Sexual Orientation: What are it's causes?

It is irrelevant, so one wonders why the homosexual lobby ppl keep insisting homosexuality is hardwired.

It obviously is important to them that people believe this lie.

But then, they aren't big on accountability at any rate.

And how is it a lie?

It isn't supported by fact. It is an opinion. Being supported by fact would make it true. Being an opinion makes it neither lie nor truth. But many supporters of the opinion that homosexuality is "genetic" present it as fact and demand that it be accepted as fact by others who do not feel the same way. Supporters are more than willing to bring the weight of government into play in order to force others to accept what they claim as truth. Tyranny will tend to bring forth opposition that might otherwise not exist.

Thank you for answering my question, but you are (again) deviating away from the thread's topic.

behaviour affects hormones

I've heard of hormones affecting behavior, but not the other way around. How do you come to this conclusion?

EDIT: Not sure if this is relevant or not, but I was alluding to studies made in how the environmental settings of the womb might effect hormones during prenatal development (which are found in the videos I posted).

Let's try to keep is simple enough: Sexual determination is usually a function of recombination of genes from the male and female contributors. In the case of sexual determination of the fetus, the female contributes only the X chromosome. The male contributes either an X or a Y chromosome. If the male chromosomal contribution contains an X chromosome, the offspring will be female. If a Y chromosome is contributed, the offspring is male. Nature made the choice relatively simple, you are either-or. People later make the choice more complex.

How does this answer my question in how behavior determines hormonal growth?
"The results show that SS produces consistent patterns of hormonal and behavioral responses; some aspects of the patterns are similar to those elicited by other environmental stresses, whereas some aspects are unique to SS. We conclude that rats do not adapt to repeated SS but rather that most hormonal and behavioral defense mechanisms are renewable on a daily basis." - Physiology & Behavior - Single and Repeated Environmental Stress: Effect on Plasma Oxytocin, Corticosterone, Catecholamines, and Behavior

". Sustained Type A behavior patterns can lead to hyperadrenal activity, which stimulates secretion of high levels of glucocorticoids into the blood."

"Type A behavior patterns include characteristics such as impatience, rushing through activities and conversation, competitiveness, conscientiousness, reliability, high energy, and obsession with achievement. Coronary heart disease studies have established that sustained Type A behavior can raise the body's adrenal state to levels which produce potentially-harmful amounts of cortisol. (One study reported Type A participants with forty times more cortisol than their Type B counterparts.10)"

Glucorticoids and Secondary Stress as Causes of CSR

It has also been noted that sexual abuse of children can result in premature sexual maturation...specifically, girls who are molested over a sustained period of time, are more likely to start their periods and develop breasts at a very young age, compared to girls who aren't subjected to sustained sexual abuse.
As children, they had higher levels of cortisol, the so-called "stress hormone," which is released in high levels during the body’s "fight or flight" response. But by about age 15, testing showed that cortisol levels were below normal, compared to the control group. Lower levels of cortisol have been linked to a decrease in the body’s ability to deal with stress, as well as problems with depression and obesity. Lower levels of the hormone have also been linked to post-traumatic stress disorder.
“The cortisol levels (of some study participants) wound up looking like Vietnam vets,” says study co-author Dr. Frank Putnam, professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. “That tells us they are in a chronic state of stress, and never feel safe.”
During the last assessment, when study participants were in their 20s, their cortisol levels remained lower than the control group, on average. “That tells us their stress response system is burned out,” says Putman, which could explain why some are doing so poorly in life.”

Effects of sexual abuse last for decades, study finds - Health - Health care - More health news -
And how is it a lie?

It isn't supported by fact. It is an opinion. Being supported by fact would make it true. Being an opinion makes it neither lie nor truth. But many supporters of the opinion that homosexuality is "genetic" present it as fact and demand that it be accepted as fact by others who do not feel the same way. Supporters are more than willing to bring the weight of government into play in order to force others to accept what they claim as truth. Tyranny will tend to bring forth opposition that might otherwise not exist.

Thank you for answering my question, but you are (again) deviating away from the thread's topic.

I've heard of hormones affecting behavior, but not the other way around. How do you come to this conclusion?

EDIT: Not sure if this is relevant or not, but I was alluding to studies made in how the environmental settings of the womb might effect hormones during prenatal development (which are found in the videos I posted).

Let's try to keep is simple enough: Sexual determination is usually a function of recombination of genes from the male and female contributors. In the case of sexual determination of the fetus, the female contributes only the X chromosome. The male contributes either an X or a Y chromosome. If the male chromosomal contribution contains an X chromosome, the offspring will be female. If a Y chromosome is contributed, the offspring is male. Nature made the choice relatively simple, you are either-or. People later make the choice more complex.

How does this answer my question in how behavior determines hormonal growth?

I'm sorry, what part of "sexual orientation, what are its causes" am I not[/I addressing? Of course, you want someone to give some psychobabble excuse why an animal that was equipped by nature for one gender identification chooses to identify as the opposite gender. Sorry, I don't buy the "nature" concept. It's all "nurture" babycakes. It's a choice a person makes, for a variety of reasons. Some are so torn by their choice that they will even commit extreme self-mutilation in order to validate their choice.
Why a human makes such a choice? I've covered that in other posts.
I'm sorry, what part of "sexual orientation, what are its causes" am I not[/I addressing?

The bolded segment of your comment does not address the causes of sexual orientation:
It isn't supported by fact. It is an opinion. Being supported by fact would make it true. Being an opinion makes it neither lie nor truth. But many supporters of the opinion that homosexuality is "genetic" present it as fact and demand that it be accepted as fact by others who do not feel the same way. Supporters are more than willing to bring the weight of government into play in order to force others to accept what they claim as truth. Tyranny will tend to bring forth opposition that might otherwise not exist.

Of course, you want someone to give some psychobabble excuse why an animal that was equipped by nature for one gender identification chooses to identify as the opposite gender. Sorry, I don't buy the "nature" concept. It's all "nurture" babycakes. It's a choice a person makes, for a variety of reasons. Some are so torn by their choice that they will even commit extreme self-mutilation in order to validate their choice.

... and you have no conclusive scientific evidence that supports that it is a choice. Therefore, your belief is irrelevant in this context (as is mine).

Why a human makes such a choice? I've covered that in other posts.

Would you mind quoting or sharing a link to these comments? I'm interested in your opinion on why one would make the choice to be a homosexual.
It isn't supported by fact. It is an opinion. Being supported by fact would make it true. Being an opinion makes it neither lie nor truth. But many supporters of the opinion that homosexuality is "genetic" present it as fact and demand that it be accepted as fact by others who do not feel the same way. Supporters are more than willing to bring the weight of government into play in order to force others to accept what they claim as truth. Tyranny will tend to bring forth opposition that might otherwise not exist.

Thank you for answering my question, but you are (again) deviating away from the thread's topic.

Let's try to keep is simple enough: Sexual determination is usually a function of recombination of genes from the male and female contributors. In the case of sexual determination of the fetus, the female contributes only the X chromosome. The male contributes either an X or a Y chromosome. If the male chromosomal contribution contains an X chromosome, the offspring will be female. If a Y chromosome is contributed, the offspring is male. Nature made the choice relatively simple, you are either-or. People later make the choice more complex.

How does this answer my question in how behavior determines hormonal growth?

I'm sorry, what part of "sexual orientation, what are its causes" am I not[/I addressing? Of course, you want someone to give some psychobabble excuse why an animal that was equipped by nature for one gender identification chooses to identify as the opposite gender. Sorry, I don't buy the "nature" concept. It's all "nurture" babycakes. It's a choice a person makes, for a variety of reasons. Some are so torn by their choice that they will even commit extreme self-mutilation in order to validate their choice.
Why a human makes such a choice? I've covered that in other posts.

Possibly not.

Sorry but youre making the same "tyrannical" statement that youre accusing others of making. Youre saying its a choice, as an absolute. It MAY not be a choice, it may be, but we DONT KNOW conclusively.

What we DO KNOW is that the amount of testosterone a fetus recieves during pregnancy does effects its physiology ( both finger length and penis size are directly correlated to it ) We also KNOW that all fetuses begin as an undetermined sex and are only assigned later in gestation once the chromosomes are actually taken into account. In other words, the genetic program says build a basic human being which it does and then in later development says OH ok now we have to determine gender. A fetus is also bombarded with various hormones ( testosterone and estrogen just to name a couple ) that change its physical attributes ( not just gender ).

Thats what we KNOW.

Its being theorized and tested that the timing of those hormonal bombardments ( and the amount of each hormone in the bombardments ) may effect personality and sexuality as well. And this data looks like its going to be proven out. Its meeting the right criteria to be considered hard and correct science. If this turns out to be the case, ( which it maynot be. Other promising science turned out to be wrong when other discoveries were made ) then it is more than likely that sexual preference is NOT a choice.
I'm sorry, what part of "sexual orientation, what are its causes" am I not[/I addressing?

The bolded segment of your comment does not address the causes of sexual orientation:
It isn't supported by fact. It is an opinion. Being supported by fact would make it true. Being an opinion makes it neither lie nor truth. But many supporters of the opinion that homosexuality is "genetic" present it as fact and demand that it be accepted as fact by others who do not feel the same way. Supporters are more than willing to bring the weight of government into play in order to force others to accept what they claim as truth. Tyranny will tend to bring forth opposition that might otherwise not exist.

Of course, you want someone to give some psychobabble excuse why an animal that was equipped by nature for one gender identification chooses to identify as the opposite gender. Sorry, I don't buy the "nature" concept. It's all "nurture" babycakes. It's a choice a person makes, for a variety of reasons. Some are so torn by their choice that they will even commit extreme self-mutilation in order to validate their choice.

... and you have no conclusive scientific evidence that supports that it is a choice. Therefore, your belief is irrelevant in this context (as is mine).

Why a human makes such a choice? I've covered that in other posts.

Would you mind quoting or sharing a link to these comments? I'm interested in your opinion on why one would make the choice to be a homosexual.

OK, here's my thoughts on why a human makes such a choice:
Humans use sex as more than simply a vehicle for reproduction. We have attached many complex emotional meanings to copulation. One thing equated with sex is the concept of love. We use sex and physical intimacy to express love for our partner. I do not believe that deep emotional attachments, often identified as "love", are limited to those of the opposite gender. While most humans manage to maintain attachments to those of the same gender without expressing their feelings sexually, some prefer to carry over their feelings of attachment, using sex to proclaim and express their "love".
Humans are also capable of using sex to manipulate and hurt others, as well.

Am I against homosexuality? No. I have no problem with adults expressing their affection for one another in any way they deem mutually appropriate. While there may be some various environmental influences in how or why a person makes a certain choice, currently available information would indicate that biology predisposes a person to being male or female.
Thank you for answering my question, but you are (again) deviating away from the thread's topic.

How does this answer my question in how behavior determines hormonal growth?

I'm sorry, what part of "sexual orientation, what are its causes" am I not[/I addressing? Of course, you want someone to give some psychobabble excuse why an animal that was equipped by nature for one gender identification chooses to identify as the opposite gender. Sorry, I don't buy the "nature" concept. It's all "nurture" babycakes. It's a choice a person makes, for a variety of reasons. Some are so torn by their choice that they will even commit extreme self-mutilation in order to validate their choice.
Why a human makes such a choice? I've covered that in other posts.

Possibly not.

Sorry but youre making the same "tyrannical" statement that youre accusing others of making. Youre saying its a choice, as an absolute. It MAY not be a choice, it may be, but we DONT KNOW conclusively.

What we DO KNOW is that the amount of testosterone a fetus recieves during pregnancy does effects its physiology ( both finger length and penis size are directly correlated to it ) We also KNOW that all fetuses begin as an undetermined sex and are only assigned later in gestation once the chromosomes are actually taken into account. In other words, the genetic program says build a basic human being which it does and then in later development says OH ok now we have to determine gender. A fetus is also bombarded with various hormones ( testosterone and estrogen just to name a couple ) that change its physical attributes ( not just gender ).

Thats what we KNOW.

Its being theorized and tested that the timing of those hormonal bombardments ( and the amount of each hormone in the bombardments ) may effect personality and sexuality as well. And this data looks like its going to be proven out. Its meeting the right criteria to be considered hard and correct science. If this turns out to be the case, ( which it maynot be. Other promising science turned out to be wrong when other discoveries were made ) then it is more than likely that sexual preference is NOT a choice.

Unfortunately, even the scientific community has been compromised by today's politics.
It doesn't take a scientific study to figure out.

That it's a "choice" for two guys to pack each others fudge.

It's does not happen by accident.
In accordance with your strong belief that one's sexual orientation is a matter of choice I will assume you have chosen to be heterosexual. Do you recall making that choice? If not, what do you base your belief on?

If you do recall choosing to be heterosexual, do you feel you could now reverse that choice and find men sexually attractive instead of women? If you do not feel (believe) you could be attracted to men does that not disprove your theory of choice?

But if you do feel you could be attracted to men would that not logically suggest latent bisexuality and account for your theory of choice?

Please understand this is not a tricky syllogism intended to present a smart-ass argument. Rather it is a very simple exercise in logical thinking intended to question your belief in choice.
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People are born; male and female, with the sexual equipment to procreate.

That's a given; basic biology. Men for women and women for men.

It's nature, natural, and normal.

When people go against that; then it's a choice, and is abnormal.

Quite simple when you think about it. :cool:
People are born; male and female, with the sexual equipment to procreate.

That's a given; basic biology. Men for women and women for men.

It's nature, natural, and normal.

When people go against that; then it's a choice, and is abnormal.

Quite simple when you think about it. :cool:

It deviates away from the norm, but that doesn't make it a choice... nor unnatural.
I don't think most people know what makes them gay.

I do know there's no evidence, except in a few rare instances, that it's anything physical or genetic.
I don't think most people know what makes them gay.

I do know there's no evidence, except in a few rare instances, that it's anything physical or genetic.

I believe you are correct. :)

(I sure as hell don't know what makes me gay)
I don't think most people know what makes them gay.

I do know there's no evidence, except in a few rare instances, that it's anything physical or genetic.

I believe you are correct. :)

(I sure as hell don't know what makes me gay)

So you would rather be straight, if you had the choice?

It would sure make dating a lot easier! I can't find many gay people down here (Alabama) because they're all in the closet. :lol:
People are born; male and female, with the sexual equipment to procreate.

That's a given; basic biology. Men for women and women for men.

It's nature, natural, and normal.

When people go against that; then it's a choice, and is abnormal.

Quite simple when you think about it. :cool:
But we're not talking about the equipment but rather the impetus to use it. Where does that come from?

Considering the social condemnation homosexuals are subjected to, why do you suppose anyone would choose that orientation?

If you'd like to read a professional opinion on this subject, go here: PsychiatryOnline | American Journal of Psychiatry | QUANTITATIVE SEX HORMONE STUDIES IN HOMOSEXUALITY, CHILDHOOD, AND VARIOUS NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISTURBANCES
People are born; male and female, with the sexual equipment to procreate.

That's a given; basic biology. Men for women and women for men.

It's nature, natural, and normal.

When people go against that; then it's a choice, and is abnormal.

Quite simple when you think about it. :cool:
But we're not talking about the equipment but rather the impetus to use it. Where does that come from?

Considering the social condemnation homosexuals are subjected to, why do you suppose anyone would choose that orientation?

If you'd like to read a professional opinion on this subject, go here: PsychiatryOnline | American Journal of Psychiatry | QUANTITATIVE SEX HORMONE STUDIES IN HOMOSEXUALITY, CHILDHOOD, AND VARIOUS NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISTURBANCES

I would suggest that in former times, people with such desires were forced to stay closeted due to general societal rejection of such activities. In recent years, we have seen increasing glorification of such choices in the media, in the entertainment industry, in advertising. A lot of people who would have remained "hidden" have now grasped the widespread media representation of their choice as being somehow glamorous and a desirable demonstration of how "cool" they are. Straights are so uncool because they don't get it.

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