Seriously Republicans - is this the way you're going to handle race from now on?

If it's on both sides of the isle. The democrats aren't above the frey...but knowing how you work, you won't address that little secret.

Oh I quite understand how the DEMS manipulate the latent racism and sexism of their team nitwits.

I am after all a White MAN who had to deal with their idiocy in real life often enough.

It's just that that stupidity just doesn't manifest quite so often on this board, as the anti-Black, anti-Jew, Anti-minority anit-liberal caracature nonsense that is the daily fare served up here by four of five of our fellow residents.

The NAZI tag teaming posting here keeps this place fairly rightest.

I've bitched on this board about the stupidity of the density of the extremeist liberals often enough.

If you missed it, know that I find the trustifarian anti-working class arrogance of the so called liberals (who are anything but real liberals) even more repugnant that most of the more overt racism of the right.

At least most of the resident NAZIs don't PRETEND not to be racists.

Their honesty is actually their most charming aspect.

When I encounter a racist liberal and I call them on it in real life, they naturally assume that I'm a brownshirt.

Of course the fact that I look like posterboy for the SS doesn't help my cause, either.

Lets just say I do not apologise to ANYONE for having a dick and balls and white skin, either.

hello ! Why don't you point out one republican anywhere including this board who brought up sotomayor's race and gender before she did// Who made it a big deal??? she???? or the Republicans.. we'll wait..

Before she did?

Now how could any of resident Rs have done that?

Before last week not one of you now commenting about her had ever even heard of her, I'll wager.

And FWIW, most of her detractors are now commenting on things she'd said years ago, too.

Now the real question is do I think she is a racist?

And just in case you missed it, I already acknowledged that she was...

As are we all here in America..myself included.

It's something in the water, perhaps.

Nevertheless, the way the the Rs are attacking her is EXACTLY what Obama expected and hoped for too.

You guys are very dumb now that you have apparently agreed to let a fat NAZI pill popping moron define your party.
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Oh I quite understand how the DEMS manipulate the latent racism and sexism of their team nitwits.

I am after all a White MAN who had to deal with their idiocy in real life often enough.

It's just that that stupidity just doesn't manifest quite so often on this board, as the anti-Black, anti-Jew, Anti-minority anit-liberal caracature nonsense that is the daily fare served up here by four of five of our fellow residents.

The NAZI tag teaming posting here keeps this place fairly rightest.

I've bitched on this board about the stupidity of the density of the extremeist liberals often enough.

If you missed it, know that I find the trustifarian anti-working class arrogance of the so called liberals (who are anything but real liberals) even more repugnant that most of the more overt racism of the right.

At least most of the resident NAZIs don't PRETEND not to be racists.

Their honesty is actually their most charming aspect.

When I encounter a racist liberal and I call them on it in real life, they naturally assume that I'm a brownshirt.

Of course the fact that I look like posterboy for the SS doesn't help my cause, either.

Lets just say I do not apologise to ANYONE for having a dick and balls and white skin, either.

hello ! Why don't you point out one republican anywhere including this board who brought up sotomayor's race and gender before she did// Who made it a big deal??? she???? or the Republicans.. we'll wait..

Before she did?

Now how could any of resident Rs have done that?

Before last week not one of you had ever heard of her?

And FWIW, most of her detractors are now commenting on things she'd said years ago, too.

Now the real question is do I think she is a racist?

And just in case you missed it, I already acknowledged that she was...

As are we all here in America..myself included.

It's something in the water, perhaps.

oh yes,, we had heard of her.. the list of potential picks has been growing for months,, I feared the appointment of that Woods lady far more than Sotomayor,, then along came the Conn. case and the charges of reverse racism.. I looked at that closely and I'm still not convinced as to why a black fireman could not have passed that test.. as I've said Black physicians pass the same boards,, and black attorneys pass the same bar.. then along comes her famous quote about making better decisions than white stop just a minute and review some of the comments on this board since the election,, about old white men,, being irrelevant,, everything is anti white this and anti white that,, it's been said over and over and over again,, just go down and visit race relations..I'm sure the Republicans will treat this lady with much more style and grace than did the Democwats towards Judge Thomas.. I'm sure she will not leave committee feeling as if she's been "publicly lynched." But I can also see why white people and Republicans are feeling assaulted.. ya know why??? cause they are.
This is how Republicans handle race in politics now, and how it will likely continue to be handled by them in the future.

Step 1: When someone is appointed or elected to high office in this land and they are a minority Democrat,
a) immediately accuse them of being racist and
b) accuse anyone who supports them of being racist and
c) accuse them of only supporting that person because of their race.
Step 2: Repeat Step 2.

Nice Try--LOL- Joe Biden stated when Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court--that the only reason he was nominated was because he was black! A "racist" comment coming from the Vice President of the United States.:clap2:

The democrat party attacked every single minority that was appointed to G.W. Bush's administration--including federal court nominees.

Finally--Sotomayor--Barack Obama's nominee to the Supreme court stated herself:
"Because of the "richness" of a minorty Latino women--that she is a better judge than a white man."

Guaranteed--if she was nominated by a republican administration--democrats would be having a total fit right now. She would have already been "disqualified", based upon a racist--sexist statement she made herself.

Thomas had neither the intellectual credentials or judicial experience to qualify him for the bench. In fact, he's probably the least qualified person appointed to the bench in my lifetime.

He was payback for Bork not getting chosen... and he never would have been picked, under any set of circumstances had he not been black.

Judge Sotomayor was picked because she DOES have the judicial chops. Her ethnicity is just a bonus if we're talking about a "first". And, given the population of the country, is appointment of a latina so terrible? especially an accomplished latina.

And the extra added bonus is it ticks off racists. So that kind of makes me smile a little. I hate racist trash.

jillian, please read the constitution and stop spouting this nonsensical bullcrap that one needs judicial experience to be qualified...good lord
...anytime someone criticized obama, they were branded a racist...

No they weren't. The above "fact" is something the Republican party completely made up. In fact I bet you'd be hard pressed to come up with a single example of it happening - let alone be able to show that "anytime" it happened they were branded a racist.

Why do Republicans insist on arguing with "facts" that are conjured out of thin air i.e. NOT TRUE?

"sotomayor brought her race up, not the republicans."

What the fuck are you even talking about?

another epic fail spidey, you're guilty of that which you claimed never happened....

So its OK to disrespect a sitting President now that there's a black one in office?

that is a serious pwn

just thought i would bring up spidey pwning himself again, i needed a laugh
This is how Republicans handle race in politics now, and how it will likely continue to be handled by them in the future.

Step 1: When someone is appointed or elected to high office in this land and they are a minority Democrat,
a) immediately accuse them of being racist and
b) accuse anyone who supports them of being racist and
c) accuse them of only supporting that person because of their race.
Step 2: Repeat Step 2.

Are you sure that Step 2 should be "Repeat Step 2"?

My brother is a VP in charge of bonus'. Do you know what the rule in business is?

Rule number 1 is Feed the Generals First

Rule number 2 is Never Forget Rule Number One

And the company he works for now is emerging from bankruptsy and the company he left is now too going bankrupt. Visteon.

So these CEO's and Executives don't give a fuck about anything other than themselves, which is what happened on Wallstreet. They got rich fucking with our 401K's, and then we bailed them out to the tune of $750 billion.

Not a bad deal if you ask me. Get rich failing!!!

Not only did you bail them out, you defend them still? :cuckoo:

You must be real stupid.

Of course!!!

You are one jealous MOTHERFUCKER.
Nice Try--LOL- Joe Biden stated when Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court--that the only reason he was nominated was because he was black! A "racist" comment coming from the Vice President of the United States.:clap2:

The democrat party attacked every single minority that was appointed to G.W. Bush's administration--including federal court nominees.

Finally--Sotomayor--Barack Obama's nominee to the Supreme court stated herself:
"Because of the "richness" of a minorty Latino women--that she is a better judge than a white man."

Guaranteed--if she was nominated by a republican administration--democrats would be having a total fit right now. She would have already been "disqualified", based upon a racist--sexist statement she made herself.

Thomas had neither the intellectual credentials or judicial experience to qualify him for the bench. In fact, he's probably the least qualified person appointed to the bench in my lifetime.

He was payback for Bork not getting chosen... and he never would have been picked, under any set of circumstances had he not been black.

Judge Sotomayor was picked because she DOES have the judicial chops. Her ethnicity is just a bonus if we're talking about a "first". And, given the population of the country, is appointment of a latina so terrible? especially an accomplished latina.

And the extra added bonus is it ticks off racists. So that kind of makes me smile a little. I hate racist trash.

jillian, please read the constitution and stop spouting this nonsensical bullcrap that one needs judicial experience to be qualified...good lord

There's nothing in there about a bonus if your not white ?? :lol:
Are you sure that Step 2 should be "Repeat Step 2"?

My brother is a VP in charge of bonus'. Do you know what the rule in business is?

Rule number 1 is Feed the Generals First

Rule number 2 is Never Forget Rule Number One

And the company he works for now is emerging from bankruptsy and the company he left is now too going bankrupt. Visteon.

So these CEO's and Executives don't give a fuck about anything other than themselves, which is what happened on Wallstreet. They got rich fucking with our 401K's, and then we bailed them out to the tune of $750 billion.

Not a bad deal if you ask me. Get rich failing!!!

Not only did you bail them out, you defend them still? :cuckoo:

You must be real stupid.

Of course!!!

You are one jealous MOTHERFUCKER.

So now you are back to defending excessive CEO pay?

You are one jealous mother fucker when it comes to union pay. Checkmate!
...anytime someone criticized obama, they were branded a racist...

No they weren't. The above "fact" is something the Republican party completely made up. In fact I bet you'd be hard pressed to come up with a single example of it happening - let alone be able to show that "anytime" it happened they were branded a racist.

Why do Republicans insist on arguing with "facts" that are conjured out of thin air i.e. NOT TRUE?

"sotomayor brought her race up, not the republicans."

What the fuck are you even talking about?
2 examples were posted in another thread, similar to this topic, from the Black NY Gov. who said if you dont vote for Obama,then your racism is showing.....
...anytime someone criticized obama, they were branded a racist...

No they weren't. The above "fact" is something the Republican party completely made up. In fact I bet you'd be hard pressed to come up with a single example of it happening - let alone be able to show that "anytime" it happened they were branded a racist.

Why do Republicans insist on arguing with "facts" that are conjured out of thin air i.e. NOT TRUE?

"sotomayor brought her race up, not the republicans."

What the fuck are you even talking about?
2 examples were posted in another thread, similar to this topic, from the Black NY Gov. who said if you dont vote for Obama,then your racism is showing.....

I'm going to call BULLSHIT Harry. Links? I won't hold my breath.
This is how Republicans handle race in politics now, and how it will likely continue to be handled by them in the future.

Step 1: When someone is appointed or elected to high office in this land and they are a minority Democrat,
a) immediately accuse them of being racist and
b) accuse anyone who supports them of being racist and
c) accuse them of only supporting that person because of their race.
Step 2: Repeat Step 2.

Probably yes.

They are after all, appealing to their base whose instincts, as we can so often see from the postings here, are rather base.

im kinda surprised at your posting here ED ....just sayin....did not think you would have bought this BULL....ive seen examples from the other guys out here with Mexicans elected to office ....say one word and your a bigot....
No they weren't. The above "fact" is something the Republican party completely made up. In fact I bet you'd be hard pressed to come up with a single example of it happening - let alone be able to show that "anytime" it happened they were branded a racist.

Why do Republicans insist on arguing with "facts" that are conjured out of thin air i.e. NOT TRUE?

"sotomayor brought her race up, not the republicans."

What the fuck are you even talking about?
2 examples were posted in another thread, similar to this topic, from the Black NY Gov. who said if you dont vote for Obama,then your racism is showing.....

I'm going to call BULLSHIT Harry. Links? I won't hold my breath.

Bobo this was a thread about a month ago im sure its still there,some one said just about the same thing you said and this link about the NY Gov.was there,within the next few posts, 2 of them,2 sources.....ill see if i recognize what thread it was....and prove it to not makin this up.....the guy said it....
This is how Republicans handle race in politics now, and how it will likely continue to be handled by them in the future.

Step 1: When someone is appointed or elected to high office in this land and they are a minority Democrat,
a) immediately accuse them of being racist and
b) accuse anyone who supports them of being racist and
c) accuse them of only supporting that person because of their race.
Step 2: Repeat Step 2.

No one is accusing her of being a racist because she is a minority Democrat. We are accusing her of being a racist because she is a racist.

For us, unlike for you, we dont consider race as a qualification or disqualification for office. Because of that, we think those who do consider race ie racists, should not hold power.

I just want to know how you can honestly say that such blatant racism is not only good but qualifies someone to be a Justice of the Supreme Court.
Before she did?

Now how could any of resident Rs have done that?

Before last week not one of you now commenting about her had ever even heard of her, I'll wager.

And FWIW, most of her detractors are now commenting on things she'd said years ago, too.

Now the real question is do I think she is a racist?

And just in case you missed it, I already acknowledged that she was...

As are we all here in America..myself included.

It's something in the water, perhaps.

Nevertheless, the way the the Rs are attacking her is EXACTLY what Obama expected and hoped for too.

You guys are very dumb now that you have apparently agreed to let a fat NAZI pill popping moron define your party.

Speak for yourself, you may be a racist. I dont give a darn. It's your right to be stupid. But dont pretend everyone else has your charactr flaws.

And why would we not attack her for being the unqualified racist she is? I cant imagine why Obama would want us to point out what a lousy pick she is. But then its not like we have the votes to stop this.

What gets me is you complain about nazis while supporting their nonsense ideals.
She is not a racist.

the idea that she is is some trumped up bullshit based on a small snipped of a quote taken out of context.
She is not a racist.

the idea that she is is some trumped up bullshit based on a small snipped of a quote taken out of context.

A quote taken out of context, just Like Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails," quote. I couldn't agree with you more.
She is not a racist.

the idea that she is is some trumped up bullshit based on a small snipped of a quote taken out of context.

Out of context?

First, its not based on a small snipped quote. Its based on a freaking lifetime of quotes and judicial decisions.

Second, how the heck can it possibly be out of context? We are just supposed to completely ignore what she said because she is a Democrat and cant possibly be racist?

Come on people! Call a spade a spade.

I really feel like this is bizarro world lately. Up is down. Right is left. What the freakin heck!?
This is how Republicans handle race in politics now, and how it will likely continue to be handled by them in the future.

Step 1: When someone is appointed or elected to high office in this land and they are a minority Democrat,
a) immediately accuse them of being racist and
b) accuse anyone who supports them of being racist and
c) accuse them of only supporting that person because of their race.
Step 2: Repeat Step 2.

Are you sure that Step 2 should be "Repeat Step 2"?
Only liberals get confused when counting past 1.

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