaganda.
The one and only reason the US government and its stenographers in the western press mentioned the word "Iran" a zillion times after that attack was to administer propaganda to manufacture public hostility toward a government long targeted for regime change by the US empire. - Caitlin Johnstone
Apparently certain corrupt elements within our government have wanted war with Iran for a long time now...

So if / when it ever happens, keep that in mind. It wouldn't be the first time a war started on false pretenses.

I've posted this before, but it really is a must-see:


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