"Senator Kennedy, I Refuse to be Shackled by Your Question."

Abortions that occur in the third trimester are for medical problems and complications with the pregnancy. These are women who chose to have their beloved babies, but something medically, is amiss.

YOU, and Big Gov't should have NO PART in any medical decisions the mother, father, and doctor make in these third trimester Pregnancy complications.
Then put that into legislation. Require a medical diagnosis of a serious threat to the health or life of the mother before allowing such an abortion. Put a doctor's signature on the line alongside hers. Heck, while we're at it, if she knows who the father is, put his on there too.

What I have observed, however, when someone makes that argument and I give that response is they usually rapidly backpedal from their stated position, revealing that they're less concerned with health than with preserving access to abortion at all times for any reason.
". . . Democrats bent on restoring abortion rights would have us believe that no state would allow a fully formed baby to be aborted, and it is rational to believe this. But such is not always the case. In fact, a doctor profiled in a 2023 Atlantic article, Warren Hern, performs abortions up to 32 weeks and sometimes later. Hern estimated that about half of his later-term abortions are of healthy babies.

Hern, 86, has been performing abortions in Boulder, Colo., for more than 50 years and is one of a handful of doctors willing to perform late-term abortions. He shows no reticence in saying he doesn’t care about the fetus, only the living, breathing patient. It is easy to see why he is often described as a curmudgeon, who (proudly) lacks a bedside manner. . . "


". . . Hern is now nearing his fifth decade of practice at his Boulder clinic; he has persisted through the entire arc of Roe v. Wade, its nearly 50-year rise and fall. He specializes in abortions late in pregnancy—the rarest, and most controversial, form of abortion. This means that Hern ends the pregnancies of women who are 22, 25, even 30 weeks along. Although 14 states now ban abortion in most or all circumstances, Colorado has no gestational limits on the procedure. Patients come to him from all over the country because he is one of only a handful of physicians who can, and will, perform an abortion so late.

During the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, when about 90 percent of abortions in America are carried out, the fetus’s appearance ranges from a small clot of phlegm to an alienlike ball of flesh. At 22 weeks, though, a human fetus has grown to about the size of a small melon. The procedures that Hern performs result in the removal of a body that, if you saw it, would inspire a sharp pang of recognition. These are the abortions that provide fodder for the gruesome images on protesters’ signs and the billboards along Midwest highways, images that can be difficult to look at for long.

Many of the women who visit Hern’s clinic do so because their health is at risk—or because their fetus has a serious abnormality that would require a baby to undergo countless surgeries with little chance of survival. But Hern does not restrict his work to these cases.

The phone at Hern’s clinic rings constantly these days. Since the overturning of Roe and the corresponding blitz of abortion bans, appointment books are filling up at clinics in states where abortion remains legal. Women who have to wait weeks for an appointment may end up missing the window for a first-trimester procedure. Some book a flight to Boulder to see Hern, who is treating about 50 percent more patients than usual.


". . . Abortions that come after devastating medical diagnoses can be easier for some people to understand. But Hern estimates that at least half, and sometimes more, of the women who come to the clinic do not have these diagnoses. He and his staff are just as sympathetic to other circumstances. Many of the clinic’s teenage patients receive later abortions because they had no idea they were pregnant. Some sexual-assault victims ignore their pregnancies or feel too ashamed to see a doctor. Once, a staffer named Catherine told me, a patient opted for a later abortion because her husband had killed himself and she was suddenly broke. “There isn’t a single woman who has ever written on her bucket list that she wants to have a late abortion,” Catherine said. “There is always a reason.”
The reason doesn’t really matter to Hern. Medical viability for a fetus—or its ability to survive outside the uterus—is generally considered to be somewhere from 24 to 28 weeks. Hern, though, believes that the viability of a fetus is determined not by gestational age but by a woman’s willingness to carry it. He applies the same principle to all of his prospective patients: If he thinks it’s safer for them to have an abortion than to carry and deliver the baby, he’ll take the case—usually up until around 32 weeks, with some rare later exceptions, because of the increased risk of hemorrhage and other life-threatening conditions beyond that point.. . . . "

Interesting. Disturbing. . . . . and interesting.
Well, elective abortions via Roe v wade and Casey decisions only protects abortion up to the viability of the fetus...about 24 or 26 weeks...then it is up to the States to decide....just like now, without Roe v wade, it is up to the states.

Getting rid of Roe by the supreme court did nothing to stop any third trimester abortions...it is still up to the states. This doctor it said had done abortions up to 30 weeks...and NOT the 40 weeks pregnancy that Trump is lying about....which only confuses things when he lies and prevents an honest discussion on the topic.
Well, elective abortions via Roe v wade and Casey decisions only protects abortion up to the viability of the fetus...about 24 or 26 weeks...then it is up to the States to decide....just like now, without Roe v wade, it is up to the states.

Getting rid of Roe by the supreme court did nothing to stop any third trimester abortions...it is still up to the states. This doctor it said had done abortions up to 30 weeks...and NOT the 40 weeks pregnancy that Trump is lying about....which only confuses things when he lies and prevents an honest discussion on the topic.
40 weeks? Since when do pregnancies last 10 months?
Abortion is a wedge issue that could and should be resolved at the state level. It is being used int this election to focus attention away from the border, more elective wars, and an inflated economy. The government assumes that most people (voters) are only capable of thinking one issue and nothing else and I'm not sure they're wrong.

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