During the first debate, Don the Con
sniffed so much that Twitter took notice.
11 Of The Funniest Reactions To Donald Trump’s ‘Sniffing Problem’ At The Debate
Of course, Don the Con
denied the sniffing that everyone could see and hear.
Well, he did it again last night. I noticed it as soon as I turned on the TV. Everytime he talked, he sniffed.
Trump is Sniffing at the Debate Again
Is it a nervous tic or a lie "tell"?
The dad of a very good friend of mine had heart problems in the last years of his life. He had angina and heart attacks. It ended up killing him.
Her dad breathed exactly the same way when he talked or walked.
trump has spent a lifetime eating fatty fast food, rich fatty foods that aren't fast food. He doesn't exercise. He's overweight. The excess weight really showed when he stood in profile on the stage last night.
A person can't go that many years and carry that much weight without it causing heart problems.
My opinion is that he has heart problems which is why he gasps for breath through his nose and mouth when he talks. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it when he walks too.