Serious question


Silver Member
Sep 11, 2009
I live in Ohio and I want to see if this is country wide. Liberals I have met are
Quiet at work and in public about their feelings. Conservatives I work with
and go out with are outspoksen in work about their feelings. It seems if
You are a white male they assume you are conservative.
As an active 63 year old white male, dressing well with a decent haircut whose 1969 Army uniform still fits, despite a mustache and goatee few look at me and see anything but a filthy god damned nutball - like most of them in this part of the country, which does not mean I am anything close to what passes for liberal in America today.

Nutballs are ate up trying to control women's NATURAL reproductive rights while fake liberals want to take my guns and in the bonus round elevate group rights above individual rights. Neither party is worth a bucket of whorehouse slop today. Why would anyone with any sense be in either party is the question in my mind when some partisan halfwit rhapsodizes about how their partisan halfwits sucking corporate dick offer America so much more than the other sides partisan cocksuckers. It about makes me sick and after about thirty seconds they get to wrap it up or hear the short version of what it is like to be surrounded by clueless emotional partisan dipshits.

My lifelong habit has been silence at work and elsewhere unless there is something that needs to be said. That habit is not connected to politics. It is connected to the realities that most people don't know what they are talking about and that my interests are few and small talk is not one of them.
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I live in Ohio and I want to see if this is country wide. Liberals I have met are
Quiet at work and in public about their feelings. Conservatives I work with
and go out with are outspoksen in work about their feelings. It seems if
You are a white male they assume you are conservative.

Maybe some just don't have strong enough convictions to be open about their views. I also think that many are merely good at regurgitating talking points on forums, but yet they never engage in a debate. If they find discussion difficult as an anonymous poster, imagine how much more difficult it would be in person.

Usually, when people are open about their views, they discuss what bought them to their decision to support or not support policies, etc. If you can't discuss the details or explain how you came to have your opinion, then you're probably a parrot and you are repeating points, insults and biases that you have heard.

In the past, when I engaged with liberals in person, I knew I'd won the debate when they were unable to present an opposing view in a civil manner and I got called a bitch or worse. I saw the same pattern each time. First, it's the left bashing Republicans. When I come up with an argument, then the person says I can't prove it. When I ask them specifics, they get frustrated. It ends with them name calling. I suspect that they stop short of saying, "Because Obama said so."

For heaven's sake, we've all seen the many videos out there of Obama supporters being asked simple questions. Many don't have a clue what his policies are. Many didn't even know who the VP is. Many are clueless about what the Sequestration is. Is it any wonder that most debates end with Obama supporters name calling and storming off mad? They aren't equipped to articulate an opposing view. Try to get them past insults and talking points and they fall on their face.

Ask one to explain how gun control will prevent another mass shooting and they'll insist that criminals will eventually follow laws or they'll accuse gun owners of wanting violent people to have easy access to guns. You see their twisted logic here? They can't explain how laws will prevent shootings because the answer is that they can't. If they were to admit that, they would be hard pressed to keep defending their guy no matter how aggressively he goes after our rights. So, they use the non-answers. They sometimes say if it saves one life, it's worth it. Even though honest, armed citizens are likely to save more lives, they don't accept the same argument from opponents and usually go right back to accusing us of wanting to arm crazies. It's an endless cycle with the left and they manage to avoid ever answering questions.

They tend to call the right liars without explanation, a tried and true Alinsky tactic. They still accuse Bush of crimes, yet dismiss anything Obama does. With Benghazi, we get "What difference does it make?" I dare anyone to give that response when they launch unfounded and, after all these years, unproven attacks at Bush or Cheney. But say it to them in person because it's fun to watch their eyes roll back into heads.

My liberal friends refuse to engage me in a debate any more. Maybe because I've handed them their asses one too many times. :)
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I live in Ohio and I want to see if this is country wide. Liberals I have met are
Quiet at work and in public about their feelings. Conservatives I work with
and go out with are outspoksen in work about their feelings. It seems if
You are a white male they assume you are conservative.
This was a serious question?
I live in Ohio and I want to see if this is country wide. Liberals I have met are
Quiet at work and in public about their feelings. Conservatives I work with
and go out with are outspoksen in work about their feelings. It seems if
You are a white male they assume you are conservative.


Conservatives base their ideals on facts and can present their information w/o getting overly emotional, for the most part. Liberals go with what they feel is right, so when faced with a factual person, they tend to be quite, mostly, some get pissy.

but that's people.
It just seems when I go out conservatives, without knowing anything about you assume you are with them. Liberals kind of feel out your convictions before they come out.
I live in Ohio and I want to see if this is country wide. Liberals I have met are
Quiet at work and in public about their feelings. Conservatives I work with
and go out with are outspoksen in work about their feelings. It seems if
You are a white male they assume you are conservative.
This was a serious question?

Sorry I didn't phrase it right. I travel a lot for work. When I am at a bar it seems cons automatically assume I am with them politically. It's almost like you need a secret code to tell your liberal.
I just got back from a bar in Maysville Ky. Met this guy who
was a cool guy. Everything was great, he talked about his
children and wife, and then he assumed I agreed with him politically. He started saying Newtown was
staged and the illuminati was taking over. Seriously, what are you
going tO say.
Last edited:
I live in Ohio and I want to see if this is country wide. Liberals I have met are
Quiet at work and in public about their feelings. Conservatives I work with
and go out with are outspoksen in work about their feelings. It seems if
You are a white male they assume you are conservative.

Could you restate that in English please?
There are those sporting bumper stickers and they had signs in their yards. Good giveaway as to their political leanings.

People on Facebook aren't afraid to post their views one way or the other. I know plenty of liberals who think others probably think like them. I had one woman ask me if I thought Romney was scary because he was so wealthy and when I told her I planned to vote for him, she was shocked. Then she de-friended me on Facebook. Bye, idiot.

I find it funny that in some areas, there were zero votes for Romney even though there were many Romney signs in yards. My hubby is a trucker who knows Chicago like the back of his hand because he grew up there and he thought it was really suspect.

In 37 Chicago Precincts, Romney Received No Votes | NBC Chicago
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I live in Ohio and I want to see if this is country wide. Liberals I have met are
Quiet at work and in public about their feelings. Conservatives I work with
and go out with are outspoksen in work about their feelings. It seems if
You are a white male they assume you are conservative.
This was a serious question?

Sorry I didn't phrase it right. I travel a lot for work. When I am at a bar it seems cons automatically assume I am with them politically. It's almost like you need a secret code to tell your liberal.

So it's kind of like how most liberals just assume any black or Hispanic they encounter are liberal.
It just seems cons automatically assume you are with them more than progressives do.
All I am saying is that when I go out conservatives tend to automatically assume you are with them and liberals are careful. I have been to many bars where they say shit a assuming I'm a conservative. I let it go.
I just got back from a bar in Maysville Ky. Met this guy who
was a cool guy. Everything was great, he talked about his
children and wife, and then he assumed I agreed with him politically. He started saying Newtown was
staged and the illuminati was taking over. Seriously, what are you
going tO say.

Was his name Ben Dover, Ben gay, or Ben Ghazzi?
I live in Ohio and I want to see if this is country wide. Liberals I have met are
Quiet at work and in public about their feelings. Conservatives I work with
and go out with are outspoksen in work about their feelings. It seems if
You are a white male they assume you are conservative.

Could you restate that in English please?
The End is not only is here.

I just got back from a bar in Maysville Ky. Met this guy who
was a cool guy. Everything was great, he talked about his
children and wife, and then he assumed I agreed with him politically. He started saying Newtown was
staged and the illuminati was taking over. Seriously, what are you
going tO say.
. . . . say it's always best to keep an open mind and be prepared. :tongue:

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