Geoff Duncan: Why I'm Voting For Biden and Other Republicans Should To.

Stupid , nothing remark. from a deep state wacko. This is like prime stupids of the right like this deep state cartoon, socialist and Woke, They love these words they think they are a attack on the left but they have zero clue what any of these things are or mean. They each have their own personal definition of what they mean, and we get to find out just how blatantly stupid this group is by their personal definitions of these three things. It's a hoot and it is a good laugh of the day.
Kinda like you dont know the meaning of socialism.
In today's Indiana repub primary, trump only got 60 something percent of the vote in several counties. Trump is in trouble.
Stupid , nothing remark. from a deep state wacko. This is like prime stupids of the right like this deep state cartoon, socialist and Woke, They love these words they think they are a attack on the left but they have zero clue what any of these things are or mean. They each have their own personal definition of what they mean, and we get to find out just how blatantly stupid this group is by their personal definitions of these three things. It's a hoot and it is a good laugh of the day.
Yes, you are stupid, we know!~
Yes, you are stupid, we know!~
Either contribute or your ass is out of here. Does anyone here actually think I care what the enemy and biggest threat to my country thinks of me. Seems the worse they think the better I'm doing. Why can't you midgets understand that. Say go ahead Frankenstein.
Kinda like you dont know the meaning of socialism.
Ya you bet , There is only one way that socialism is implemented , there is three main tenants of socialism. and the one that without which their is no socialism , is the means of production is owned and operated by the state and the sale of their production is designated to the state. always the top tenant on the list. Ok ace show us where that exist in this country and explain to us how this country can go from capitalism to that. It will never happen ,You are full of crap. Like I said the only way these idiot can make that charge work for them is if they define what it means themselves , the only problem is it already has a definition and that definition says yours is brain dead stupid. What a joke.
Republicans like Duncan, those who are not ruled by their emotions, know that this cult might very well be setting conservatism back a century or so.

And people across the political spectrum know that killing conservatism like MAGA is will send us reeling too far to the Left.

These people are trying to save the party and conservatism, while MAGA is trying to remake it after a profoundly damaged con man.
Republicans like Duncan, those who are not ruled by their emotions, know that this cult might very well be setting conservatism back a century or so.

And people across the political spectrum know that killing conservatism like MAGA is will send us reeling too far to the Left.

These people are trying to save the party and conservatism, while MAGA is trying to remake it after a profoundly damaged con man.
anyone who support Trump, Maga or jan 6th aren't anything but MAGA , they are thiscountries biggest threat and enemy. AND MAGA IS SCUM , MAGA = hate, lies , stupidity/
Either contribute or your ass is out of here. Does anyone here actually think I care what the enemy and biggest threat to my country thinks of me. Seems the worse they think the better I'm doing. Why can't you midgets understand that. Say go ahead Frankenstein.
Out of where? You are the enemy and biggest threat to this country as you continue to drag it into the gutter with your fake tolerance and diversity, you are a believer in neither, it's agree with you or else, you are weak minded fool!
Ya you bet , There is only one way that socialism is implemented , there is three main tenants of socialism. and the one that without which their is no socialism , is the means of production is owned and operated by the state and the sale of their production is designated to the state. always the top tenant on the list. Ok ace show us where that exist in this country and explain to us how this country can go from capitalism to that. It will never happen ,You are full of crap. Like I said the only way these idiot can make that charge work for them is if they define what it means themselves , the only problem is it already has a definition and that definition says yours is brain dead stupid. What a joke.
Who is calling for pure socialism? That's right nobody.
The so-called "Republican" Party has embraced an culture of authoritiaianism. You people refuse to accept that not every American wants to end democracy in our country. Don Snoreleone wants a Fascist Dictatorship. I love my country and I believe in Democracy, you believe the lie of an individual is facing 91-Felony Counts. He is evil and must be stopped.
And yet you and your Communist filth would do this to EVERY Republican out there. so who the fuck are you kidding? I can't wait until Trump pulls a Grover Cleveland and exacts our just revenge against you pond scum.
Republicans like Duncan, those who are not ruled by their emotions, know that this cult might very well be setting conservatism back a century or so.

And people across the political spectrum know that killing conservatism like MAGA is will send us reeling too far to the Left.

These people are trying to save the party and conservatism, while MAGA is trying to remake it after a profoundly damaged con man.
Duncan is a typical mealymouthed RINO who doesn't know jack shit about Conservatism, you fucking far Left whackjob.
Tell us what conservatism is. From Progs statements you respect the pseudo conservatism Republican voters keep putting into office in name only. Trump is talking a nation. Half of his party and the whole Prog party are under the auspices of the elitists headquartered in Europe.
Exactly. The puppet masters are foreigners.

The stupid brainwashed leftards can't see that. They're completely ignorant, they don't see beyond MS-LSD.
Republicans like Duncan, those who are not ruled by their emotions, know that this cult might very well be setting conservatism back a century or so.

And people across the political spectrum know that killing conservatism like MAGA is will send us reeling too far to the Left.

These people are trying to save the party and conservatism, while MAGA is trying to remake it after a profoundly damaged con man.

Duncan is a classic RINO

100% Zionist Fascist
100% RINO


If you want a GOP not packed with RINOs, DO NOT VOTE PRO ISRAEL, because when you do, we get RINOs not Republicans.
The GOP has a choice. Switch to DeSantis ASAP, or stick with Trump.

Since Trump has been persecuted and the American public knows it, I say stay with Trump.
As am I. Many Democrats are also seeing this for what it is. 100% politically motivated witch hunts.

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