Severed head left on Amsterdam street, immigrant gang war is fun for everyone...

2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?
Yes....Amsterdam is another example of the violence escalation in Europe. The native Europeans are fairly peaceful.....shown in the way their criminals, who can get guns easily, do not commit actual gun murder that often....

However, they are importing people from countries that do not share the same cultural attitudes toward murder that the European natives do.....and hence...the escalation of violence...

And severed heads...

Migrant Gangs Leave Severed Head On Amsterdam Street

In Amsterdam a severed head was found laying in the open street. It is just the latest gruesome murder in what is being called the “MOCRO War” involving North African migrants from Morocco.

Amsterdam resident Stan Koeman made the discovery. He first thought it may just be a bag laying on the ground but he soon realized what lay in front of his deli was much worse: “But then, I saw: sh*t it looks like a head,” he told Dutch media according to

The remains of the body belonging to the victim were found a day earlier, partially burned, in a different section of the city. The victim was a 23 year-old man, Nabil Amzieb.

Police say the positioning of his head was done on purpose. His eyes were pointed toward a local shisha smoking lounge called “Fayrouz” which, according to local police, is a known meeting place for North African gangs who have been in a bitter and bloody turf war since 2012.

That is enough to ruin your pot fed high.....

Do they have gun control in Amsterdam....because the criminals seem to get guns there too...

Since 2012 there have been dozens of attacks by members of the so-called “MORCO mafia” against each other. Nearly 20 people have been killed since the beginning of the conflict but Nabil Amzieb is the youngest killed so far.

Over the past year police released statistics showing the scale of the gang war. They showed 396 fire arms seizures and six murders, which was down from the average of ten per year since 2012.

I can think of few things more horrific and traumatic than that.

Oh the joys of multiculturalism and diversity.
It's not a gun problem, it's a third world thug problem. Europe needs to stop importing such trash.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?
View attachment 68298
Notice he didn't respond. He joined the thread to bash black people. Not many black people in violent white Russia.
Yes....Amsterdam is another example of the violence escalation in Europe. The native Europeans are fairly peaceful.....shown in the way their criminals, who can get guns easily, do not commit actual gun murder that often....

However, they are importing people from countries that do not share the same cultural attitudes toward murder that the European natives do.....and hence...the escalation of violence...

And severed heads...

Migrant Gangs Leave Severed Head On Amsterdam Street

In Amsterdam a severed head was found laying in the open street. It is just the latest gruesome murder in what is being called the “MOCRO War” involving North African migrants from Morocco.

Amsterdam resident Stan Koeman made the discovery. He first thought it may just be a bag laying on the ground but he soon realized what lay in front of his deli was much worse: “But then, I saw: sh*t it looks like a head,” he told Dutch media according to

The remains of the body belonging to the victim were found a day earlier, partially burned, in a different section of the city. The victim was a 23 year-old man, Nabil Amzieb.

Police say the positioning of his head was done on purpose. His eyes were pointed toward a local shisha smoking lounge called “Fayrouz” which, according to local police, is a known meeting place for North African gangs who have been in a bitter and bloody turf war since 2012.

That is enough to ruin your pot fed high.....

Do they have gun control in Amsterdam....because the criminals seem to get guns there too...

Since 2012 there have been dozens of attacks by members of the so-called “MORCO mafia” against each other. Nearly 20 people have been killed since the beginning of the conflict but Nabil Amzieb is the youngest killed so far.

Over the past year police released statistics showing the scale of the gang war. They showed 396 fire arms seizures and six murders, which was down from the average of ten per year since 2012.
I am not surprised multiculturalism coupled with poor police procedures and a weakness in the administrative arm of the government and heads will roll. A disservice to the public and loss of national identity will follow.
Russia has more gun control and a higher gun murder rate.
The Russian government had to pay off the mafia to ensure safety at the last olympics. They cannot enforce their gun laws. That's why when you used Russia in an argument the other day your argument failed so miserably. guys say gun control keeps the crime rate lower.....Russia is a police state....and can arrest normal citizens easily if they break those laws......the ones who get away with breaking the gun laws....criminals.......again.

You guys just don't get it...normal, law abiding people are not the ones murdering each other with guns.....the criminals in each country you can ban guns for law abiding people all you want....but the criminals will use guns when they want or need them......

As we see in Britain, Amstrdam, Australia, Japan, France......
Those countries you named have very few guns and a government that can enforce gun laws. The complete opposite of Russia.

And gun crime in both Britain and Australia is going Britain by 4% and they are now arming more British police....

the criminals in all of those countries get guns when they want them no matter what the gun laws are...even in Japan......when their Yakuza bosses decide they want to go to war.......
Criminals clearly DON'T get guns whenever they want. Here, petty criminals and thieves use guns and often end up killing someone. Because they can get one practically by tripping over one in the street. It's why such a high percentage of our crimes involve guns. Not the case over there.

Wrong...the gun crime rate in Britain did not change after they confiscated and banned fact, right after the ban, the gun crime rate spiked, then went back to the same level it was before the there was no change at all. the social welfare state fails to raise young males into adult men, the gun crime rate in Britain is up 4%.....after they confiscated their guns.....and they now have to arm more British police, who were previously do you explain that?

So British criminals before and after the gun confiscation were able to get guns...they don't use them to commit murder as often.

Do you know what the real issue nuts think that having a gun means you must kill with it....and that is where you thought processes fall hate guns so much you can't think straight when it comes to these issues....criminals in Britain have guns...criminals in Europe have guns...they use them as they need them, they use them to get what they want....they just do not use them to commit murder as often as they do here.....that has more to do with the sub culture of the criminal class in the different countries and not access to guns...
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?
View attachment 68298
Notice he didn't respond. He joined the thread to bash black people. Not many black people in violent white Russia.

They have a violent criminal class twit.....race has nothing to do with it.
2aguy continues to insist europe is full of idiots. Their criminals, who can apparently get guns even easier than they can in the U.S., are too stupid to realize how exponentially easier it is to kill one or more people with a gun versus not using one. If only our criminals were as stupid as the people of europe. Maybe our homicide rate and gun crime rate wouldn't be so much higher.

Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?
View attachment 68298
Notice he didn't respond. He joined the thread to bash black people. Not many black people in violent white Russia.

They have a violent criminal class twit.....race has nothing to do with it.
When it's not convenient for you that is
The Russian government had to pay off the mafia to ensure safety at the last olympics. They cannot enforce their gun laws. That's why when you used Russia in an argument the other day your argument failed so miserably. guys say gun control keeps the crime rate lower.....Russia is a police state....and can arrest normal citizens easily if they break those laws......the ones who get away with breaking the gun laws....criminals.......again.

You guys just don't get it...normal, law abiding people are not the ones murdering each other with guns.....the criminals in each country you can ban guns for law abiding people all you want....but the criminals will use guns when they want or need them......

As we see in Britain, Amstrdam, Australia, Japan, France......
Those countries you named have very few guns and a government that can enforce gun laws. The complete opposite of Russia.

And gun crime in both Britain and Australia is going Britain by 4% and they are now arming more British police....

the criminals in all of those countries get guns when they want them no matter what the gun laws are...even in Japan......when their Yakuza bosses decide they want to go to war.......
Criminals clearly DON'T get guns whenever they want. Here, petty criminals and thieves use guns and often end up killing someone. Because they can get one practically by tripping over one in the street. It's why such a high percentage of our crimes involve guns. Not the case over there.

Wrong...the gun crime rate in Britain did not change after they confiscated and banned fact, right after the ban, the gun crime rate spiked, then went back to the same level it was before the there was no change at all. the social welfare state fails to raise young males into adult men, the gun crime rate in Britain is up 4%.....after they confiscated their guns.....and they now have to arm more British police, who were previously do you explain that?

So British criminals before and after the gun confiscation were able to get guns...they don't use them to commit murder as often.

Do you know what the real issue nuts think that having a gun means you must kill with it....and that is where you thought processes fall hate guns so much you can't think straight when it comes to these issues....criminals in Britain have guns...criminals in Europe have guns...they use them as they need them, they use them to get what they want....they just do not use them to commit murder as often as they do here.....that has more to do with the sub culture of the criminal class in the different countries and not access to guns...
Harder to get guns = harder for criminals to get guns.

Occam's razor says "among competing hypothesis the one with the fewer assumptions should be selected." That would be:

More guns and easier to get guns = more gun use and more gun crime

It's not that hard
Compare areas of similar demographics. Belgium vs Utah for example.
How about Utah vs. Russia? Can you do that for me you racist fuck?
View attachment 68298
Notice he didn't respond. He joined the thread to bash black people. Not many black people in violent white Russia.

They have a violent criminal class twit.....race has nothing to do with it.
When it's not convenient for you that is

Wrong twit....I have always said the true motivator for violent gun crime is single teen mothers raising children and having that situation go on for that the young males are never taught to be adult men by real male role least in this country. The Russian situation comes from the same thing....government welfare creating a class of people that do not value life......that is why their criminals also readily murder each other and other innocent people...twit.
I can think of few things more horrific and traumatic than that.

Oh the joys of multiculturalism and diversity.

What is especially ironic about the multicultists and their platitudes about celebrating diversity is how the real agenda actually involves ELIMINATING the diversity of any sort of western liberal culture. Heaven forbid that Holland could continue to be Dutch, France French, Britain British or Sweden Swedish. That sort of diversity just doesn't count. guys say gun control keeps the crime rate lower.....Russia is a police state....and can arrest normal citizens easily if they break those laws......the ones who get away with breaking the gun laws....criminals.......again.

You guys just don't get it...normal, law abiding people are not the ones murdering each other with guns.....the criminals in each country you can ban guns for law abiding people all you want....but the criminals will use guns when they want or need them......

As we see in Britain, Amstrdam, Australia, Japan, France......
Those countries you named have very few guns and a government that can enforce gun laws. The complete opposite of Russia.

And gun crime in both Britain and Australia is going Britain by 4% and they are now arming more British police....

the criminals in all of those countries get guns when they want them no matter what the gun laws are...even in Japan......when their Yakuza bosses decide they want to go to war.......
Criminals clearly DON'T get guns whenever they want. Here, petty criminals and thieves use guns and often end up killing someone. Because they can get one practically by tripping over one in the street. It's why such a high percentage of our crimes involve guns. Not the case over there.

Wrong...the gun crime rate in Britain did not change after they confiscated and banned fact, right after the ban, the gun crime rate spiked, then went back to the same level it was before the there was no change at all. the social welfare state fails to raise young males into adult men, the gun crime rate in Britain is up 4%.....after they confiscated their guns.....and they now have to arm more British police, who were previously do you explain that?

So British criminals before and after the gun confiscation were able to get guns...they don't use them to commit murder as often.

Do you know what the real issue nuts think that having a gun means you must kill with it....and that is where you thought processes fall hate guns so much you can't think straight when it comes to these issues....criminals in Britain have guns...criminals in Europe have guns...they use them as they need them, they use them to get what they want....they just do not use them to commit murder as often as they do here.....that has more to do with the sub culture of the criminal class in the different countries and not access to guns...
Harder to get guns = harder for criminals to get guns.

Occam's razor says "among competing hypothesis the one with the fewer assumptions should be selected." That would be:

More guns and easier to get guns = more gun use and more gun crime

It's not that hard

Except that is not true.....explain then that after they confiscated guns in Britain their gun crime rate stayed the same? When you get rid of guns for law abiding people, the criminals still get guns...just like they do in all the countries that have confiscated or banned guns for law abiding people.....even Japanese Yakuza get guns easily when they decide to kill each other. Why don't they kill each other more often...because of their criminal sub culture...they want money more than they want to murder each other...but when they do decide to kill each other...they get guns and grenades......

And again....countries with strict gun control..where if normal people are caught with guns the repressive governments step on them...have higher gun murder rates than we do...Mexico, Puerto Rico...Russia.......

You are wrong......

Taking guns away from people who do not commit crime with guns lowers the gun crime rate how? Considering that criminals get guns when they want them......

And in our country....please explain.......

2012.... 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense, and 320,000,000 guns in private hands..our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate and our crime rate went down, not up.....

in 2013..... 320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....12 million people carrying guns for self defense....our gun crime rate and gun murder rate went down again..., not up..dittos our general crime rate...

Occam's razor fail......

in 2014....2014... over 357,000,000 million guns in private hands, and 13 million people carrying guns for self defense and our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate and our over all crime rate went down...again.....

Occam's razor fail...again.....

Please explain that in light of your theory.....
The real occam's razor.......teen mothers raising generations of young men with no adult male role models to teach them how to be adult, non violent men.

That leads to more gun murder.
I can think of few things more horrific and traumatic than that.

Oh the joys of multiculturalism and diversity.

What is especially ironic about the multicultists and their platitudes about celebrating diversity is how the real agenda actually involves ELIMINATING the diversity of any sort of western liberal culture. Heaven forbid that Holland could continue to be Dutch, France French, Britain British or Sweden Swedish. That sort of diversity just doesn't count.
Russia is not multicultural. Why do they have triple our murder rate?
The real occam's razor.......teen mothers raising generations of young men with no adult male role models to teach them how to be adult, non violent men.

That leads to more gun murder.
Homicide rate among your twisty way of saying "black people" is down dramatically over the last 20 years. Even though there are more single mothers. Hmm.
I can think of few things more horrific and traumatic than that.

Oh the joys of multiculturalism and diversity.

What is especially ironic about the multicultists and their platitudes about celebrating diversity is how the real agenda actually involves ELIMINATING the diversity of any sort of western liberal culture. Heaven forbid that Holland could continue to be Dutch, France French, Britain British or Sweden Swedish. That sort of diversity just doesn't count.
Russia is not multicultural. Why do they have triple our murder rate?

Because they have lived under socialism for a long time....and their culture has created a criminal class that is willing to commit murder easily and often. They also have strict gun control laws and the secret police to back it up.
The real occam's razor.......teen mothers raising generations of young men with no adult male role models to teach them how to be adult, non violent men.

That leads to more gun murder.
Homicide rate among your twisty way of saying "black people" is down dramatically over the last 20 years. Even though there are more single mothers. Hmm.

But murder rates for blacks is higher than any other group....why? Because right now their out of wedlock birth rate is over 70%.....which I pointed out before, generations of young males being raised by single, teenage mothers on government welfare without adult men to teach them how to be civilized adult men. That is what is creating the gun violence....

Why is it that in a country of over 357,000,000 guns our gun murders are concentrated in the very areas where out of wedlock birth rates are the highest....according to you, our gun murder rate should be spread throughout the entire country...simply because there are guns availabel......which is not the fail......

in a country of 320,000,000 millon people

With over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands, less than 8,545 guns were used to commit gun murder.....that shows you are wrong...if you were right, those gun murder rates would be vastly higher..........but they aren't. Why? Because 356,991,876 million guns are in the hands of normal people who do not commit crimes with guns.....
The real occam's razor.......teen mothers raising generations of young men with no adult male role models to teach them how to be adult, non violent men.

That leads to more gun murder.
Homicide rate among your twisty way of saying "black people" is down dramatically over the last 20 years. Even though there are more single mothers. Hmm.

And you are right.....our gun murder rate is down since the 90s..........

we had about 220,000,000 guns in private hands in the 90s......

in 2012 we had over 320,000,000 guns in private hands and 11.1 million normal people carried guns for self defense, and our gun crime rate went fail.

in 2013 we had over 320,000,000 guns in private hands, and 12.8 million normal people carrying guns for self defense and our gun crime rate went down fail...again...

In 2014, we had over 357,000,000 guns in private hands and 13,000,000 million people carrying guns for self defense, and our gun crime rate went down fail....

You keep saying more guns means more gun are wrong.....

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