Zone1 Seven Social Sins


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Seven Social Sins

From what I've read, the list was put together by a Frederick Lewis Donaldson, a prominent vicar in the English Anglican Church, in 1925. Gandhi was sufficiently impressed that he published them in his "Young India" newspaper that same year. and it is said that he gave a copy of the list to his grandson Arun just before he was assassinated which is probably how it came to be associated with Gandhi.

It has been retitled in numerous ways including memes calling it "7 blunders of the world leading to violence." I doubt Donaldson saw it in quite that way but I don't know.

Seven Social Sins
  1. Wealth without work.
  2. Pleasure without conscience.
  3. Knowledge without character.
  4. Commerce without morality.
  5. Science without humanity.
  6. Religion without sacrifice.
  7. Politics without principle.
But thinking about these seven things and our current world and culture, just some (not all) of my thoughts:

Wealth without work does too often produce damaged and destructive people to themselves and/or others. How many times have we heard of this or that person receiving a massive fortune by luck and squandering it away within a fairly short time? It could be one of several reasoned arguments for not paying reparations to people descended from another time for instance.

Pleasure without conscience leads to additions, law breaking, destroyed relationships, and unconscionable vulgar and obscene entertainment to children et al.

Knowledge without character can cause people to use information in destructive, harmful, dishonest, malicious ways.

Commerce without morality can cause sellers to misrepresent their products in malicious ways, manipulate markets to unethically destroy their competitors, to market their product dishonorably with disastrous results. (Example: Nestle giving their baby formula to poor African mothers and then charging them for it once their breast milk dried up. When most could not afford the formula the carnage in the health and well being of babies was massive.)

Science without humanity could be any number of things. Germans using Jewish victims for their medical experiments for instance. Or draconian laws, rules, regulations, requirements supposedly to combat climate change but that harm people far more than any climate change is likely to do to anybody.

Religion without sacrifice is harder to define, but I believe those who profess but do not live their religion are likely going to do more harm than any good.

Politics without principle No good can ever come of politics exercised ruthlessly and mercilessly in order to win to achieve a goal at the expense of others.
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On a personal note, our political leaders do a pretty good job policing No. 4 with truth in advertising laws and requiring U.S. sellers to include ingredients, warnings, etc. on their products. (Some of these are ridiculous but some are more than justified.)

Some things the government should stay out of.

And in my opinion all but number 4 on the list are pretty much out of control in our American society these days. Which drives home the observation by the Founders that the Constitution was meant for a mostly religious, virtuous, moral people and was wholly unsuitable for any other.
Seven Social Sins

From what I've read, the list was put together by a Frederick Lewis Donaldson, a prominent vicar in the English Anglican Church, in 1925. Gandhi was sufficiently impressed that he published them in his "Young India" newspaper that same year. and it is said that he gave a copy of the list to his grandson Arun just before he was assassinated which is probably how it came to be associated with Gandhi.

It has been retitled in numerous ways including memes calling it "7 blunders of the world leading to violence." I doubt Donaldson saw it in quite that way but I don't know.

Seven Social Sins
  1. Wealth without work.
  2. Pleasure without conscience.
  3. Knowledge without character.
  4. Commerce without morality.
  5. Science without humanity.
  6. Religion without sacrifice.
  7. Politics without principle.
But thinking about these seven things and our current world and culture, just some (not all) of my thoughts:

Wealth without work does too often produce damaged and destructive people to themselves and/or others. How many times have we heard of this or that person receiving a massive fortune by luck and squandering it away within a fairly short time? It could be one of several reasoned arguments for not paying reparations to people descended from another time for instance.

Pleasure without conscience leads to additions, law breaking, destroyed relationships, and unconscionable vulgar and obscene entertainment to children et al.

Knowledge without character can cause people to use information in destructive, harmful, dishonest, malicious ways.

Commerce without morality can cause sellers to misrepresent their products in malicious ways, manipulate markets to unethically destroy their competitors, to market their product dishonorably with disastrous results. (Example: Nestle giving their baby formula to poor African mothers and then charging them for it once their breast milk dried up. When most could not afford the formula the carnage in the health and well being of babies was massive.)

Science without humanity could be any number of things. Germans using Jewish victims for their medical experiments for instance. Or draconian laws, rules, regulations, requirements supposedly to combat climate change but that harm people far more than any climate change is likely to do to anybody.

Religion without sacrifice is harder to define, but I believe those who profess but do not live their religion are likely going to do more harm than any good.

Politics without principle No good can ever come of politics exercised ruthlessly and mercilessly in order to win to achieve a goal at the expense of others.
every one infused into the trump character and personal. today let is meditae upon the sin of "
Commerce without morality

would comprise the plethora of frauds and scams committed before trump was anointed with divine immunity ....

the multi level marketing telephone

trump university

the fraud conviction of the entire enterprise

etc etc etc
every one infused into the trump character and personal. today let is meditae upon the sin of "

would comprise the plethora of frauds and scams committed before trump was anointed with divine immunity ....

the multi level marketing telephone

trump university

the fraud conviction of the entire enterprise

etc etc etc
every one infused into the trump character and personal. today let is meditae upon the sin of "

would comprise the plethora of frauds and scams committed before trump was anointed with divine immunity ....

the multi level marketing telephone

trump university

the fraud conviction of the entire enterprise

etc etc etc
Now would you like to address the topic?
Apparently he does in some. But I didn't see anything in any of his policies that would commit any of those seven social sins.

The TDS afflicted have generally demonstrated that they are incapable of actually discussing an abstract topic in any kind of rational or reasoned way.

He certainly has a commendable work ethic so he can't be gigged for 'wealth without work.'

I can't speak to his behaviors in seeking 'pleasure' but that is between him and whatever parties are involved anyway. And 'without conscience' is a bit ambiguous depending on how one defines that. For instance Pelosi's video of her showing off her very expensive freezers and ice cream might have appeared pretty out of touch and insensitive to those struggling under her policies, but they in and of themselves are not necessarily 'without conscience.' In other words, those who can afford them without hurting anybody else, power to them. I don't think her intent in that case was to be out of touch or insensitive.

Knowledge without character: The only quarrel I would have with him on that was I think he is sometimes unnecessarily insulting when he has information about somebody. I wish he wouldn't do that.

Commerce without morality, I think he can't be criticized for his policies there as President.

Science without humanity, I think Trump was far more sensitive to that one than is the current occupant of the White House.

Religion without sacrifice. That one is between him and God. He certainly did not cause any problem for any people of faith in their faith when he was President.

Politics without principle. He was pretty much 100% okay in that regard as President. It was that he understood and addressed the principles involved that got me to vote for him.
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Interesting.. makes sense to me.

Seven Social Sins
Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Religion without sacrifice.
Politics without principle.
Apparently he does in some. But I didn't see anything in any of his policies that would commit any of those seven social sins.

The TDS afflicted have generally demonstrated that they are incapable of actually discussing an abstract topic in any kind of rational or reasoned way.

Politics without principle. He was pretty much 100% okay in that regard as President. It was that he understood and addressed the principles involved that got me to vote for him.
Completely lost me when he vowed to never sign another budget like the travesty that was foisted upon him in '17, then proceeded to sign the following three.

Not a principle to be found there.
Completely lost me when he vowed to never sign another budget like the travesty that was foisted upon him in '17, then proceeded to sign the following three.

Not a principle to be found there.
I gently disagree. It may not be a principle you preferred but there was one at stake. Give the Democrats some of what they demanded however stupid and foolish in order to get them to agree to what was necessary for the common good or throw the baby out with the bathwater in order to stand on principle. Remember we took away the GOP majority in 2018 and the Democrats are ruthless and merciless when it comes to getting what they want and they don't care who they hurt in the process. Republicans tend to be more pragmatic about that and Trump, neither partisan nor ideologue, was pragmatic to the core.

And as much as we hate to admit it, there is such a thing as having two terrible choices. Almost as bad as you can save your mother or your father but not both or one of your two children but not both. What do you choose? I think Trump took the choice that resulted in the least damage to the most people.

The principle I think is if it is impossible to avoid all harm, do as much good and as little harm as possible.
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Seven Social Sins

From what I've read, the list was put together by a Frederick Lewis Donaldson, a prominent vicar in the English Anglican Church, in 1925. Gandhi was sufficiently impressed that he published them in his "Young India" newspaper that same year. and it is said that he gave a copy of the list to his grandson Arun just before he was assassinated which is probably how it came to be associated with Gandhi.

It has been retitled in numerous ways including memes calling it "7 blunders of the world leading to violence." I doubt Donaldson saw it in quite that way but I don't know.

Seven Social Sins
  1. Wealth without work.
  2. Pleasure without conscience.
  3. Knowledge without character.
  4. Commerce without morality.
  5. Science without humanity.
  6. Religion without sacrifice.
  7. Politics without principle.
But thinking about these seven things and our current world and culture, just some (not all) of my thoughts:

- in fact, the corollaries on the right altogether are usable as a group for each category on the left ... and in fact also all the categories on the left are considered by most religions as sins w/ no corollary needed.

- all that is required in conclusion is to not be a sinner and the principles on both sides become their own reward - as taught by jesus.

remove the desert is the first step to paradise.

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