'Hit Iran now. Hit them hard,' U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham calls on Biden to strike Iran

US troops are in Jordan because of ISIS.

You dopes don't really believe Trump eliminated them, do you?
So now the right wing doves have done a 180 and are now war hawks

Completely predictable
You just stop giving a shit about them when they become veterans and need medical care and mental health.
Except for the fact that is completely untrue. I served in the military. Did YOU?

Shut your bitch ass up. No one has EVER cared more about the military than republicans. Meanwhile democrats are notorious for mistreating our soldiers. It wasnt conservatives who ran around spitting on Vietnam vets.
It worked out awesome. Peace in the Middle East was kept during his term.

Your guy is a lifelong warmongering idiot who does whatever the CIA wants.

Why did Biden have troops on the Jordan border?
There was no peace in the Middle East when Trump was President. Hell, he bombed Syria over a hoaxed gas attack.
There was no peace in the Middle East when Trump was President. Hell, he bombed Syria over a hoaxed gas attack.
It was more peaceful than anytime prior or since. He wiped out ISIS within a year and a half, all without invading a new country. He got several Islamic nations to recognize Israel.

The Syria hoax was a leftover from the Hussein Regime. President Trump announced we were going to withdraw, then the “chemical weapons” attack happened. All the Dems and neocons were clamoring for war. Trump bombed their airfield and that was it. No new war, much to the disappointment of the Establishment.
It was more peaceful than anytime prior or since.

I'll give him credit for not starting any new wars. He was happy to continue fighting the old ones though.
He wiped out ISIS within a year and a half, all without invading a new country.

ISIS still exists. Honestly I would have been more impressed with Trump if he had declassified documents showing that ISIS is supported by the CIA and Israel.

He got several Islamic nations to recognize Israel.
By bribing them with American dollars and support. So once again the US is on the hook for Israel's defense.

The Syria hoax was a leftover from the Hussein Regime. President Trump announced we were going to withdraw, then the “chemical weapons” attack happened. All the Dems and neocons were clamoring for war. Trump bombed their airfield and that was it. No new war, much to the disappointment of the Establishment.
Trump ordered the attack rather than exposing the hoax for what it was.
He was happy to continue fighting the old ones though.

He reduced troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 2500 troops. That’s almost nothing. Plus there were no real combat operations going on, and very few casualties in his last year.

He also had a plan to withdraw from each country.

Then Biden bungled it all up with his disastrous retreat, leaving allied Afghan forced twisting in the wind and handing all of Afghanistan to AQ on a platter.

And of course Biden still has us in Iraq.

He reduced troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 2500 troops. That’s almost nothing. Plus there were no real combat operations going on, and very few casualties in his last year.
So he chose not to remove all the troops.
He also had a plan to withdraw from each country.

A plan and 5 bucks will get you a grande soy latte.
Then Biden bungled it all up with his disastrous retreat, leaving allied Afghan forced twisting in the wind and handing all of Afghanistan to AQ on a platter.
It would have been bungled under Trump too. The MIC wanted the Taliban to have the weapons.
And of course Biden still has us in Iraq.
So Trump didn't get us out of Iraq either.
So he chose not to remove all the troops.

A plan and 5 bucks will get you a grande soy latte.

It would have been bungled under Trump too. The MIC wanted the Taliban to have the weapons.

So Trump didn't get us out of Iraq either.
He had plans to withdraw. It was real otherwise we wouldn’t had been down to just a few thousand.

Face it, you’re mad because President Trump did more and did it better than your dementia ridden Establishment stooge.
He had plans to withdraw. It was real otherwise we wouldn’t had been down to just a few thousand.

Face it, you’re mad because President Trump did more and did it better than your dementia ridden Establishment stooge.
Trump didn't do anything good. No wall. No drainage. Hillary free. Tax cuts for woke corporations. Still involved in wars for Israel. Illegal immigrants increased. Debt increased. Clotshot. Increased trade deficit with China. FBI censored people on social media. Assange still persecuted. Snowden not given a pardon. J6 crew thrown under the bus. 3 moderates appointed to SCOTUS. Banks closing conservative activists accounts. Big tech pressuring little tech to ban conservative activists (e.g. payment processors). Not a single DEI office in government shut down. Military openly defying his orders without consequence. Lady MAGA not condemned.
Trump didn't do anything good. No wall. No drainage. Hillary free. Tax cuts for woke corporations. Still involved in wars for Israel. Illegal immigrants increased. Debt increased. Clotshot. Increased trade deficit with China. FBI censored people on social media. Assange still persecuted. Snowden not given a pardon. J6 crew thrown under the bus. 3 moderates appointed to SCOTUS. Banks closing conservative activists accounts. Big tech pressuring little tech to ban conservative activists (e.g. payment processors). Not a single DEI office in government shut down. Military openly defying his orders without consequence. Lady MAGA not condemned.
We had the best economy, cheap gas, historic low unemployment, low interest rates, low inflation, no new wars, brought back half a million manufacturing jobs, secured the border despite he RINOs/Dems obstructing him, got Roe v Wade overturned.

Get bent.

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