Sharia Law. Love or Opression?


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2012
Saudi women – banned in the country from driving, denied the right to travel without their husband’s consent and required to wear a veil from head to toe – are now to be monitored by a new electronic system that tracks cross-border movement, AFP reported.

Woman in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to leave the ultraconservative kingdom without the permission of their male ‘guardian,’ or husband, who must give his consent by signing a register known as the ‘yellow sheet’ at the border or airport. Now, husbands will receive a text message to remind them even if they’re traveling outside the country alongside their wife.

Sharia police state? Saudi husbands can track wives

For a people that claims America and the rest of the world is the devil/infidels, they sure don't have a problem joining in on the technology of chipping.

What a fraud Islam is.
Sharia is incompatible with human rights or democratic values.

Indeed, the European Court of Human Rights (2003) stated that sharia, "which faithfully reflects the dogmas and divine rules laid down by religion, is stable and invariable. Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it. The Court notes that... the offending statements, which contain explicit references to the introduction of sharia, are difficult to reconcile with the fundamental principles of democracy, as conceived in the Convention taken as a whole. It is difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia, which clearly diverges from Convention values, particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervenes in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts."

Why should muslims care what the western secular European Court of Human Rights has to say about sharia law or any other Islamic issue? :cool:
Why should muslims care what the western secular European Court of Human Rights has to say about sharia law or any other Islamic issue? :cool:

Because Muslims want to be accepted for there culture and sharia law in western secular countries. These types of decisions either sheds light on or obfuscates the aforementioned issues.
Actually, it makes no difference whether the West accepts or rejects muslims adherence to Sharia law.

It is an integral part of Islam; and that isn't going to change. :cool:
Why should muslims care what the western secular European Court of Human Rights has to say about sharia law or any other Islamic issue? :cool:

You have made this same ignorant comment before. Moslems immigrating to Europe want to bring their version of theocratic totalitarianism with them.

A retrograde, 7th century theocratic code is antithetical to Western standards of law. :cool:
Actually, it makes no difference whether the West accepts or rejects muslims adherence to Sharia law.

It is an integral part of Islam; and that isn't going to change. :cool:

As is canon law to Catholicism, however, when that law is foisted upon society as with Sharia people will accept or reject it based upon many factors one of the being a formal tribunal such as the European Court Of Human Rights.
Saudi women – banned in the country from driving, denied the right to travel without their husband’s consent and required to wear a veil from head to toe – are now to be monitored by a new electronic system that tracks cross-border movement, AFP reported.

Woman in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to leave the ultraconservative kingdom without the permission of their male ‘guardian,’ or husband, who must give his consent by signing a register known as the ‘yellow sheet’ at the border or airport. Now, husbands will receive a text message to remind them even if they’re traveling outside the country alongside their wife.

Sharia police state? Saudi husbands can track wives

For a people that claims America and the rest of the world is the devil/infidels, they sure don't have a problem joining in on the technology of chipping.

What a fraud Islam is.

The middle eastern countries are about a century or two behind us. If it wasn't for us paying their dictators big bucks for oil to burn in our Chevies and Fords we wouldn't give a damn what they are doing.

We used to hang slaves for speaking to a woman and the Klu Klux Klan was a bible thumping organization. The American Indians were absolutely murdered and driven off their lands and away from their homes. We called them savages because they worshipped a "god of nature." We used to keep a woman barefooted, pregnant and at home.....the idea of them voting or taking a key roll in society or the church was out of the question. We still don't pay a woman on the same scale as a man doing the same work...some think it's OK to tell them if they mess around and accidently get pregnant they have to birth a child. It's been a bit longer since we pillaried anyone in the public square or burned a witch but you know what? It isn't very nice to look closely at this bible thumping country either.
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Why should muslims care what the western secular European Court of Human Rights has to say about sharia law or any other Islamic issue? :cool:

Because Mohammad emphasized there is "no compulsion in religion."
So if Muslims fail to respect this, then dissenters within the faith
have the right to defend their right NOT to have compulsion or coercion.

And if Muslims still refuse to receive rebuke and correction on this point,
then by religious freedom the dissenters have human rights
under UN declarations to defend their beliefs THAT way.

That's why.

Sunni, it also goes back to the calling Muslims have to follow
Christian Scripture as sent by God. By Christian Scripture
1. believers are supposed to submit to civil authority
so if by civil laws, including human rights under international laws,
then coersion such as this can be redressed as a civil violation
if the women do not consent to it as part of the religious practice.
2. Matthew 18:15-20 instructs believers that if after attempting to
resolve a grievance directly, the petition is still not heard, then
the next step is to bring in 1 - 2 more witnesses to establish the truth.
And then after that, if the issue is still not resolved, then you tell it unto the church.

So Sunni, it is the responsibility of believers to hear and resolve grievances
directly with one another, and if this does not settle the conflict in truth,
then the petitions are escalated to the next level until the matter is resolved.

That is the process of resolving conflicts and grievances, so there is
UNITY. The ideal is to seek consensus, so if the parties fail on one level,
then you bring in facilitators on another level to help intervene to resolve the conflict.
Why should muslims care what the western secular European Court of Human Rights has to say about sharia law or any other Islamic issue? :cool:

Because Mohammad emphasized there is "no compulsion in religion."
So if Muslims fail to respect this, then dissenters within the faith
have the right to defend their right NOT to have compulsion or coercion.

And if Muslims still refuse to receive rebuke and correction on this point,
then by religious freedom the dissenters have human rights
under UN declarations to defend their beliefs THAT way.

That's why.

Sunni, it also goes back to the calling Muslims have to follow
Christian Scripture as sent by God. By Christian Scripture
1. believers are supposed to submit to civil authority
so if by civil laws, including human rights under international laws,
then coersion such as this can be redressed as a civil violation
if the women do not consent to it as part of the religious practice.
2. Matthew 18:15-20 instructs believers that if after attempting to
resolve a grievance directly, the petition is still not heard, then
the next step is to bring in 1 - 2 more witnesses to establish the truth.
And then after that, if the issue is still not resolved, then you tell it unto the church.

So Sunni, it is the responsibility of believers to hear and resolve grievances
directly with one another, and if this does not settle the conflict in truth,
then the petitions are escalated to the next level until the matter is resolved.

That is the process of resolving conflicts and grievances, so there is
UNITY. The ideal is to seek consensus, so if the parties fail on one level,
then you bring in facilitators on another level to help intervene to resolve the conflict.

I like this one...Will Rogers didn't own slaves:

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
Saudi women – banned in the country from driving, denied the right to travel without their husband’s consent and required to wear a veil from head to toe – are now to be monitored by a new electronic system that tracks cross-border movement, AFP reported.

Woman in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to leave the ultraconservative kingdom without the permission of their male ‘guardian,’ or husband, who must give his consent by signing a register known as the ‘yellow sheet’ at the border or airport. Now, husbands will receive a text message to remind them even if they’re traveling outside the country alongside their wife.

Sharia police state? Saudi husbands can track wives

For a people that claims America and the rest of the world is the devil/infidels, they sure don't have a problem joining in on the technology of chipping.

What a fraud Islam is.

All religion is a fraud.

And much of what you ascribe to Islam are actually tenets of traditional cultures which predate Islam, only in existence since the 8th Century – far too short a period of time to erase those cultural traditions.

This issue isn’t Islam, it’s ignorance; a problem found throughout the world.

As for Sharia, it isn’t ‘law,’ it’s religion; people are free to practice their religion but not incorporate it into secular law and governance.
Saudi women – banned in the country from driving, denied the right to travel without their husband’s consent and required to wear a veil from head to toe – are now to be monitored by a new electronic system that tracks cross-border movement, AFP reported.

Woman in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to leave the ultraconservative kingdom without the permission of their male ‘guardian,’ or husband, who must give his consent by signing a register known as the ‘yellow sheet’ at the border or airport. Now, husbands will receive a text message to remind them even if they’re traveling outside the country alongside their wife.

Sharia police state? Saudi husbands can track wives

For a people that claims America and the rest of the world is the devil/infidels, they sure don't have a problem joining in on the technology of chipping.

What a fraud Islam is.

All religion is a fraud.

And much of what you ascribe to Islam are actually tenets of traditional cultures which predate Islam, only in existence since the 8th Century – far too short a period of time to erase those cultural traditions.

This issue isn’t Islam, it’s ignorance; a problem found throughout the world.

As for Sharia, it isn’t ‘law,’ it’s religion; people are free to practice their religion but not incorporate it into secular law and governance.

Men can be frauds and often are.
Religion is only man's beliefs.
That can be fraudulent.
Actually, it makes no difference whether the West accepts or rejects muslims adherence to Sharia law.

It is an integral part of Islam; and that isn't going to change. :cool:

And that's great! keep that shit over there. Once you try to bring that shitty Sharia Law to America, that's your ass.

The point I'm making is about the chipping of humans that these so-called Holy men are so willing to accept.

Do you not realize that the chip is one aspect of the Mark of the Beast?
Actually, it makes no difference whether the West accepts or rejects muslims adherence to Sharia law.

It is an integral part of Islam; and that isn't going to change. :cool:

And that's great! keep that shit over there. Once you try to bring that shitty Sharia Law to America, that's your ass.

The point I'm making is about the chipping of humans that these so-called Holy men are so willing to accept.

Do you not realize that the chip is one aspect of the Mark of the Beast?

"Mark of the Beast" LMAO

When I was a child the church folks had already identified the "Mark of the Beast." It was the assignment of social security numbers. These are the folks who listened to preachers when they said TV antennas were the devil's horns.

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