Sexual assault on a child pervert caught at border! they just traipse over the border


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
CBP enforcement activity identifies 29 fugitives including man wanted for aggravated sexual assault of a child

Friday, August 19, 2011

El Paso, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers working at ports of entry in El Paso, West Texas, and New Mexico identified 138 violations during the past week. CBP officers apprehended fugitives, identified immigration violations, seized drugs, and confiscated prohibited agriculture items during the last seven days.

CBP officers working at area ports identified 29 fugitives during the previous week including one man who was wanted in Houston on aggravated sexual assault on a child charges. The arrest was made Aug. 14 at the Paso Del Norte pedestrian crossing when 55-year-old Lucio Reyes Alvarez was identified as a wanted subject, as CBP officers processed his entry document. CBP officers confirmed the warrant and took custody of the subject without incident. He was turned over to the El Paso Police Department and booked into the El Paso County Jail where he is currently detained.

“The CBP inspection process routinely results in fugitives being identified and apprehended,” said CBP El Paso Director of Field Operations Ana B. Hinojosa. “El Paso is recognized as one of the safest large cities in the U.S. and we believe that the work being done by CBP personnel at area ports of entry have helped the city achieve that notable rank. In this case specifically, our officers prevented a person wanted for being a sexual predator against children, from being able to enter our city and our neighborhoods.”

In addition to the sexual assault on a child suspect, CBP officers working at area ports took custody of an additional 28 fugitives being sought on a wide variety of charges.

During the previous seven days, area CBP officers uncovered 79 immigration violations. Intended immigrants made up the largest group of violators. A total of 34 were identified through thorough document exams. In these cases, individuals will use a legally issued border-crossing card (laser visa) to live or work in the United States, which is not authorized. Violators generally lose their documents and are returned to Mexico.

CBP officers also identified a total of 20 impostors during the three-day period. Imposters with previous criminal histories are generally booked into the El Paso County jail to face federal prosecution. Imposters are also removed from the United States for a minimum five-year period and face federal felony charges if they attempt to illegally reenter the country again.

“Some of these cases involve felons who have been previously removed from the country and are barred from legal reentry,” said Hinojosa. “CBP officers are stopping these dangerous people in their tracks. This is an important part of our mission of protecting the homeland, the United States of America.”

The balance of the immigration violators included those making false claims to U.S. citizenship, people attempting to enter with counterfeit or altered documents, visa overstay violations and people who had entered the country without inspection.

Area CBP officers made 12 seizures of prohibited food and agricultural items this week, resulting in $2,525 in fines being assessed. Prohibited items seized this week included bologna, chorizo, apples, oranges, mangoes, pears, plums, peaches, guavas, pomegranates, apricots, avocados and live plants.

A total of 596 pounds of marijuana was seized in 12 incidents during the time period. CBP officers this weekend also identified three export violations, made two commercial seizures, and one steroid bust during the previous week. While anti-terrorism is the primary mission of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the inspection process at the ports of entry associated with this mission results in impressive numbers of enforcement actions in all categories.
Of the 138 violations, I wonder what that represents as a percentage of everyone crossing during the 3 day time frame, wolfmoon.
Well, Napolitano says the border has never been so secure!! Is there anybody out there who takes this 'woman' seriously???
I do. She is a very bright family-oriented woman who, as Governor of Arizona, turned a billion-dollar deficit into a $300,000 surplus.

I've been a Republican since 1971, but Miss Napolitano is a savvy and good conservative American who's done nothing but serve her country for decades.

Her life is amazing.
Of the 138 violations, I wonder what that represents as a percentage of everyone crossing during the 3 day time frame, wolfmoon.

Since the government refuses to keep track accurately no one really knows. We have a bunch of old reports to go on. The Homeland Security Report below is from 2005. One thing we do know is Cheap Labor isn't Cheap!


"Federal law enforcement estimates that 10 percent to 30 percent of illegal aliens are actually apprehended and 10 percent to 20 percent of drugs are seized."

So that means up to 70% of illegal aliens get through the border undetected and as many as 80% of the drug comes over the border undetected.


Homeland Security Report:
page 3.
A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border
Anyone found guilty of sexually assaulting a child, and that proof is not in question, should be hung publically before the sun sets on the day they are found guilty.
Denver recently had a crackdown on sex offenders, and ICE led the way. Now, it's odd, the media never elaborated on WHAT Immigration and Customs Enforcement has to do with sex offenders...So, um, I fill in the blanks and the horrid racist xenophobe I am, assume that Mexicans are REALY their target. I have seen Mexicans pulling this crap before, and it gets swept under the rug. Mexican illegal aliens , that is. This ENTIRE board, damn near every thread regarding immigration, is one pointing out the crimes, the evil, the atrocities, the NEGATIVE aspects of illegal immigration. WHY hasn’t anything been done to stop this situation? It isn’t THAT hard to stop…
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We know why it hasn't been stopped it's because the politicians and their friends are making tons of money using cheap labor. All the while they know they're using Americans as human sacrifice to their 3rd world Neanderthal cheap labor! The politicians are nothing but a bunch of capitalist slavers!

In all these years, it has pained me to see AMERICANS help illegal aliens from Mexico, although I know what my fellow Americans say WHY they feel so motivated, I know their reasons are hollow. They are concerned with profits and all else is just empty sophisms. ALL immigrants can immigrate with the consent of the local populace, if not, they are unwanted invaders. Anything else is a lie. just a fraud . Fraud deserves scorn. And swift punishment. So why doesn't this happen? It is so obvious WHY illegal aliens are wrong...No so obvious WHY they always seem to avoid justice.
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Most of them are wanted for crimes in their countries of origin. A lot of them caught at the border have committed crimes in America and run back to Mexico and wait for things to cool off so, they already have a criminal record in America. Once they're a felon they can't get citizenship in America it's the law.
I do. She is a very bright family-oriented woman who, as Governor of Arizona, turned a billion-dollar deficit into a $300,000 surplus.

I've been a Republican since 1971, but Miss Napolitano is a savvy and good conservative American who's done nothing but serve her country for decades.

Her life is amazing.

Then you are just one of very few.
Well, Napolitano says the border has never been so secure!! Is there anybody out there who takes this 'woman' seriously???

I agree with her but "never been so secure" is not SECURED. Obama tried to use this as an exucse for the Right to give him what he wants. Amnesty for his 20 million charges.
Right meant when the border is SECURED than we can talk Compehensive Immigration Reform. Until them until hell freezes over because the border will never be secured without militiary assistance.
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I do. She is a very bright family-oriented woman who, as Governor of Arizona, turned a billion-dollar deficit into a $300,000 surplus.

I've been a Republican since 1971, but Miss Napolitano is a savvy and good conservative American who's done nothing but serve her country for decades.

Her life is amazing.
Then she sold out to be an obamaturd stooge!!
Is the poster trying to say that the child is a pervert ?
Is the child a suspect or the victim ? That " marijuana " is some dangerous stuff,
unlike the barbituates that the crazies prescribe.

I don't know about ICE but I know about US Customs and Border Protection and they are total assholes. They are given 11 weeks of education, a gun, and one heck of a lot of power. They are the darlings you encounter when crossing the border.

As a US citizen living in Mexico and crossing the border on a regular basis I have to deal with those toads routinely. They are like undisciplined, unruly children with guns. I sincerely hate those people and quite frankly, if they are doing such a wonderful job why do we have 30,000,000+ illegals as well as tons of drugs entering the US daily?

They drop the F bomb all the time, slam doors, call US citizens names, I've seen them push an old man, one guy that I see regularly has a staph infection on his lower legs and has pus draining outside his yellow soaked bandages. They are unprofessional and in serious need of anger management. I've been crossing the border for various reasons for 5 years and every year it is worse.

Denver recently had a crackdown on sex offenders, and ICE led the way. Now, it's odd, the media never elaborated on WHAT Immigration and Customs Enforcement has to do with sex offenders...So, um, I fill in the blanks and the horrid racist xenophobe I am, assume that Mexicans are REALY their target. I have seen Mexicans pulling this crap before, and it gets swept under the rug. Mexican illegal aliens , that is. This ENTIRE board, damn near every thread regarding immigration, is one pointing out the crimes, the evil, the atrocities, the NEGATIVE aspects of illegal immigration. WHY hasn’t anything been done to stop this situation? It isn’t THAT hard to stop…

Because in order to get into any significant political office you need big business and their money. Big business wants cheap labor, whether that is in or out of the US they want cheap labor. So politicians do what big business wants. Now look at the mess we are in.

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