Shady feminist leader Linda Sarsour arrested outside Trump International for disorderly conduct

Me: "I don't like Sarsour, but we should try to be reasonable and fair in our criticism of he----"

Louise Mensch:
Sarsour is the absolute last person who is sincere about women's rights. She believes in sharia law and probably thinks all women should cover themselves in those awful garments. Any "religion" (and I use the word loosely to describe Islam) that treats women with such disrespect is a farce. Muslim women are raised from the start to know their place in this man's world. Anyone calling themselves a feminist should be repulsed.

And she recently called for a jihad against the Trump administration during one of her radical speeches to a group of women. She, like many Muslims, are here on a mission.

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Somebody should walk up to her and say, "Soyou want Shiria law, huh?" And then throw acid on her face.
you can make up anything you want, trump loon. it's not like rightwingnuts even have a passing fanukuiary with the truth...

I guess time is in on this vast rightwing conspiracy you stupid bitch:

The Women’s March was organized by Tamika Mallory, Bob Bland, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour Jody Rogac for TIME

How the Women's March Has United Progressives of All Stripes

and your Soros garbage is duly noted, delusional winger.

It's a fact backed by evidence.

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