Share Your Horrors Stories Of Coming Out Straight


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2014
I am well aware of the decades of struggles that heterosexuals have had to endure in this nation. I am hoping this thread will be a safe haven for my heterosexual brothers and sister to share their horror stories of when they came out. I know this can be painful for some to discuss, but speaking about it may help expedite the healing process.

If anyone doesn't wish to make their horror story public they are encouraged to private message me instead.

What's your point? That Government, Education, the Media, Entertainment and Corporate America is glorifying LGBT?
I am well aware of the decades of struggles that heterosexuals have had to endure in this nation. I am hoping this thread will be a safe haven for my heterosexual brothers and sister to share their horror stories of when they came out. I know this can be painful for some to discuss, but speaking about it may help expedite the healing process.

If anyone doesn't wish to make their horror story public they are encouraged to private message me instead.


Horror or Whore?

Neither one happened for me because I am still a Virgin in the Eyes of thy Lord...

Actually I did not lose my Heterosexual virginity until I was 17 years old to a chubby Kentucky Girl that raped me...

What's your point? That Government, Education, the Media, Entertainment and Corporate America is glorifying LGBT?

I know, I am hoping to break that wheel of oppression for heterosexuals.

How did your parents react to you coming out straight? Talking about it can help heal old wounds.
I am well aware of the decades of struggles that heterosexuals have had to endure in this nation. I am hoping this thread will be a safe haven for my heterosexual brothers and sister to share their horror stories of when they came out. I know this can be painful for some to discuss, but speaking about it may help expedite the healing process.

If anyone doesn't wish to make their horror story public they are encouraged to private message me instead.


I was born. Probably at conception.

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I knew I was straight when I fantasized about nailing Veronica from the Archie's comics.
Sadly, Dad didn't have a stack of old Playboy magazines.:sad:

It was pretty rough.
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Well at least you didn't have a woman constantly asking you if you were getting laid and if you were using protection...

My half-aunt that raised me was a nutter about my sex life...

Now that explains my hate for the Polish people...

They had their suspicions you were straight when you left the house wearing socks with sandals as a teen. How long has it been? You should reach out to her as it is always best to keep trying.
I am well aware of the decades of struggles that heterosexuals have had to endure in this nation. I am hoping this thread will be a safe haven for my heterosexual brothers and sister to share their horror stories of when they came out. I know this can be painful for some to discuss, but speaking about it may help expedite the healing process.

If anyone doesn't wish to make their horror story public they are encouraged to private message me instead.


I was born. Probably at conception.


Wow! Your parents accepted your sexuality in utero!? They sound awesome. You don't know how lucky you are.
I came out when I noticed Robert Conrad's remarkable seat.


My mother tried to steer me towards Artemus Gorden. I've stayed true to my alpha preference.
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I felt used. I was the pole for the pole dancing, so to speak, and I felt sleazy. When I was a boy, I learned that girls had cooties and so when girls touched me, I got goosebumps and imagined I was turning purple like in Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. Males had always been my confidants, but now my full fledged nudity was being entrusted to...females. What are hanging hangar steaks, I dont know.

Anyhoo, long story short it was embarrassing to find that the only way that I could get proper bloodflow to my johnson was for the female gender that I was not even competing with. There were no co-ed locker rooms, and the women had no dicks.
I am well aware of the decades of struggles that heterosexuals have had to endure in this nation. I am hoping this thread will be a safe haven for my heterosexual brothers and sister to share their horror stories of when they came out. I know this can be painful for some to discuss, but speaking about it may help expedite the healing process.

If anyone doesn't wish to make their horror story public they are encouraged to private message me instead.


Years ago when I would start going out to party, there was a weekend I was spending away from home. It was to be with a group of friends. We were going to see the president of the United States of America. That night I pretty much figured I would have some hetero sex that night. We ate shrooms, did the show and when I figured it was time to get the ass it just didn’t happen.
I knew I was straight when I fantasized about nailing Veronica from the Archie's comics.
Sadly, Dad didn't have a stack of old Playboy magazines.:sad:

It was pretty rough.

You were allowed to have Archie comics? Growing up us kids were not allowed to have such smut in the house. My parents were concerned it would lead to hanging out in malt shops and crushing pussy.
my gay friends and associates shunned me

no not really
maybe you can pass an affirmative action law against family members. it could be forbidden to express anything negative about a whorish lifestyle

we can still have a parade though right ...

not for much longer in this upside down commie clown country

horror stories INDEED

LGBT Militants Continue to Sue Jack Phillips
Once a countermoonbat has stood up to them, they will never rest until he has been destroyed. Otherwise, he might inspire others to resist. That’s why LGBT militants are going after Jack Phillips and his Masterpiece Cakeshop yet again:

Phillips, the Lakewood, Colo. bakery owner who has refused to bake cakes that violate his Christian faith, is being sued again by Autumn Scardina, a transgender woman [i.e., a man with politicized mental problems], for refusing to bake a gender transition cake.

This is the third time they gone after him for not being willing to effectively renounce Christianity on behalf of the LGBT agenda. He has already defeated the Jacobins before the Supreme Court. Yet they keep coming.

Phillips describes himself as an artist who uses cakes as “canvas” to express ideas and celebrate events.

If they can compel speech regarding his cakes, they can compel it anywhere. Jack Phillips stands between us and raw tyranny.

The high court ruled the Colorado Civil Rights Commission showed “anti-religious bias” when it filed a discrimination charge against Phillips.

That should have ended it. But leftism is a form of decay, and decay never gives up before it prevails.

Impenitent, the wicked “civil rights” commission came after Phillips for refusing to create a cake celebrating Scardina’s “transition” into a make-believe woman. Discovery found the same antireligious bias that the Supremes did, so the commission had to back down.

But now,

Scardina decided to pursue separate litigation, which attorneys filed Wednesday in district court.

How they must hate Jack Phillips for putting a brake on their power. In addition to the never-ending legal onslaught, they have subjected him to death threats and harassment. The odious Jimmy Kimmel used his show to ridicule this hero to the country at large

This is not only about Christianity versus the ungodly LGBT agenda. The broader struggle is between the First Amendment and politically correct totalitarianism. Jack Phillips deserves a place in the pantheon of patriots next to Nathan Hale — he is our time’s equivalent.

On a tip from Kate P.

this thread has been brought to you by the oppressed gays ESTABLISHMENT corporate sponsors & ralph

I knew I was straight when I fantasized about nailing Veronica from the Archie's comics.
Sadly, Dad didn't have a stack of old Playboy magazines.:sad:

It was pretty rough.

You were allowed to have Archie comics? Growing up us kids were not allowed to have such smut in the house. My parents were concerned it would lead to hanging out in malt shops and crushing pussy.
They were right.
I have been a mess ever since...
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Just tired of the Media, Entertainment, taxpayer funded Government, Corporations, and Education pushing LGBT as preferred, and normal. Why must they Glorify it? Live and let live, but don't promote LGBT to my kids as the preferred lifestyle.

It is the same with White Guilt. Don't make my kids think they have White Privilege or that they need to feel inferior, and guilty for being born White. It is like Original Sin, but they have'nt come up with a Ritual yet to remove it.
I knew I was straight when I fantasized about nailing Veronica from the Archie's comics.
Sadly, Dad didn't have a stack of old Playboy magazines.:sad:

It was pretty rough.

You were allowed to have Archie comics? Growing up us kids were not allowed to have such smut in the house. My parents were concerned it would lead to hanging out in malt shops and crushing pussy.
They were right.
I have been a mess ever since...

It gets better. :smiliehug:

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