Serious question - is air conditioning a human right?

"I grew up in Dallas, so I guess the answer would be yes."

access to a/c, fans, swimming pools?

I'm kind of an old fart, and my family did not have AC until I was 14. My mom always had a window unit in her bedroom though, lol.
I grew up on the Southeast, no AC, lots of humidity and pretty high temps. We drank lots of water and hit the swimming hole by midday in the summer.
hit the swimming hole by midday in the summer.

Would you be ok with inmates getting swimming pools?

Good, neither am I.

But, you escaped the heat by hitting the swimming pool, or the local river.

The only escape these inmates have is death, or pardon.

YOu would rather sentence them to death, than give them a little help.
What a bullshit argument. They are not sentenced to death by heat. They may have to live in uncomfortable conditions. I already ceded that those of infirm health might be afforded commitment to an infirmary with AC. All others, suck it up. Make sure they have adequate water to remain hydrated. If otherwise indicated, turn the fire hoses on them.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

If regular people live in said conditions, how in the blooming hell is it unusual?

"Cruel AND unusual", dude.

Because, unlike the people you refer to, the inmates dont' have the wherewithal to escape the heat and humidity.

They can visit friends, they can go to a store with a/c and soak up the cold, they can take turns sticking their heads in the fridge.

You lost this argument 50 posts ago, and you're too hard headed to admit it
BS. They gave up the ability to visit friends, go to the store, etc, when they decided to break the law. They made a choice. It sucks they can't access things others do, but that's tough shit. They made their choice, now they should live with the consequences of their choices.

and if they die, you don't give a shit, right?

they broke the law, so let them die.

the crime wasn't enough to warrant a death penalty verdict, but asking for some relief from the heat is?

how does it feel to be judge, jury and executioner?
and if they die, you don't give a shit, right?

they broke the law, so let them die.
Brutal honesty, depends what they did

If they murdered someone or raped a child?

Yes, I would happily let them die, they should already be dead

Anything else and I can wrap my head around your position

I have stated on numerous occasions that I believe we lock too many peopl up for no damn good reason

So ther you have it
I demand Universal Lawn Care ...

Jewish princesses use riders also eh?
Lack of air conditioning is not cruel as many people do not have it. Neither is it unusual for the same reasons. According to the Constitution the punishment must be both cruel and unusual to be prohibited and lack of air conditioning is neither.

While it is a nice thing to provide air conditioning to the elderly, sick or disabled failure to do so is not a violation of rights.
if you kill them or make them sicker, it is cruel and unusual punishment not part of the sentence...

I disagree.

They are in Prison and can be given water to hydrate with. Nowhere in the constitution does it require our government to offer A\C to prisoners.

Does it bother me they are forcing the State of Texas to do this?

No, but again it is not require by the constitution to do this.
Nowhere in the constitution does it require our government to offer A\C to prisoners.
Cruel and unusual punishment.

Look it up
It is neither cruel nor is it unusual. Look it up. To be constitutionally prohibited the condition must be both cruel and unusual.

People have lived without air conditioners way longer than they had air conditioners. Lack of air conditioning is a natural and normal state. People in this locality sometimes don't have air conditioning. So it's not at all unusual to lack mechanical cooling. Lack of air conditioning is a normal state.
in a prison there are no choices, as there would be outside of prison....

outside of prison, someone without AC could go to a friend's house, an emergency room lobby, a walmart, a church or mall and get reprieve from the heat...

The judge's order was only for the sick, the disabled and the elderly who could die from the excessive heat in prison.... and we do not try to kill people in prison, unless they got the death penalty.... and we are not allowed to treat prisoners under our control with cruel and unusual punishment....

Just wondering, do you think it is inhumane to have dogs outdoors?

My wife and daughter think that animals have a right to be indoors, and despite my pointing out that OUTDOORS IS HOW THEY EVOLVED, they both insist it is cruel and inhumane to leave a dog outside.

The dogs that must remain indoors have long ago evolved to the point where they cannot survive outdoors. Leaving a dog outdoors when that dog is of a type that cannot survive outdoors is a criminal offense. It's called animal cruelty.
Lack of air conditioning is not cruel as many people do not have it. Neither is it unusual for the same reasons. According to the Constitution the punishment must be both cruel and unusual to be prohibited and lack of air conditioning is neither.

While it is a nice thing to provide air conditioning to the elderly, sick or disabled failure to do so is not a violation of rights.
if you kill them or make them sicker, it is cruel and unusual punishment not part of the sentence...

I disagree.

They are in Prison and can be given water to hydrate with. Nowhere in the constitution does it require our government to offer A\C to prisoners.

Does it bother me they are forcing the State of Texas to do this?

No, but again it is not require by the constitution to do this.
Nowhere in the constitution does it require our government to offer A\C to prisoners.
Cruel and unusual punishment.

Look it up
It is neither cruel nor is it unusual. Look it up. To be constitutionally prohibited the condition must be both cruel and unusual.

People have lived without air conditioners way longer than they had air conditioners. Lack of air conditioning is a natural and normal state. People in this locality sometimes don't have air conditioning. So it's not at all unusual to lack mechanical cooling. Lack of air conditioning is a normal state.
It is neither cruel nor is it unusual.

It's both
Since 2007, at least fourteen inmates incarcerated in various TDCJ facilities across the state of Texas have died from extreme heat exposure while imprisoned. TDCJ inmates and many TDCJ personnel are exposed to dangerously high heat levels on a regular basis. This practice violates individuals’ human rights, particularly the rights to health, life, physical integrity, and dignity.

The HRC published a report entitled “Deadly Heat in Texas Prisons” in 2014 revealing the ongoing, dire conditions that inmates and guards alike are exposed to in Texas prisons. Another report, “Reckless Indifference: Extreme Heat in Texas Prisons,” in April 2015, expanded on the Clinic’s previous work by adding inmate testimony as well as inmate grievances, and establishes that pleas to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) were largely ignored.

The HRC concluded that extreme heat in prisons endangers the health of inmates and employees, that such conditions are a violation of inmates’ constitutional and human rights, and makes short- and long-term recommendations on how to solve this unacceptable, ongoing problem.

Upon publication, copies of “Reckless Indifference” were mailed simultaneously to over 500 contacts, including rights advocacy organizations, TDCJ officials including 81 prison wardens, 46 prison inmates, at least 50 journalists and news outlets, 183 members of the Texas State Legislature, 89 judges, and

USA: Extreme Heat in Texas Prisons – Experiential Learning: Clinics
Lack of air conditioning is not cruel as many people do not have it. Neither is it unusual for the same reasons. According to the Constitution the punishment must be both cruel and unusual to be prohibited and lack of air conditioning is neither.

While it is a nice thing to provide air conditioning to the elderly, sick or disabled failure to do so is not a violation of rights.

Even if it risks their life and they cant escape it?
Lack of air conditioning is not cruel as many people do not have it. Neither is it unusual for the same reasons. According to the Constitution the punishment must be both cruel and unusual to be prohibited and lack of air conditioning is neither.

While it is a nice thing to provide air conditioning to the elderly, sick or disabled failure to do so is not a violation of rights.

Even if it risks their life and they cant escape it?
Lack of air conditioning is normal. No one turned on heaters. It is the normal state.


Respondent state inmate brought this civil rights action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against petitioners, the state corrections department medical director (Gray) and two correctional officials, claiming that he was subjected to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment for inadequate treatment of a back injury assertedly sustained while he was engaged in prison work. The District Court dismissed the complaint for failure to state a claim upon which relief could be granted. The Court of Appeals held that the alleged insufficiency of the medical treatment required reinstatement of the complaint.

Held: Deliberate indifference by prison personnel to a prisoner's serious illness or injury constitutes cruel and unusual punishment contravening the Eighth Amendment. Here, however, respondent's claims against Gray do not suggest such indifference, the allegations revealing that Gray and other medical personnel saw respondent on 17 occasions during a 3-month span and treated his injury and other problems. The failure to perform an X-ray or to use additional diagnostic techniques does not constitute cruel and unusual punishment, but is, at most, medical malpractice cognizable in the state courts. The question whether respondent has stated a constitutional claim against the other petitioners, the Director of the Department of Corrections and the warden of the prison, was not separately evaluated by the Court of Appeals, and should be considered on remand. Pp. 101-108

That's why those with medical conditions were moved. It's not the heat. It's the medical condition.
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Lack of air conditioning is not cruel as many people do not have it. Neither is it unusual for the same reasons. According to the Constitution the punishment must be both cruel and unusual to be prohibited and lack of air conditioning is neither.

While it is a nice thing to provide air conditioning to the elderly, sick or disabled failure to do so is not a violation of rights.

Even if it risks their life and they cant escape it?
Lack of air conditioning is normal. No one turned on heaters. It is the normal state.

Its a normal state of misery for most which is fine, others it can be a death sentence. Thats not normal.
Even though you RWNJs want to gut the constitution, its still in force. Suck it up little cupcake, and get it through your thick skull that patriotic Americans will fight you.

There is a provision in the Constitution that requires air conditioning to prisoners?



Why is it that trumpanzees never know what is in their own Constitution? Just like trump himself.

That's why, every time he screeches that he's going to gut this or that part, you dummies all applaud.

Why is it that trumpanzees never know what is in their own Constitution? Just like trump himself.

That's why, every time he screeches that he's going to gut this or that part, you dummies all applaud.
nice link baw - informative

will read again
Even though you RWNJs want to gut the constitution, its still in force. Suck it up little cupcake, and get it through your thick skull that patriotic Americans will fight you.

There is a provision in the Constitution that requires air conditioning to prisoners?



Why is it that trumpanzees never know what is in their own Constitution? Just like trump himself.

That's why, every time he screeches that he's going to gut this or that part, you dummies all applaud.

All you have is your opinion, do you have a link?
Lack of air conditioning is not cruel as many people do not have it. Neither is it unusual for the same reasons. According to the Constitution the punishment must be both cruel and unusual to be prohibited and lack of air conditioning is neither.

While it is a nice thing to provide air conditioning to the elderly, sick or disabled failure to do so is not a violation of rights.
if you kill them or make them sicker, it is cruel and unusual punishment not part of the sentence...

I disagree.

They are in Prison and can be given water to hydrate with. Nowhere in the constitution does it require our government to offer A\C to prisoners.

Does it bother me they are forcing the State of Texas to do this?

No, but again it is not require by the constitution to do this.
Nowhere in the constitution does it require our government to offer A\C to prisoners.
Cruel and unusual punishment.

Look it up

So are you claiming before the invention of the A\C unit our State and Federal Governments were going against the Constitution?

Please tell me you are not claiming that because a Prison does not have A\C to cool prisoners down is consider cruel to You and if so then do you believe that it is also cruel to lock people away for doing any form of crime?

It is not cruel or unusual punishment seeing the A\C invention was long after the creation of the Constitution and Prisons were part of the nation for many years.

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