Sheik Ahmad Al-Dweik in Al-Aqsa Mosque Address: The Caliphate Will Eliminate the West in Its Entiret

Sure, eliminate the West and then what?

Take up bowling perhaps?
Sure, eliminate the West and then what?

Take up bowling perhaps?

Actually I wondered if he gave a thought as to who would be able to contribute some of the food to feed the starving Muslims.
Sure, eliminate the West and then what?

Take up bowling perhaps?

Actually I wondered if he gave a thought as to who would be able to contribute some of the food to feed the starving Muslims.

I'm sure once he destroys the West all the starving people will just magically have all they need to eat.
These people remind me of the militias in the U.S.

They have 20 like minded people together and are practicing their 'military tactics' out in the woods and target shooting and slapping each other on the back as if they are ready to take on anyone. Then the 'anyone' shows up and they are brought back to reality.

Much like when the Iraqi military with its 'Repubulican Guard' were dug in and ready for the U.S. military in Desert Storm. Less than a week later they were all prisoners, dead, burning, or running for the hills.

These tiny fanatical nutjobs in the middle east will find out what real force is if we do ever have to send half a million troops over there with tanks, helos, jets, carriers and everything else we have again. They will get stomped into the sand before they can raise a weapon.

Only they like to pretend they are powerful, so they talk shite all the time. Like gang members that say they aren't afraid of the police until the police show up.
if you imagine that muslims themselves understand that "taking over spain" does not seem like a viable idea to sane people-----then ----you are less than sane
if you imagine that muslims themselves understand that "taking over spain" does not seem like a viable idea to sane people-----then ----you are less than sane

Give your mindless bigotry a rest.
if you imagine that muslims themselves understand that "taking over spain" does not seem like a viable idea to sane people-----then ----you are less than sane

Give your mindless bigotry a rest.

that which I state muslims commonly believe has absolutely nothing to do with bigotry------It is what muslims TOLD me they believe over the 40 years that I interacted closely with scores of educated adult muslims from muslim countries and engaged in candid conversation. I did not INVENT it------or learn it in some special training
place or interest group or exclusive "club". Muslims look upon ANDALUS ----as a very special MUSLIM ACCOMPLISHMENT----unfairly wrested from their possession and-----a place to be TAKEN BACK. In fact same can be said of the MOGHUL EMPIRE. If this stuff seems like MY invention to you------you could not
possibly understand the ERDOGAN phenomenon------or---even "isis" All of these
"programs" are very real. I would not know about it -----if muslims had not told me

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