How can political leaders not be held accountable for fomenting hate and violence?

What were they angry about?
A bit about them first. He was the most vocal. His story was when Israel was created, though no Palestine, His parents gave up where they lived to the Jews. His life was much better as a commercial airline pilot and he was well off when I met him and his wife.
OP, which prominent politician is constantly and currently running around screaming that his political opponents are "the enemy?"
Wasn't there one recently who was angrily yelling about his opponents while waving his fists in the air in front of a black and blood-red backdrop?
Obama started the attacks against Trump by releasing his report claiming that Trump was working with Russians.
Want to read it?

The Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) released in January 2017 assessed that Russian activities in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election represented a significant escalation in a long history of Russian attempts to interfere in U.S. domestic politics. This escalation was made possible by cyber-espionage and cyber-driven covert influence operations, conducted as part of a broader "active measures" campaign that included overt messaging through Russian-controlled propaganda platforms. The ICA revealed key elements of a comprehensive and multifaceted Russian campaign against the United States as it was understood by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the end of 2016.

President Obama in early December 2016 tasked the Intelligence Community with writing an assessment that would capture the existing intelligence on Russian interference in U.S. elections.

A University of Delaware student who allegedly went on "an antisemitic tirade" while screaming "f--- Jews" and destroying a symbolic memorial on campus now faces a hate crime charge, according to the arrest warrant.

Jenna Kandeel, 23, spit on and destroyed the memorial's color-coded flags, each representing 10,000 people from different groups who lost their lives during the Holocaust, the arrest warrant obtained by Fox News Digital alleges.

She allegedly shouted other vulgar profanities, including "Jewish people are nasty. Free Palestine," the warrant says. A witness told investigators that she yelled, "The Holocaust should have happened. Free Palestine," a spokesperson for the Delaware Attorney General's Office told Fox News Digital.

Kandeel has since been arrested, banned from campus and criminally charged with three misdemeanors – hate crime, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct – the Delaware Attorney General's Office announced Monday.

Think about this though, this is a woman that lives in a society where many in the democrat party cannot find it within themselves to pass a resolution to condemn the Hamas attack on 10/7 that targeted and murdered women and children. This is a woman that continually hears from the political leaders that run the country that the Jews are Nazis and that they engage in genocide and apartheid as students are allowed to chant gas the Jews on college campus across the country. And yes, people like this also have to listen to college professors that regurgitate all this crap saying things like the attack on 10/7 was justified. The woman just attacked some flags, but why not people if Jews are really Nazis?

Where is the accountability?

Conversely, Trump is being held accountable for January 6th, even though I heard him before the event telling people to behave at the protest and not break any laws.

Just tired of this hypocritical crap
You can't get more hypocritical than Donald Trump. He said a lot of things to jack up that crowd and he deserves to be held accountable.

As for the girl, I agree with what she says about the Palestinians. Israelis treat them like dogs hit.

I don't agree with her comments regarding Jews. Jews are not the problem. They do not deserve this abuse.

The Israeli right, on the otherhand, deserves all of it and then some!
Wasn't there one recently who was angrily yelling about his opponents while waving his fists in the air in front of a black and blood-red backdrop?

Actually, he was in front of America's colors...

So why is he angry?
He was at that time angry that Israel exists and his story was his family lost property they had owned. I think however as is done in the USA his family was paid by Israel for the property. It is hard to recall every word he told me since I knew him around 1996.

How can political leaders not be held accountable for fomenting hate and violence?​

It all depends on whether you are a republican or a democrat. Democrats get a free pass and say anything they want but repubs don't.
He was at that time angry that Israel exists and his story was his family lost property they had owned. I think however as is done in the USA his family was paid by Israel for the property. It is hard to recall every word he told me since I knew him around 1996.
If you had lost property that you hadn't been paid for, would you be angry?

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