Seriously Republicans - is this the way you're going to handle race from now on?

This is how Republicans handle race in politics now, and how it will likely continue to be handled by them in the future.

Step 1: When someone is appointed or elected to high office in this land and they are a minority Democrat,
a) immediately accuse them of being racist and
b) accuse anyone who supports them of being racist and
c) accuse them of only supporting that person because of their race.
Step 2: Repeat Step 2.
That you're stupid enough to say 'Step2: Repeat Step 2' demonstrates that all your post merits is

Hispanics/Latino's are conservative by nature. They are anti abortion and fiscally conservative. The GOP is blowing it with them!!! And I love it!!! :clap2:
Ya but, having a bunch of Mexicans in your party is not so great, their not very smart and they hate white people.
...anytime someone criticized obama, they were branded a racist...

No they weren't. The above "fact" is something the Republican party completely made up. In fact I bet you'd be hard pressed to come up with a single example of it happening - let alone be able to show that "anytime" it happened they were branded a racist.

Why do Republicans insist on arguing with "facts" that are conjured out of thin air i.e. NOT TRUE?

"sotomayor brought her race up, not the republicans."

What the fuck are you even talking about?

What "seems" racist was that after 8 years of GOP waste, now all of the sudden Texas is suggesting seceeding from the union? The last time the south talked like that was over segregation.

So was all that really about socialism or is that Texas' reaction to a black president?

The governor made a stupid comment that lost him the respect of many! The majority of Texans don't agree with and succession has been settled during the Civil War and I Believe its was the White v. Texas case that stated that NO state has the right to succession. Case closed!

The Governors ill prepared remarks had nothing to do with race rather it had to do with policy. But nice try, trying to play the race card. When all essence fails for the Democrats you always resort to playing the race card!

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