"Senator Kennedy, I Refuse to be Shackled by Your Question."

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Said this Democratic witness in the Senate to avoid answering a very straightforward yes or no question (1:20):

That'd be a good line for Kamala Harris. She might have used it if she hadn't run off all of her best speechwriters by treating them so badly.

I wish Democratic witnesses would just answer questions, but I respect that lady for openling refusing more than those who give rambling non-responsive replies and then say "I'm answering your question."
Said this Democratic witness in the Senate to avoid answering a very straightforward yes or no question (1:20):

That'd be a good line for Kamala Harris. She might have used it if she hadn't run off all of her best speechwriters by treating them so badly.

I wish Democratic witnesses would just answer questions, but I respect that lady for openling refusing more than those who give rambling non-responsive replies and then say "I'm answering your question."

Great answer…put him in his place

He gets to ask the question, he doesn’t get to decide how you are allowed to answer it
Said this Democratic witness in the Senate to avoid answering a very straightforward yes or no question (1:20):

That'd be a good line for Kamala Harris. She might have used it if she hadn't run off all of her best speechwriters by treating them so badly.

I wish Democratic witnesses would just answer questions, but I respect that lady for openling refusing more than those who give rambling non-responsive replies and then say "I'm answering your question."

The ones who refuse to answer Sen. Kennedy's simple yes/no question, would most likely kill an infant.
Great answer…put him in his place

He gets to ask the question, he doesn’t get to decide how you are allowed to answer it
It really was a simple question. Would you abort at or near the time of delivery for any reason. The ones that won't answer obviously would do that but don't want to admit it.
Great answer…put him in his place

He gets to ask the question, he doesn’t get to decide how you are allowed to answer it
Kennedy purposefully conflates exceptions for the life or health of the mother, with unfettered right to abortion up until birth. While one doctor who performs abortions told him, that from the point of viability they would do a C-section instead of an abortion.
The ones who refuse to answer Sen. Kennedy's simple yes/no question, would most likely kill an infant.
It wasn't a simple yes/no question.

Like asking, should police have the power to shoot someone who is completely unarmed?
It really was a simple question. Would you abort at or near the time of delivery for any reason. The ones that won't answer obviously would do that but don't want to admit it.
Actually it depends on what "any reason" means.
Any reason by the mother, or any reason by the doctor?
Actually it depends on what "any reason" means.
Any reason by the mother, or any reason by the doctor?
Kennedy said 'any reason'......He did not qualify the question yet those aborters could not find it in them to say 'no' which means they would agree with abortion at the time of birth.
Kennedy said 'any reason'......He did not qualify the question yet those aborters could not find it in them to say 'no' which means they would agree with abortion at the time of birth.
Which is why it wasn't a simple yes/no question.
Abortion up until birth for any reason by the mother - NO!
Abortion up until birth for any reason by the doctor - YES!
It wasn't a simple yes/no question.

Like asking, should police have the power to shoot someone who is completely unarmed?
It was a simple yes/no question. Police DO have the power to shoot an unarmed perp. That doesn't mean agreement with the statement means one wants to give police free reign to go on killing sprees.

No, those people Kennedy was querying couldn't even contemplate not aborting at the time of birth.
It was a simple yes/no question. Police DO have the power to shoot an unarmed perp. That doesn't mean agreement with the statement means one wants to give police free reign to go on killing sprees.

No, those people Kennedy was querying couldn't even contemplate not aborting at the time of birth.
They do? Then why are police in jail for shooting unarmed perps?

Not so simple as your answer suggests.
Which is why it wasn't a simple yes/no question.
Abortion up until birth for any reason by the mother - NO!
Abortion up until birth for any reason by the doctor - YES!
Yet Kennedy said abortion for any reason and by anybody. Stop trying to reframe the question just because you don't like it.

The obvious answer is NO but somehow these pro aborts can't bring themselves to come down on the side of the innocent life. Very sad.
They do? Then why are police in jail for shooting unarmed perps?

Not so simple as your answer suggests.
Our legal system is corrupt, those officers should probably not be in jail. There are many instances were a perp get's ahold of a cop's gun, then gets shot by the cop with the gun the perp tried to steal.
Yet Kennedy said abortion for any reason and by anybody. Stop trying to reframe the question just because you don't like it.

The obvious answer is NO but somehow these pro aborts can't bring themselves to come down on the side of the innocent life. Very sad.
As I said, the answer depends on who the "anybody" is.
And because Kennedy didn't specify, or give them the chance to explain in those terms, a simple yes/no answer isn't possible without further clarification of anybody or any reason.
Our legal system is corrupt, those officers should probably not be in jail. There are many instances were a perp get's ahold of a cop's gun, then gets shot by the cop with the gun the perp tried to steal.
I said the power to shoot a completely unarmed perp.

Certainly if the perp has, or controls the officers gun, they no longer qualify as unarmed.
She tried to answer, but not in an absolute form, with only yes or no.

No different than if he asked "Did you stop beating your wife?" Yes / No
NO was the correct answer for anyone with a soul. The 'beat your wife' question is totally different because it contains an assumption. Kennedy's question did not contain any assumption.

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