September national preparedness month


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Do you have a plan? Do you have a preparing mentality? That is what the government is asking. I really feel sorry for those who are on government assistance if things really go down hill.
If you are prepared do so. Try to prepare yourself for what might happen around you.
What type of environment do you live in.
CDC Features - Be Ready! September is National Preparedness Month
"A country boy can survive" and a Van Jones anarchist can get what he wants from innocent people if the timing is right. Facts 'o life.
Prepare for WHAT? Four more years of Obama?

OK, now I see the reason for having a National Preparedness Month.

The federal government is the biggest prepper's in America, if something is not going to happen why would they waste money doing it?
Thanks for posting this bugger. This is code for us in the know to ramp up on FEMA camp preparation. I have personally been told that I will be in charge of the Republican swine that threw the 2000 election.

Woohoo! It begins!
Thanks for posting this bugger. This is code for us in the know to ramp up on FEMA camp preparation. I have personally been told that I will be in charge of the Republican swine that threw the 2000 election.

Woohoo! It begins!

I certainly hope so. Soonest begun, soonest done.
Thanks for posting this bugger. This is code for us in the know to ramp up on FEMA camp preparation. I have personally been told that I will be in charge of the Republican swine that threw the 2000 election.

Woohoo! It begins!

This is code for raving lunatics, "I'm a stupid little bitch save me from myself".:clap2:
Prepare for WHAT? Four more years of Obama?

OK, now I see the reason for having a National Preparedness Month.

The federal government is the biggest prepper's in America, if something is not going to happen why would they waste money doing it?

The federal government are the "Keystone Cops" of emergency preparedness. The feds can stockpile all the ammo they want. There are over 300 MILLION firearms in circulation amongst the civilian population in the USA, so the feds are seriously outgunned. The feds are the least of my worries, and my family are survivalists/preppers.

It's the city "zombies" who will be spreading out into the countryside when they figure out that the government can't provide them with food and water and shelter anymore.

Then it's just a matter of making sure the "anarchists" get a very clear message to stay the hell away from my property and my family.
Prepare for WHAT? Four more years of Obama?

OK, now I see the reason for having a National Preparedness Month.

The federal government is the biggest prepper's in America, if something is not going to happen why would they waste money doing it?

The federal government are the "Keystone Cops" of emergency preparedness. The feds can stockpile all the ammo they want. There are over 300 MILLION firearms in circulation amongst the civilian population in the USA, so the feds are seriously outgunned. The feds are the least of my worries, and my family are survivalists/preppers.

It's the city "zombies" who will be spreading out into the countryside when they figure out that the government can't provide them with food and water and shelter anymore.

Then it's just a matter of making sure the "anarchists" get a very clear message to stay the hell away from my property and my family.

The feds have tons of supplies what are they prepping for?
Thanks for posting this bugger. This is code for us in the know to ramp up on FEMA camp preparation. I have personally been told that I will be in charge of the Republican swine that threw the 2000 election.

Woohoo! It begins!
But first you have to know what FEMA Region you live in.
Thanks for posting this bugger. This is code for us in the know to ramp up on FEMA camp preparation. I have personally been told that I will be in charge of the Republican swine that threw the 2000 election.

Woohoo! It begins!
But first you have to know what FEMA Region you live in.

I wouldn't tell her anything, I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire to put the fire out,:badgrin:
Do you have a plan? Do you have a preparing mentality? That is what the government is asking. I really feel sorry for those who are on government assistance if things really go down hill.
If you are prepared do so. Try to prepare yourself for what might happen around you.
What type of environment do you live in.
CDC Features - Be Ready! September is National Preparedness Month

I wonder how many have bug out bags on stand by?

Bug out bag? Hell most people don't have more than 5 gallons of gas in their car much less a bug out bag.
Good thread. You could say that I fall inside the survivalist camp, as opposed to a full-blown "prepper". I don't have a bug-out back, nor have I built a bunker stocked full of canned food. Though I own two guns (12-bore shotgun and a .22 rimfire) and know how to kill and dress game animals and wildfowl. I also count my extensive knowledge and experience in civil engineering as an advantage. And I'm an competent archer.
Good thread. You could say that I fall inside the survivalist camp, as opposed to a full-blown "prepper". I don't have a bug-out back, nor have I built a bunker stocked full of canned food. Though I own two guns (12-bore shotgun and a .22 rimfire) and know how to kill and dress game animals and wildfowl. I also count my extensive knowledge and experience in civil engineering as an advantage. And I'm an competent archer.

That is great, just one question how many other people will be relying on hunting for their food if shit hit the fan?
Imagine 20,000 armed people within a hundred mile radius hunting for their food, around the same time.
I suggest stocking some food.

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