"Senator Kennedy, I Refuse to be Shackled by Your Question."

He has to answer yes or no on this bill. Why can't the "experts" called to testify answer it yes or no?
Just look what happened when senators had to answer yes or no to the Authorization to use Military force in Iraq.

They interpreted yes, as an unqualified yes.
Did you listen? There is no "depends" in this bill. Yes or no - unfettered abortions up until the time of birth.
That's how we got into trouble with the Authorization to use Force in Iraq.

It allowed Bush to fabricate a qualification.
Wrong, the life of the mother is an exception in every State. That will naturally include a Dr. opinion.
It cited the example of a pregnant woman with stage 3 melanoma who was denied both abortion care and cancer treatment because clinicians couldn’t confirm whether the law’s life of the mother exception applied.

When asked whether any states had well-written health exceptions, legal experts had no examples and added that many of the states’ laws restricting abortion mirror one another.
Wrong, the life of the mother is an exception in every State. That will naturally include a Dr. opinion.
Providers challenging the ban argue that this language doesn’t permit abortion care when the condition is “substantial but reversible,” “less than substantial but irreversible,” or both “substantial and irreversible” but not considered “major.” Their lawsuit questions how doctors are expected to navigate this type of confusion.
Providers challenging the ban argue that this language doesn’t permit abortion care when the condition is “substantial but reversible,” “less than substantial but irreversible,” or both “substantial and irreversible” but not considered “major.” Their lawsuit questions how doctors are expected to navigate this type of confusion.
What 'condition?' What is 'abortion care?' The rest of your post makes no sense. Either the mother's life is at risk from giving birth or it isn't.

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