Senior State Department Official Fakes Resume

Trump only hires the best people...

Senior Trump official embellished résumé, had face on fake Time cover

View attachment 289581

WASHINGTON — A senior Trump administration official has embellished her résumé with misleading claims about her professional background — even creating a fake Time magazine cover with her face on it — raising questions about her qualifications to hold a top position at the State Department.

An NBC News investigation found that Mina Chang, the deputy assistant secretary in the State Department's Bureau of Conflict and Stability Operations, has inflated her educational achievements and exaggerated the scope of her nonprofit's work.

Whatever her qualifications, Chang had a key connection in the Trump administration. Brian Bulatao, a top figure in the State Department and longtime friend of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, attended a fundraiser for her nonprofit in Dallas and once donated $5,500 to her charity, according to a former colleague of Chang's.

Yeah one reason I had such hard time finding jobs after I got my bachelors and masters was I was too honest on my resumes. I talked to people who got hired for positions I applied for. They told me they exaggerated there work experience, bluffed their skill set, and exaggerated their acheivements. They said once they got hired and employer found out they weren't who resume said they were the employer kept them hired anyway and trained them. They learned those skillsets and moved on to jobs that paid even more.
Trump only hires the best people...

Senior Trump official embellished résumé, had face on fake Time cover

View attachment 289581

WASHINGTON — A senior Trump administration official has embellished her résumé with misleading claims about her professional background — even creating a fake Time magazine cover with her face on it — raising questions about her qualifications to hold a top position at the State Department.

An NBC News investigation found that Mina Chang, the deputy assistant secretary in the State Department's Bureau of Conflict and Stability Operations, has inflated her educational achievements and exaggerated the scope of her nonprofit's work.

Whatever her qualifications, Chang had a key connection in the Trump administration. Brian Bulatao, a top figure in the State Department and longtime friend of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, attended a fundraiser for her nonprofit in Dallas and once donated $5,500 to her charity, according to a former colleague of Chang's.

Yeah one reason I had such hard time finding jobs after I got my bachelors and masters was I was too honest on my resumes. I talked to people who got hired for positions I applied for but didnt get hired. They told me they exaggerated there work experience, bluffed their skill set, and exaggerated their acheivements. They said once they got hired and employer found out they weren't who resume said they were the employer kept them hired anyway and trained them. They learned those skillsets and moved on to jobs that paid even more.

Sounds like whomever interviewed them did a really shitty job. That sort of thing is easy to uncover in a job interview.
He did serve...too bad he felt the need to LIE about that service! Someone who was in the military should know better than to steal valor that they didn't earn.

He misspoke one word... hardly stealing valor.

It wasn't like Trump saying, "I always felt I was in the military" when he dodged the draft with a bone spur.

A lot of guys exaggerate their military service. I think its really only a problem when someone is doing it for a job or in politics. If they are just doing it to talk, or to impress a broad, it might not be ideal but its acceptable. A friend of mine is a USMC veteran who brags a lot about his military prowess, but I've known him all his life. I know he was discharged early and only served 7 days in the Marines. Apparently he- and the Marine brass- found out that he didn't like to take orders.

If he ever ran for Senate, or President, this could really come back to haunt him if he starts bragging about his fictional purple hearts and someone checks.

Except Blumenthal didn't do anything like that. One time, he said, "in" Vietnam when he should have said, "During" Vietnam.

that was it.

One time?
"The day after the Times story broke, Blumenthal held a press conference at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in West Hartford. “On a few occasions, I have misspoken about my service, and I regret that,'' he said."
As usual, Joey…you're full of shit!
"An examination Monday of articles in The Courant and the state's larger dailies revealed at least four stories — two each in the New Haven Register and the Connecticut Post — over the past decade in which Blumenthal was described as having actually served in Vietnam. One, from the Post in May 2008, quotes him as saying "when we returned from Vietnam, I remember the taunts, the verbal and even physical abuse we encountered..."
Yeah one reason I had such hard time finding jobs after I got my bachelors and masters was I was too honest on my resumes. I talked to people who got hired for positions I applied for. They told me they exaggerated there work experience, bluffed their skill set, and exaggerated their acheivements. They said once they got hired and employer found out they weren't who resume said they were the employer kept them hired anyway and trained them. They learned those skillsets and moved on to jobs that paid even more.

Actually, I write resumes as a business... I tell people to never lie or exaggerate on their resumes. It's fraud and they will get caught.

Now, here's the thing. If you got the interview, the resume did it's job. The resume is just to get you the interview.

If you didn't, it might have been because your resume lacked the right keywords and didn't even get past the computer screening process.

Sounds like whomever interviewed them did a really shitty job. That sort of thing is easy to uncover in a job interview.

It would if most HR people knew what they were doing. Most of them don't.

Here's the thing. The way we interview and hire in this country is completely broken.

you'd never marry someone after two dates, but we take jobs after two interviews.
One time?
"The day after the Times story broke, Blumenthal held a press conference at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in West Hartford. “On a few occasions, I have misspoken about my service, and I regret that,'' he said."
As usual, Joey…you're full of shit!
"An examination Monday of articles in The Courant and the state's larger dailies revealed at least four stories — two each in the New Haven Register and the Connecticut Post — over the past decade in which Blumenthal was described as having actually served in Vietnam. One, from the Post in May 2008, quotes him as saying "when we returned from Vietnam, I remember the taunts, the verbal and even physical abuse we encountered..."

First person, plural... He was talking about Vietnam vets as a group... "We" not "I". Happy to have cleared that up for you, you do struggle with basic English.

Now, we could have another discussion about how the whole "Spitting on Soldiers" thing was an urban myth... but frankly, I don't fault people for repeating Urban Myths....
Here's the thing. The way we interview and hire in this country is completely broken.

you'd never marry someone after two dates, but we take jobs after two interviews.

If the prospective employee needs the job,and the prospective employer need someone to work- why not?

An employment arrangement isn't usually a permanent arrangement, as a marriage is supposed to be.
One time?
"The day after the Times story broke, Blumenthal held a press conference at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in West Hartford. “On a few occasions, I have misspoken about my service, and I regret that,'' he said."
As usual, Joey…you're full of shit!
"An examination Monday of articles in The Courant and the state's larger dailies revealed at least four stories — two each in the New Haven Register and the Connecticut Post — over the past decade in which Blumenthal was described as having actually served in Vietnam. One, from the Post in May 2008, quotes him as saying "when we returned from Vietnam, I remember the taunts, the verbal and even physical abuse we encountered..."

First person, plural... He was talking about Vietnam vets as a group... "We" not "I". Happy to have cleared that up for you, you do struggle with basic English.

Now, we could have another discussion about how the whole "Spitting on Soldiers" thing was an urban myth... but frankly, I don't fault people for repeating Urban Myths....

Not as much as you struggle to defend an obvious liar, Joey! Urban myth? The left were as triggered back then as they are today!
Not as much as you struggle to defend an obvious liar, Joey! Urban myth? The left were as triggered back then as they are today!

Meh, the guy misspoke a word or two. Can't get worked up.

Trump lies every fucking day, and you guys to handstands to defend that.

First you claimed it was one it's two? Truth is...he lied about it quite often and had to apologize for doing so when he was caught. You deem that to be a "misspoke" like it's something he did unintentionally and that wasn't the case!
First you claimed it was one it's two? Truth is...he lied about it quite often and had to apologize for doing so when he was caught. You deem that to be a "misspoke" like it's something he did unintentionally and that wasn't the case!

He didn't lie, and he didn't do it that often, and it just wasn't that big of a deal.

It really wasn't.

He served. It's more than you did.
First you claimed it was one it's two? Truth is...he lied about it quite often and had to apologize for doing so when he was caught. You deem that to be a "misspoke" like it's something he did unintentionally and that wasn't the case!

He didn't lie, and he didn't do it that often, and it just wasn't that big of a deal.

It really wasn't.

He served. It's more than you did.

Make up your mind, Joey! First you claim he didn't lie. Then you claim he didn't lie that often. Then you claim it wasn't that big of a deal! You look like an idiot arguing this...
Make up your mind, Joey! First you claim he didn't lie. Then you claim he didn't lie that often. Then you claim it wasn't that big of a deal! You look like an idiot arguing this..

I never said he lied. I said he misspoke... like a lot of us do. I'm sorry English is such a challenge to you.

I know you never said he lied! I said he lied. Not "misspoke"...LIED!
This incompetent dishonest woman could have been vetted on GOOGLE for Chissake

How stupid are these people
Trump only hires the best people...

Senior Trump official embellished résumé, had face on fake Time cover

View attachment 289581

WASHINGTON — A senior Trump administration official has embellished her résumé with misleading claims about her professional background — even creating a fake Time magazine cover with her face on it — raising questions about her qualifications to hold a top position at the State Department.

An NBC News investigation found that Mina Chang, the deputy assistant secretary in the State Department's Bureau of Conflict and Stability Operations, has inflated her educational achievements and exaggerated the scope of her nonprofit's work.

Whatever her qualifications, Chang had a key connection in the Trump administration. Brian Bulatao, a top figure in the State Department and longtime friend of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, attended a fundraiser for her nonprofit in Dallas and once donated $5,500 to her charity, according to a former colleague of Chang's.
....big freakin deal--Obama's AG went to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL--that attacked a white cop = much worse
"Misspoke" is when you mistakenly say something! "Lied" is when you say something you know isn't true. He LIED!

Glad you figured that out. So a Vietnam era Veteran mentioned his service in the first person plural... That's misspeaking.

....big freakin deal--Obama's AG went to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL--that attacked a white cop = much worse

You mean the unarmed child shot by a thug cop who had been fired from his last job, who had his hands up and was giving up?
"Misspoke" is when you mistakenly say something! "Lied" is when you say something you know isn't true. He LIED!

Glad you figured that out. So a Vietnam era Veteran mentioned his service in the first person plural... That's misspeaking.

....big freakin deal--Obama's AG went to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL--that attacked a white cop = much worse

You mean the unarmed child shot by a thug cop who had been fired from his last job, who had his hands up and was giving up?
hahhahahahahah--you just discredited yourself

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