SF archbishop Salvatore Cordileone bars Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion due to abortion support, marking escalation between Catholics & liberals

The archbishop of San Francisco said Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is Catholic, can no longer receive the sacrament of communion because she has declined to back down from her push for abortion access.

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone wrote in a public post Friday that his "many requests" have not been accepted to speak with Pelosi, who is from San Francisco, since she vowed to keep Roe v. Wade. The archbishop said he communicated to Pelosi on April 7 that, should she not publicly repudiate her "advocacy for abortion 'rights" or refrain from referring to her faith in public, he would have no choice but to deny her communion. The archbishop's reprimand is the latest development in political and religious debate as some leaders in the Catholic Church speak out against Catholic politicians who support abortion.

The archbishop referred to the Catholic Church's Cannon 915, which says that, "Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion." The Chatecism of the Catholic Church is against abortion.

It's about time.
And yet, their hierarchy hid child molesters for decades.
Its only in recent decades that what you call fascism relented on this in different Christian denominations. The poorer we get, the tougher things will be. And that is the puzzling question. Prog purposely tanking an economy so the totalitarianism can wave its head from the laws passed over the same decades. And the leadership that comes from it not asking people but near forcing them to be more traditional from it.
I’ve been one of the most outspoken critics of the Catholic Church, but wow….they did something right! Good for them.
This is the Catholic church in America buckling under the demands of fascism.

This is consistent with that church's record.

This is a measure of the hold fascism has established on America when that church will risk alienating half of their flock.

keep using that word.jpg
Cordileone is wrong, as is the Catholic Church.

One can oppose abortion and seek an end to the practice while also defending a woman’s right to privacy, one having nothing to do with the other.

To defend a woman’s right to privacy is not to ‘support’ abortion.
It is, actually. You just keep pretending you can speak for God. See how that works out for you.
One can oppose abortion and seek an end to the practice while also defending a woman’s right to privacy, one having nothing to do with the other.
The Church has always taught that life is God's greatest gift to us. It has also taught God gave us freedom of choice. Free will does not eclipse life being the greatest gift.

For decades now, the Catholic Church has tried to stay out of the political mess by teaching Catholics abortion is wrong because it goes against our greatest gift. As far as the rest of society, freedom of choice must also be honored.

The current situation before the Supreme Court is determined by the Constitution. The Constitution states that any issue not specifically assigned to Congress or the Executive Branch is decided by the States. This is taught as far back as middle school, which is why (being not that far from middle school) the Supreme Court decision never made any sense to me. The Constitution says such issues not decided by Congress or the President is to be decided by each State.

The Catholic Church now has good reason to censor Nancy Pelosi. Not only is she Catholic and should have the position of life being our greatest gift, she is now against individual States coming to their own decisions. She is pushing abortion, not freedom of choice for the people of each State to decide. She stands for abortion. Period. That is against Catholic teaching. She cannot have it both ways.
This is the Catholic church in America buckling under the demands of fascism.

This is consistent with that church's record.

This is a measure of the hold fascism has established on America when that church will risk alienating half of their flock.
It seems fascism, racism and white superiority are the three words the Democratic Party hopes to attack the Republicans with. Of course the more the dems use those workds the less effect they have.

Still there is little that the Democrats can attack Republicans for.

Trump may have been often obnoxious but things like the price of gasoline and inflation were under control under his administration. The stock market was doing nicely and the Russians, the Chinese and the North Koreans were all behaving themselves.

We will be lucky if Sleepy Joe doen’t manage to get us in a nuclear war with Russia, China or North Korea. We seem to be headed for a depression not just a recession.

Never before in modern history have we had an administration as incompetent as Biden’s. It is almost like Joe is trying to ruin this nation in four years and he is off to a damn good start.
It seems fascism, racism and white superiority are the three words the Democratic Party hopes to attack the Republicans with. Of course the more the dems use those workds the less effect they have.
It's all they have. They have no accomplishments to run on.
That started with Vatican 2 and what I call the changeover in the early 1970's by the United States and the Western Nations. We went from a godly nation with flaws to a godless one with flaws.
Your desire for a theocracy is well known.
A meritorious idea if I ever heard of one. I say we divert that $40 billion, build a big EV powered ship with it instead having a slow leak, load all of the leftwing crap out there on it, then sail it out to the Indian Ocean by way of Cape Horn to run battery dry just in time for monsoon season.
well, that's not exactly pro life... but

sometimes.... sometimes....

Pelosi is the one who made her position public. It’s reasonable and acceptable that the Church’s leaders make their response public as well.
yeh, for sure...

and if it were an evangelical pastor doing this... these posters here would be singing a different tune
Very few faithful Catholics. I myself....am a wretched soul. However the Eucharist isn't a "silly little wafer" and I forgive those who mock the Eucharist in such a way.

Here Father Altman a truly righteous Priest. You cannot be Catholic and a democrat, nor any Christian who is a faithful follower of Christ and follow the ways of the world and the democrat filth.

r u Catholic?
I find this relevant to this discussion so...........................

They are stating the position I've taken for years.

Some anti-abortion Catholics say such an outcome would be the answer to their prayers. Others caution that Catholic leaders should distance themselves from the politically partisan wing of the anti-abortion movement and expand their concept of “pro-life” by supporting broad policies that set up safety nets for unwed mothers and low-income families......................................

..........................Republican politicians, backed by anti-abortion leaders, “have used the lives of the unborn as moral cover for ignoring other calls for justice,” Sawyer wrote. “The pro-life movement’s political allies have gutted social safety net programs that would make it easier for women to carry pregnancies to term.”

Some Catholic abortion foes are uneasy about overturning Roe

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