Sex slave nuns shocker

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?

Liberalism is not tested in the ordination process.
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?
I love how they shut down the congregation of nuns rather than remove the offending priests
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?
The vow of sexual abstinence clearly does not work.
Sexual abuse of nuns. So we are also looking at the use of birth control, which is forbidden in the Catholic Church. And possibly abortions.
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?
I love how they shut down the congregation of nuns rather than remove the offending priests
The article plainly says the priests were suspended.

In ANY group of people you are going to find a percentage of predators and violent people. Is there any indication that they have a higher prevalence of sexual abusers among the priesthood than other populations?
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?
I love how they shut down the congregation of nuns rather than remove the offending priests
The article plainly says the priests were suspended.
Thats code for redeployed I think.

In ANY group of people you are going to find a percentage of predators and violent people. Is there any indication that they have a higher prevalence of sexual abusers among the priesthood than other populations?

I don't know if it is the same, greater or less than the general population, my thoughts are why is it all kept in secrecy.
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?
Yeah it's really bad stuff.......they may have to remove the celibacy requirement, not sure....but this stuff is just awful....and hypocritical
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?

This is the result of a policy of celibacy amongst the priesthood. Our bodies, minds and being are not wired to be celibate. We, as a species, function better physically and emotionally when we are in an adult, consenual, sexual relationship. That's how biology works. All of our instincts propel us to honour our biological imperatives, the two strongest of which are the life itself, and procreation. Even when procreation is taken out of the equation, the exchanges of hormones between sexual partners, and the hormones released by the sexual act, enhances our health and our well being, long past the age when procreation is advisable, even if possible.

I've long believed that a celibate priesthood attracts a lot of men with sexual issues, who are hoping that the enforced celibacy will save them from themselves. The disastrous messes we see today is the spectacular failure of those wishes.
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?

This is the result of a policy of celibacy amongst the priesthood. Our bodies, minds and being are not wired to be celibate. We, as a species, function better physically and emotionally when we are in an adult, consenual, sexual relationship. That's how biology works. All of our instincts propel us to honour our biological imperatives, the two strongest of which are the life itself, and procreation. Even when procreation is taken out of the equation, the exchanges of hormones between sexual partners, and the hormones released by the sexual act, enhances our health and our well being, long past the age when procreation is advisable, even if possible.

I've long believed that a celibate priesthood attracts a lot of men with sexual issues, who are hoping that the enforced celibacy will save them from themselves. The disastrous messes we see today is the spectacular failure of those wishes.
I think it also reflects the power that priests have
Maybe its time to let nuns and priests have husbands and wives. Forcing people to never have sex seems to make them crazy.
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?
Interesting how the news of priests abusing boys got out and not this for a long time. know.......
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?
Interesting how the news of priests abusing boys got out and not this for a long time. know.......

There have long been rumours of priest with "wives" among the nuns. I heard them when I was a kid. But unlike the alter boys and the abuse of children in the church, the nuns, in many cases, have be willing participants.

In ANY group of people you are going to find a percentage of predators and violent people. Is there any indication that they have a higher prevalence of sexual abusers among the priesthood than other populations?

I don't know if it is the same, greater or less than the general population, my thoughts are why is it all kept in secrecy.
That has been and is the real problem - the church covering things like this up. For that, there should be a lot more people in jail for a very long time.
Pope says priests kept nuns as sex slaves

Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

I suppose it gives the kids a break. What is it with these priests ?
what is it with people?
Under a vow of celibacy, you aren't even allowed to masturbate.

I just don't see how that is possible for the vast majority of humans.

St. Paul claimed to be thoroughly celibate, but he gave some very sage advice which the Catholic Church should probably revisit. Not every priest or nun can be a saint like Paul. The very nature of sainthood is one of extreme exceptionalism.

Here's Paul:

Now, about what you wrote: “It’s good for a man not to have sex with a woman.” Each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband because of sexual immorality. The husband should meet his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should do the same for her husband. The wife doesn’t have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise, the husband doesn’t have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Don’t refuse to meet each other’s needs unless you both agree for a short period of time to devote yourselves to prayer. Then come back together again so that Satan might not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I’m saying this to give you permission; it’s not a command. I wish all people were like me, but each has a particular gift from God: one has this gift, and another has that one.

I’m telling those who are single and widows that it’s good for them to stay single like me. But if they can’t control themselves, they should get married, because it’s better to marry than to burn with passion.

That's from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. Verses 7 through 9.

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