Shake any tree in the Trump Forest - another Russian falls out

Putin says thanks for the US uranium.

Putin didn't get any US uranium. That's a debunked conspiracy theory started by Breitbart.

Move on please
Weatherman said:
You love me boxing your ears.


Sec. of State Hillary Clinton's approval of a deal to transfer control of 20% of U.S. uranium deposits to a Russian company was a quid pro quo exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Quoting Snopes is like quoting Pravda.

Whatever you say loon

Snopes - Media Bias/Fact Check

SNOPES LMFAO . no wonder you are an idiot


  • snopes.png

and this is the beeech who David cheated on his wife with

Ace reporter Natasha Bertrand out with another winner about unanswered questions regarding a new Trump DOJ appointee with Russian ties and few qualifications being narrowly confirmed prior to key questions getting answered. And the shit show continues. :disbelief:

On October 31, 2016, just eight days before the presidential election, my colleague Franklin Foer reported that computer servers for Russia’s biggest private bank appeared to have been pinging servers registered to the Trump Organization during the election, raising questions about potential collusion.The Trump campaign, the Trump Organization, and Alfa Bank all issued denials in response, and Alfa, in March 2017, hired the attorney Brian Benczkowski, a partner at Kirkland & Ellis who just months earlier had headed the Trump administration’s transition team at the Justice Department. Questions about the pinging servers have never been fully resolved, and Foer has subsequently written about the various competing theories.

Two weeks ago, as all eyes were on Donald Trump’s European tour and his impending meeting with Vladimir Putin, Benczkowski was narrowly confirmed by the Senate to lead the Justice Department’s criminal division, even though the Senate Judiciary Committee lacked key information both about Alfa Bank and about Benczkowski before it decided to move ahead with a vote, according to a letter Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois previously sent to the Justice Department and a forthcoming letter to Justice written by Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and signed by 13 other Senate Democrats.​


Senate Democrats Query DOJ About New Trump Appointee - The Atlantic
Hillary lost, you weirdo. Get over it. This has gone way beyond the birther thing.
Wanna stump a Trumpian rightwing Republican supporter?

Simply ask the question..."why did so many members of Trump's campaign and Administration, have ties to Russia...and lied about them?"

I've been asking that for almost two years answer yet.

Want to stump a leftwinger?

ask them which decides the presidency.

the popular vote, or the Electoral vote.

Doesn't stump me Will. I fully understand that the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) gives the vote of a bumpkin in Wyoming or Alaska 2-3 times the voting power as one in California or New York.

It's the only way you guys can win - so naturally you support it.

the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) gives the vote of a bumpkin in Wyoming or Alaska 2-3 times the voting power as one in California or New York

The EC gives 579,000 Wyoming citizens one Congressman with one EC vote.
The EC gives 39,540,000 California citizens (and illegal aliens) 53 Congressman with 53 EC votes.

39,540,000/579,000 = 68.29

68.29/53 = 1.2885

Let's call it 29% more voting power than a Californian.

Your math is way off - Behold
Which States Have the Most Powerful Votes?

My math was fine.

The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes.

Only one of Wyoming's electoral votes is based on its population/number of representatives.
The other 2 are for its Senators, who aren't elected on the basis of population, but simply by state.

The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

California has 39,540,000 inhabitants and 55 electoral votes. About 719,000 per, not 500,000.

It's possible the author subtracted out 12 million California based illegal aliens, but it's more likely he's
just really bad at math.
Wanna stump a Trumpian rightwing Republican supporter?

Simply ask the question..."why did so many members of Trump's campaign and Administration, have ties to Russia...and lied about them?"

I've been asking that for almost two years answer yet.

Want to stump a leftwinger?

ask them which decides the presidency.

the popular vote, or the Electoral vote.

Doesn't stump me Will. I fully understand that the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) gives the vote of a bumpkin in Wyoming or Alaska 2-3 times the voting power as one in California or New York.

It's the only way you guys can win - so naturally you support it.

the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) gives the vote of a bumpkin in Wyoming or Alaska 2-3 times the voting power as one in California or New York

The EC gives 579,000 Wyoming citizens one Congressman with one EC vote.
The EC gives 39,540,000 California citizens (and illegal aliens) 53 Congressman with 53 EC votes.

39,540,000/579,000 = 68.29

68.29/53 = 1.2885

Let's call it 29% more voting power than a Californian.

Your math is way off - Behold
Which States Have the Most Powerful Votes?

My math was fine.

The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes.

Only one of Wyoming's electoral votes is based on its population/number of representatives.
The other 2 are for its Senators, who aren't elected on the basis of population, but simply by state.

The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

California has 39,540,000 inhabitants and 55 electoral votes. About 719,000 per, not 500,000.

It's possible the author subtracted out 12 million California based illegal aliens, but it's more likely he's
just really bad at math.

Your math sucked .. I provided a link with interactive math and SPECIFICS
Want to stump a leftwinger?

ask them which decides the presidency.

the popular vote, or the Electoral vote.

Doesn't stump me Will. I fully understand that the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) gives the vote of a bumpkin in Wyoming or Alaska 2-3 times the voting power as one in California or New York.

It's the only way you guys can win - so naturally you support it.

the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) gives the vote of a bumpkin in Wyoming or Alaska 2-3 times the voting power as one in California or New York

The EC gives 579,000 Wyoming citizens one Congressman with one EC vote.
The EC gives 39,540,000 California citizens (and illegal aliens) 53 Congressman with 53 EC votes.

39,540,000/579,000 = 68.29

68.29/53 = 1.2885

Let's call it 29% more voting power than a Californian.

Your math is way off - Behold
Which States Have the Most Powerful Votes?

My math was fine.

The average electoral vote represents 436,000 people, but that number rises and falls per state depending on that state’s population over 18 years of age. (The map above shows the population 18 years and older per electoral vote by state.) The states with the fewest people per electoral vote, and therefore the highest “vote power,” are Wyoming, Vermont, and North Dakota. In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for each of its three electoral votes.

Only one of Wyoming's electoral votes is based on its population/number of representatives.
The other 2 are for its Senators, who aren't elected on the basis of population, but simply by state.

The states with the weakest votes are New York, Florida, and California. These states each have around 500,000 people for each electoral vote.

California has 39,540,000 inhabitants and 55 electoral votes. About 719,000 per, not 500,000.

It's possible the author subtracted out 12 million California based illegal aliens, but it's more likely he's
just really bad at math.

Your math sucked .. I provided a link with interactive math and SPECIFICS

California has 39,540,000 inhabitants and 55 electoral votes. About 719,000 per, not 500,000.
Those specifics were WRONG!

And anyone who divides the 2 EC votes from a state's senators, by the population, is clueless.

It does explain why you thought it was a good source though...….DERP!
Ace reporter Natasha Bertrand out with another winner about unanswered questions regarding a new Trump DOJ appointee with Russian ties and few qualifications being narrowly confirmed prior to key questions getting answered. And the shit show continues. :disbelief:

On October 31, 2016, just eight days before the presidential election, my colleague Franklin Foer reported that computer servers for Russia’s biggest private bank appeared to have been pinging servers registered to the Trump Organization during the election, raising questions about potential collusion.The Trump campaign, the Trump Organization, and Alfa Bank all issued denials in response, and Alfa, in March 2017, hired the attorney Brian Benczkowski, a partner at Kirkland & Ellis who just months earlier had headed the Trump administration’s transition team at the Justice Department. Questions about the pinging servers have never been fully resolved, and Foer has subsequently written about the various competing theories.

Two weeks ago, as all eyes were on Donald Trump’s European tour and his impending meeting with Vladimir Putin, Benczkowski was narrowly confirmed by the Senate to lead the Justice Department’s criminal division, even though the Senate Judiciary Committee lacked key information both about Alfa Bank and about Benczkowski before it decided to move ahead with a vote, according to a letter Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois previously sent to the Justice Department and a forthcoming letter to Justice written by Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and signed by 13 other Senate Democrats.​


Senate Democrats Query DOJ About New Trump Appointee - The Atlantic
You need to up your medication

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