Seven Reasons to Beware the Southern Poverty Law Center


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The MSM loves to site this group all the time. It just shows their political bias.

The SPLC ignores basic standards of scientific research in selecting and classifying hate groups and extrehe SPLC attacks and smears mainstream public service organizations, including churches, ministries, and various pro-family entities.mists.

The SPLC uses guilt by association to engage in ad hominem attacks against individuals.

The SPLC attacks and smears mainstream public service organizations, including churches, ministries, and various pro-family entities.

The SPLC bashes conservatives while pushing a liberal agenda that empowers and supports leftists, communists, and anarchists.

The SPLC’s labeling of groups and individuals has inspired acts of violence against its targets.

The SPLC is an irresponsible public charity.(And it can afford to build and occupy this place)

Details @ Seven Reasons to Beware the Southern Poverty Law Center
Oh My---- Didn't the American Thinker publish that stupid lying story about Obama flashing Muslim gang signs? They were shown to be the right wing false news source that they are with that one, and several others. Who would believe anything they print?
Yes it's insane to think Obama had anything to do with Islam.....


Seven Reasons to Beware the Southern Poverty Law Center
ignores basic standards of scientific research
attacks and smears mainstream public service organizations
ses guilt by association to engage in ad hominem attacks against individuals
labeling of groups and individuals has inspired acts of violence against its targets

I cannot help but wonder, were one to query the OP-er's remarks on USMB, whether one would observe the OP-er behaves in ways he's asserted the SPLC has. If one indeed finds that the OP-er has, would he assert his rhetoric warrants the same warriness as he claims the SPLC does? Just asking....
Seven Reasons to Beware the Southern Poverty Law Center
ignores basic standards of scientific research
attacks and smears mainstream public service organizations
ses guilt by association to engage in ad hominem attacks against individuals
labeling of groups and individuals has inspired acts of violence against its targets

I cannot help but wonder, were one to query the OP-er's remarks on USMB, whether one would observe the OP-er behaves in ways he's asserted the SPLC has. If one indeed finds that the OP-er has, would he assert his rhetoric warrants the same warriness as he claims the SPLC does? Just asking....

You don't like the post so you attack the poster?
Seven Reasons to Beware the Southern Poverty Law Center
ignores basic standards of scientific research
attacks and smears mainstream public service organizations
ses guilt by association to engage in ad hominem attacks against individuals
labeling of groups and individuals has inspired acts of violence against its targets

I cannot help but wonder, were one to query the OP-er's remarks on USMB, whether one would observe the OP-er behaves in ways he's asserted the SPLC has. If one indeed finds that the OP-er has, would he assert his rhetoric warrants the same warriness as he claims the SPLC does? Just asking....

You don't like the post so you attack the poster?
  1. Actually, OP-er, I didn't attack you at all; however, it's telling that you feel attacked.
  2. I have levied written attacks of folks, and were I to do so with regard to you, you'd know it and I wouldn't deny having done so.
  3. I shared the questions that went through my mind. That's it.
  4. I didn't remark upon whether I do or don't like the OP. Moreover, liking it or not has nothing to do with my remarks. That's so of your OP and every other post upon which I remark.
Xelor you have no place on this forum. Your shit is WAY too well written. Too much grammatical correctness. Straighten that shit out. Dumb it down for liberals here so they can understand.

Levied written attacks? WTF? Dude just say "yea I attacked yo shit, what you gonna do about it?" LOL

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