Shades Of Joe Goebbels. Obama Ran Propaganda Campaign For Obamacare


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
( The one lesson the Democrats and their co conspirators in the Leftmedia did whole heartedly learn from WWII was how the old Propagandameister was able to manipulate public opinion to conform to the National Socialist Party's wishes. The ghost of Joseph Goebbels is apparently wandering the WhiteHouse hallways directing Anita Dunns every move. Part of the "Fundamental Transformation of America" that Barack Hussein promised is the taking of the United States from a nation of laws to a nation that lives at the beck and call of a despots whims.)

"Report: Obama Admin Funded Obamacare Internet Propaganda Campaign
Posted on August 19, 2011 at 4:14pm by Buck Sexton

In a bombshell accusation, the government watchdog group Judicial Watch announced today that the Obama administration used taxpayer money to help orchestrate an internet search engine manipulation campaign specifically promoting Obamacare.

Judicial Watch obtained 2,328 pages of records pursuant to a March 23, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. The FOIA information included correspondence between the Department of Health and Human Services and the Ogilvy Group, the public relations fire hired by the White House to push Obamacare on the American people.

Judicial Watch listed the following as major points of interest from the FOIA request (all bullets quoted):
•The Obama HHS launched a campaign to track Internet searches and to use online search engines such as Google and Yahoo to drive traffic to a government website promoting Obama’s healthcare overhaul. Using “pay-per-click” advertising tools, such as Google Adwords, HHS purposely targeted for influence people searching the term “Obamacare,” a word that has been described as “disparaging” by political agents of the president.
•According to a budget summary prepared by Ogilvy, from October 2010 through February 2011, the Obama administration spent $1,435,009 on these online advertisements alone, including advertising campaigns with Google and Yahoo, almost $300,000 per month.
•A number of documents address the need to target the Obamacare propaganda campaign to Hispanics, blacks, and women. For example, according to an email from Chris Beakey, Vice President of Ogilvy PR Worldwide, to HHS officials on December 16, 2010, summarizing a conference call, “You want to utilize the bulk of their paid media efforts (which would include expenditures for Radio One and Univision) on media that reaches African Americans and Hispanics. The money will go farther and these audiences continue to be a top priority.”
• A January 18, 2011, email from Ogilvy to HHS New Media Communications Director Julia Eisman notes with respect to a Spanish banner ad campaign, “I realize we really can’t use the blond mom and child for this audience.”"

Report: Obama Admin Funded Obamacare Internet Propaganda Campaign |
"No blonde haired, blue eyed role models need be portrayed here"
Give us your people of color, let them mass and crash our border. We will reward them with work permits and jobs or welfare, as long as they promise to vote Democratic in the next election. Citizenship not required.

United States President For Life, Barack Hussein Obama
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This administration sees NOTHING WRONG with using our own tax dollars FOR PROPAGANDA to be used AGAISNT US.

They are the sleaziest bunch I have EVER SEEN
Which part are we mad about? The creation of this legislatively-mandated website or the marketing?


(a) Internet Portal to Affordable Coverage Options-
(1) IMMEDIATE ESTABLISHMENT- Not later than July 1, 2010, the Secretary, in consultation with the States, shall establish a mechanism, including an Internet website, through which a resident of any State may identify affordable health insurance coverage options in that State.
(2) CONNECTING TO AFFORDABLE COVERAGE- An Internet website established under paragraph (1) shall, to the extent practicable, provide ways for residents of any State to receive information on at least the following coverage options:
(A) Health insurance coverage offered by health insurance issuers, other than coverage that provides reimbursement only for the treatment or mitigation of--
(i) a single disease or condition; or
(ii) an unreasonably limited set of diseases or conditions (as determined by the Secretary);​
(B) Medicaid coverage under title XIX of the Social Security Act.
(C) Coverage under title XXI of the Social Security Act.
(D) A State health benefits high risk pool, to the extent that such high risk pool is offered in such State; and
(E) Coverage under a high risk pool under section 1101.​
Sheeesh, mention PROPAGANDA and the cartoon one shows up^^^^^^^^^^^:cuckoo:
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This administration sees NOTHING WRONG with using our own tax dollars FOR PROPAGANDA to be used AGAISNT US.



[ame=]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]

Judicial watch is a pack of partisan clowns

Try to prove that they are wrong.
When you goggle Obamacare the first on the list is heath
Then is says,affordable care act helps you get the care you deserve.

Premiums have gone up by 30 to 60%, Doctors are dropping new patients that have Medicare and Medicaid because they can't afford it.
It takes away 500 billion dollars from Medicaid.
Many Doctors are retiring early to the tune of 150,000
Emergency room services growing at 35% per year because seniors can't find Doctors
Substantial Insurance coverage cuts from personal, employer and Medicare.

You think it's a good thing that our Seniors will not be able to get treatment?
Sheeesh, mention PROPAGANDA and the cartoon one shows up^^^^^^^^^^^:cuckoo:

Who, Glen Beck? Of course he would...he's the king of whacked out conspiracy theories.

Wait, the king might be Alex Jones. Beck's more of a Princess...
Which part are we mad about? The creation of this legislatively-mandated website or the marketing?


(a) Internet Portal to Affordable Coverage Options-
(1) IMMEDIATE ESTABLISHMENT- Not later than July 1, 2010, the Secretary, in consultation with the States, shall establish a mechanism, including an Internet website, through which a resident of any State may identify affordable health insurance coverage options in that State.
(2) CONNECTING TO AFFORDABLE COVERAGE- An Internet website established under paragraph (1) shall, to the extent practicable, provide ways for residents of any State to receive information on at least the following coverage options:
(A) Health insurance coverage offered by health insurance issuers, other than coverage that provides reimbursement only for the treatment or mitigation of--
(i) a single disease or condition; or
(ii) an unreasonably limited set of diseases or conditions (as determined by the Secretary);​
(B) Medicaid coverage under title XIX of the Social Security Act.
(C) Coverage under title XXI of the Social Security Act.
(D) A State health benefits high risk pool, to the extent that such high risk pool is offered in such State; and
(E) Coverage under a high risk pool under section 1101.​
......Or, the Fact NO TEABAGGER can manage to point-out...

....of Health Care Reform, with which they disagree??!!!!

(Stupid Teabaggers....)​
Judicial watch is a pack of partisan clowns

Try to prove that they are wrong.
When you goggle Obamacare the first on the list is heath
Then is says,affordable care act helps you get the care you deserve.

Premiums have gone up by 30 to 60%, Doctors are dropping new patients that have Medicare and Medicaid because they can't afford it.
It takes away 500 billion dollars from Medicaid.
Many Doctors are retiring early to the tune of 150,000
Emergency room services growing at 35% per year because seniors can't find Doctors
Substantial Insurance coverage cuts from personal, employer and Medicare.

You think it's a good thing that our Seniors will not be able to get treatment?
You White Wingers are gonna HAVE to accept-the-Fact that....Health Care's kidnapping (by The Marketplace) is nearly OVER!!!!!



[ame=]BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Wendell Potter | PBS - YouTube[/ame]

"The industry has always tried to make Americans think that government-run systems are the worst thing that could possibly happen to them, that if you even consider that, you're heading down on the slippery slope towards socialism. So they have used scare tactics for years and years and years, to keep that from happening. If there were a broader program like our Medicare program, it could potentially reduce the profits of these big companies. So that is their biggest concern." - WENDELL POTTER


.....And, then came.....


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