Senator Tim Johnson is recovering spendidly!!!!!

Actually, snowman, the Democrat governor will be selecting Thomas's replacement from among three Republicans.
Actually, snowman, the Democrat governor will be selecting Thomas's replacement from among three Republicans.

Wyoming state law says that the deceased senator's party (in the case, the GOP) must give the governor a list of three replacement candidates - one of whom the governor must choose.

Whoever is chosen will serve until 2008, at which time a special election will be held in order to determine who gets to serve out the remainder of the term. This is where the liberal media (and Wyoming Democrat operatives, apparently) see their potential "opportunity."
Thought maybe we should bump this thread in memory of Sen. Craig Thomas.

RIP - may God bring solace to your friends and family, and protect them from the Democrats screeching about this "great opportunity" that has been presented to them with your passing.

Maybe they'll pick up another seat!

Check out this gem from one of the sick fucks at DU:

Totally digusting... But par for the course with liberals. We're talking about a man who passed away yesterday, and all they see is the political angle.

Liberals have lost their humanity.

Read through this thread again, guys. When Tim Johnson has his close call, our side had nothing but nice things to say about him. It was the other side that immediately started worrying about losing their party's slim majority... And accusing us of wishing ill on him. Don't believe me? Read the OP.

The libs on Dem Underground said Sen Johnson was poisoned by Republicans so they could take back the Senate
Guess again.

I never hoped for the man's demise or even that he resign. However, he's out of the Senate at best, for a very long time, so 'splendidly' is not a word I expect his family would use:

This more recent story demonstrates that he has a long way to go, my prayers are with him and his family:

And tell me more lies. You are cute only when you are lying.
CNN Reporter: Ailing Senator Leaves Democrats' Dreams ‘Ripped in Half by Fate’
Posted by Scott Whitlock on December 14, 2006 - 16:53.
Filing two reports for Thursday’s "American Morning," CNN reporter Bob Franken asserted that Democrats are "more sincere" in their expressions of concern for ailing South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson. Reporting on what the political ramifications would be if the Democrat resigned from Congress, thus giving Republicans control of the Senate, Franken used apocalyptic language to describe such an occurrence. The loss of Johnson, who suffered a brain hemorrhage on Wednesday, would be a "major, major disruption" and could leave Congress "ripped in half by fate" Such an event would enable the Republicans to "protect their party's president from a full-scale assault." It was this type of over-the-top reporting that led to Franken’s claim that the Democrats are the ones who really care about the Senator:

Bob Franken: " Without question, all the expressions of concern for Senator Johnson are very sincere, but I've got to say that the ones from the Democrats, Miles, are even more sincere."

Co-host Miles O'Brien "Absolutely."
Guess again.

And tell me more lies. You are cute only when you are lying.

It seems only the left was in full conspiracy mode - more worried about their power the Sen Johnson

Here are the comments the MSNBC story

When a U.S. Senate vacancy arises,or for that matter a U. S. Representative vacancy, shouldn't there be a requirement that the replacement be from the same political party?
Bruce, St.Helens, OR (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:36 PM)

I've read that the appointment would only last 80-90 days before a special election was held actually.
Cody, Minneapolis, MN (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:14 PM)

The politics really is secondary. The most important thing, regardless of your party affiliation, is Sen. Johnson's health. He seems like a decent guy who seems to be fairly close to the middle of the political spectrum. Best wishes to he and his family. Here's to a speedy and full recovery.
El Perro Loco in Florida (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:03 PM)

How callous hae we become? No respect for the person, all about the politics. I am appalled.But not suprised.
Desmond (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:06 PM)

Tim isn't dead, right? I bet you a nickel his brain is working. I've seen enough of Congress to know those guys aren't a bunch of Triathletes, and many are nearer to sponges than anything. I'd bet another nickel, that with a little TLC, and some restraint from the Dirty Tricks Bunch, he'll do his job, OK. OK? John Wayne made 'True Grit' with pig valves in his heart, and won an Oscar! Hang in there, Tim.
Steve Turner Cedar Falls Iowa (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:35 PM)

So, what were you thinking all of you who voted for Bush, all about the power , who gets to decide. All about keeping your guns? All about protecting your children from homosexuals? Better protect yourself from Mary Cheney, the V.P's daughter. And God? Your House of Reprasentives leaders were guilty of "NEGLICENCE", but did not break House Rules. Our President, ran around the country labelling Nanci Pelosi as a terrosist as you did me ,sir just because I did not vote for you. You are still listening sir, about the best way forward in Iraq? Well, the elections in November should have told you something. If not "A pox on your head."
Desmond (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:31 PM)

I want to know where Osama bin Laden is . Mr. President , you stood on a pile of rubble in New York city and promised the U.S. you would bring him to justice.I want to know where Mullah Omar is, the one eyed cleric leader of the Taliban is. You promised the U.S. you would bring them to justice. I want to know when the people in the Gulf Region can rebuild. You promised us that after Hurricane Katrina Ask your fellow citizens, in that region, if they are going forward.I think you will find rats all around. So, take your time President Bush. Keep listening about how to go forward. I think the American people have moved forward. they voted in November, 2006. "I'm So Sorry Uncle Albert", you are my President and you did not get "it" "It" for me was Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and Mullah Omar.
Desmond (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:45 PM)

One more thing, Mr.President, can you find a name on the Vietnam Memorial that is a relative of yours? I can. How about you? Keep listening and find it all interesting.As for me, I will continue to vote and visit my cousin's grave and see his name etched in ston on the Vietnam Memorial.
Desmond (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:03 PM)

I have had enough of a President who is still "listening " while we are at war and our soldiers are dying.And I am tired of anyone who is more concerned about the balance of power. A pox on you all.
Desmond (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:28 PM)

I wish him well.
Mohammad Hasanat, Petra- Jordan (Sent Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:54 PM)

Has he been checked for polonium 210?
JIrby, Colorado Springs, Co (Sent Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:03 AM)

it seems suspicious to me that a dem sen from a state with a repub gov. suddenly has serious medical problem and if he dies the repub gov gets to name the replacement. did bush get advice from puton about how to deal with folks who dissagree with him. this fits the pattern from voting problems in fla to rpubs pretening to be dems and blocking phone calls from legitimate dems.
mikeeg,abdn,wa (Sent Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:51 AM)

Overnight I heard radio newscasts which said that according to Sen. Johnson's office, the Senator had neither had a stroke nor a heart attack. Hmmmm.....maybe he was poisoned--by GOP operatives careful to select a Democratic Senator from South Dakota, a state with a Republican governor who has the power to replace him with a Republican if anything happens to him...
Scarlett (Sent Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:05 AM)

Desmond said "How callous hae we become? No respect for the person, all about the politics. I am appalled.But not suprised." Then, you proceed to use a few posts to bash the President in a thread about a tragic, and potentially life-threatening, situation for a US Senator, who by all accounts is a great guy. Save the bashing for another time and place. Best wishes Senator Johnson. Hope you have a full and speedy recovery
El Perro Loco in Florida (Sent Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:39 AM)

its a terrible shame anybody gets sick and dies but it is a fact of life and no matter who it is the cows still have to be milked the hay mowed and equip. repaired. life goes on and in this dog eat dog administration you can belive the right winger radicals will do anything to get thier way.
mikeeg,abdn,wa (Sent Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:01 AM)

Our president needs to be bashed up one side and down the other-we should have done this years ago! Alot of people have spent too much time protecting and coddling this guy. It's about time he gets called on the carpet and now consequences must follow, like impeachment for instance.Many people, including daddy and his friends have tried to rescue this nut bag and even now he refuses to notice or listen. What an awful presedent we all have. NO MORE EXCUSES FOR HIM!!!
jan cleawater, fl (Sent Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:57 PM)
Just what, in the Name Of The Lord, caused you to write such a spiteful unchristian thing, gunny?

Y'know, you really need to work on your comprehension skills. No one on this board has wished Johnson anything but the best as far as his health is concerned.

Only people like you who don't care what you have to do nor who it hurts to gain political power would feel otherwise.

No more evidence in your ongoing quest to show us what a worm you are is necessary. We've got it.

You ain't all that you perceive yourself to be, are you?

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