Sexy & Suggetive Humor...

Here's a true story for you Bonzi............Fox FM Radio had a competition for a Weeks Holiday on the Gold Coast

Contestant had to answer 3 Questions,they would then ring their partner and if the 3 answers were the same ......Free expenses Holiday

The Fox DJ for use of a better word, contacted a Guy called Brian.

Question 1.......Brian,when was the last time you had sex.....Answer.....about 8.00am this morning

Question 2........Brian,how long did it last?..............................Answer......about 10 minutes

Question 3........Brian,where did you do it ?.............................Answer......on the kitchen table

The Jock then rang Brains wife Sarah.........explained she had to answer the same 3 Questions the same to get the Trip.....Yeah she said,I heard about
this contest.

Question 1..........Sarah,when was the last time you had sex.......Answer...About 8.10 this morning .....DJ Yes that about matches

Question 2...........Sarah,how long did it last..................................Answer..About 12 minutes.......DJ Yeah that's about during this conversation Brian was heard saying.."Just tell them the truth Babe

Question 3............Sarah,where did you do it ?...............slight hesitation ...Answer.....UP THE ASS

That's Australia for you Bonzi.........LOL nothing BUTT(excuse the pun) the truth,the HOLE truth(AGAIN excuse the pun)steve
I had this really weird dream about cats last night.

Hubby and I had a beach condo rental and for whatever reason, I decided to bring our black cat (which we don't own a black cat) - but anyway, just was I was getting to the condo, I realized there was no litterbox etc. so was wondering why I brought the cat! Well, he met up with me later and asked why I brought the cat, and I told him I was an idiot and all that - well the cat went missing - so I looked in the closet and there was another cat that looked similar but was not our cat, and had just had like 4-5 kittens! Then, there were more other kittens running around and a dog or two!

We don't own any pets... I guess I must want a bunch.. not sure what that dream means... very weird...
Well. if you woke up and your asshole hurt too that would be referred to as a SOMA COMA.

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